Submissions from 2006
S06RS SGB No. 6 (Amend Bylaws), Hattaway
S06RS SGB No. 7 (Amend Bylaws), Bergeron
S06RS SGB No. 8 (Amend SG Const.), Hodge
S06RS SGB No. 9 (Amend RoO), Lynch
S06RS SGR No. 10 (Student on BOS), Robertson, Remson, Lynch, Alsfeld, Carpenter, and Bergeron
S06RS SGR No. 11 (Marriage), Hodge and S Moore
S06RS SGR No. 12 (Student Rep), Dubois
S06RS SGR No. 13 (Iran Resolution), Hattaway
S06RS SGR No. 15 (Cynthia Dubois), Hattaway and Bergeron
S06RS SGR No. 16 (Andrew Dunkelman), Hattaway
S06RS SGR No. 18 (ITS), Hattaway
S06RS SGR No. 21 (House Bill 910), Chatelain
S06RS SGR No. 24 (Men's Basketball), Bergeron, Lynch, Athmann, and Anderson
S06RS SGR No. 25 (Lady's Basketball), Remson, Lynch, Athmann, and Anderson
S06RS SGR No. 26 (TOPS Loan), Athmann
S06RS SGR No. 3 (Equal Opportunity), Hodge
S06RS SGR No. 4 (Football Fee), Robertson and Hodge
S06RS SGR No. 7 (Metro Council), Bergeron, Remson, Govan, Chatelain, Dicharry, Hodge, and Sita
S06RS SGR No. 8 (System President), Hodge, Alsfeld, Athmann, Bergeron, Busada, Bussard, Buttross, Cantrell, Carpenter, Dardenne, et al.
S06RS SGR No. 9 (ITS Res College), Lynch
The structure of the carboxyltransferase component of acetyl-CoA carboxylase reveals a zinc-binding motif unique to the bacterial enzyme, Patrick Bilder, Sandra Lightle, Graeme Bainbridge, Jeffrey Ohren, Barry Finzel, Fang Sun, Susan Holley, Loola Al-Kassim, Cindy Spessard, Michael Melnick, et al.
[Delta] IDDQ testing of a CMOS 12-bit charge scaling digital-to-analog converter, Kalyan Madhav Golla
Principles and evaluation of autostereoscopic photogrammetric measurement, Jie Shan, Chiung Shiuan Fu, Bin Li, James Bethel, Jeffrey Kretsch, and Edward Mikhail
Submissions from 2005
Insights from the X-ray crystal structure of coral 8R-lipoxygenase: calcium activation via a C2-like domain and a structural basis of product chirality, Michael L. Oldham, Alan R. Brash, and Marcia E. Newcomer
F05RS SGB No. 10 (Pi Sigma), Landry
F05RS SGB No. 12 (MBAA Flores Houston), Hagenberg
F05RS SGB No. 13 (C4-H), Bergeron
F05RS SGB No. 15 (RoO), Breaux and Melancon
F05RS SGB No. 1 (Election Code Campaigning), Staples
F05RS SGB No. 2 (Election Code), S. Moore
F05RS SGB No. 6 (Reconsideration Bill), Bergeron
F05RS SGR No. 3 (CCCC), Bergeron, Dupre, Hays, and Labeuf
F05RS SGR No. 6 (Flag), Cohen, Virgadamo, J. Moore, and Dupre
Fo5RS SGB No. 5 (Ag Ball), Dubois and Rome
F05RS SGB No. 3 (Election Code Petitions), S. Moore
F05RS SGB No. 4 (Election Code Misc.), S. Moore
F05RS SGB No. 7 (Staff Bill), Bergeron
F05RS SGB No. 8 (Full Time Students), Staples
S05RS SGB No. 10 (Circle K), Nunes
S05RS SGB No. 1 (RoO), B. Anderson, Melancon, Carpenter, A. Johnson, and LoBianco
S05RS SGB No. 2 (Eco/Ag), Greensage
S05RS SGB No. 3 (Powerlifting), Wright
S05RS SGB No. 5 (ASB), Smith, Nunes, and Staples
S05RS SGB No. 6 (NSSLHA), Melancon
S05RS SGB No. 7 (Election Code), Carpenter, M. Anderson, LoBianco, Melancon, and Staples
S05RS SGB No. 8 (Ag Bus), Dubois
S05RS SGB No. 9 (Kiswhali), Melancon
S05RS SGR No. 1 (O'Keefe), LoBianco and Smith
S05RS SGR No. 2 (Miles), LoBianco
S05RS SGR No. 4 (Res Life), Smith and Jenson
