Submissions from 2011
F11RS SGR No. 11 (LGBT Month), O'Pry and Hebert
F11RS SGR No. 12 (Official Clickers), Sullivan, Martin, and Glorioso
F11RS SGR No. 13 (Fee Bill), Grishman and Bostick
F11RS SGR No. 15 (Drop Confirmation), Lirette and Swinburn
F11RS SGR No. 16 (Class Times), Westbrook and Caffarel
F11RS SGR No. 17 (Pelican Promise), Beadle
F11RS SGR No. 18 (Temp Disabled), Beadle
F11RS SGR No. 19 (TigerCASH Expansion), Caffarel, Grishman, and Martin
F11RS SGR No. 1 (Class Retake), Sullivan
F11RS SGR No. 20 (Article Deadline Reminder), Sullivan
F11RS SGR No. 21 (Online Consent Form), Mills, Belou, and Sullivan
F11RS SGR No. 22 (Commitment to Community), Loga
F11RS SGR No. 23 (Bike Commuter), Wyatt, Trout, and O'Pry
F11RS SGR No. 25 (UREC Fee Recommendation), Caffarel and Bostick
F11RS SGR No. 27 (Plus Minus Grading System), Sullivan and Loga
F11RS SGR No. 29 (Sidewalks), Landry, Baudoin, Hammett, and Sullivan
F11RS SGR No. 2 (Foreign Lang), Caffarel
F11RS SGR No. 31 (E. Boyd Sidewalks), Landry, Baudoin, Hammett, and Sullivan
F11RS SGR No. 33 (Veteran Recognition), Glorioso
F11RS SGR No. 3 (