S05RS SGR No. 5 (GradTRAK), Smith, B. Anderson, and Caire
S05RS SGR No. 6 (Disability), Smith, Jenson, and J. Moore
S05RS SGR No. 8 (DC), Senate
S05RS SGR No. 9 (Williams), LoBianco, Jenson, and Butler
A pore-scale investigation of a multiphase porous media system, Riyadh I. Al-Raoush, Clinton S. Willson, Marlene K. Wolfe, Aaron Bivins, Kyle Bibby, Andrea I. Silverman, and Sandra L. McLellan
Greenwashing: visual communication and political influence in environmental policy, Eric Jeffrey Jenner
Submissions from 2004
F04RS SGB No. 1 (Budget), Jones
F04RS SGR No. 10 (Holden), Smith
F04RS SGR No. 11 (Reid), LoBianco, Odinet, and Dubois
F04RS SGR No. 12 (projectGeaux), Smith and LoBianco
Structure of fosfomycin resistance protein FosA from transposon Tn2921, Svetlana Pakhomova, Chris L. Rife, Richard N. Armstrong, and Marcia E. Newcomer
Structure of fosfomycin resistance protein FosA from transposon Tn2921, Svetlana Pakhomova, Chris L. Rife, Richard N. Armstrong, and Marcia E. Newcomer
S04RS SGB No. 19 (Author's Rights), Hattaway and Dearmon
S04RS SGB No. 20 (RoO), Hattaway
S04RS SGB No. 21 (Election Code), Hattaway and Odinet
S04RS SGB no. 24 (Phi Mu Alpha), Drake
S04RS SGB No. 26 (NATCO), Duhon
S04RS SGB No. 28 (Engr Council), Humphreys and Griggs
S04RS SGB No. 29 (Circle K), LoBianco and Gipson
S04RS SGB No. 30 (RoO), LoBianco and Bergeron
S04RS SGB No. 32 (Africa Initiative), Gipson, Billeadeau, Thomas, Staples, Glass, Odinet, and Badon
Crystal structure of the ancient, Fe-S scaffold IscA reveals a novel protein fold, Patrick W. Bilder, Huangen Ding, and Marcia E. Newcomer
A performer's guide to Virgil Thomson's Five Songs from William Blake, Andrew David Whitfield
Entry-level job skills needed by wildlife management professionals, Billy Warren DeLany, Jr.
Submissions from 2003
F02RS SGR No. 5 (AACC), Fisher, Gipson, and Calvin
F02RS SGR No. 6 (Stelly Plan), Busada, Cotton, and Gibson
F02RS SGR No. 7 (Emmerit), Busada and Dampier
F03RS SGB No. 12 (Paintball), Buller
F03RS SGB No. 14 (SFOC), Staples and Griggs
F03RS SGB No. 15 (Election Code), Hattaway and Hebert
F03RS SGB No. 17 (Election Code), Hattaway and Hebert
F03RS SGB No. 18 (Election Code), Griggs and Hebert
F03RS SGB No. 2 (Amend Bylaws), Chasse and Hebert
F03RS SGB No. 30 (Honor Roll), Bergeron, Juves, and LoBianco
F03RS SGB No. 6 (PSE Funds), Widener
F03RS SGB No. 8 (Amend Constitution), Hattaway and Watson
F03RS SGB No. 9 (Model UN), Bowlin
F03RS SGR No. 10 (Mitch Landrieu), Busada and Billeaudeau
F03RS SGR No. 2 (Res Life), Chassee and Hebert
F03RS SGR No. 4 (JPW), Hattaway, J. Buller, and Penzato
F03RS SGR No. 5 (KJL), Hattaway, Strickland, J. Buller, and Lagarde
F03RS SGR No. 6 (Greek Housing), Hattaway, Strickland, Staples, Serra, and Billeaudeau
F03RS SGR No. 7 (CJD), Bradshaw and Hattaway
F03RS SGR No. 8 (Textbooks), Staples, Duhon, Toups, and Hattaway
F03RS SGR No. 9 (Blanco), Busada and Billeaudeau
S03RS SGB No. 17 (Business CC), Wesley
S03RS SGB No. 32 (Election Code Committee), Gieg, Nolen, and Wells
S03RS SGR No. 14 (Online Voting), Dampier
S03RS SGR No. 2 (U Services), Winters, Hebert, and Fisher
Submissions from 2002
F02RS SGB No. 10 (Block & Bridle), Heltz and Busada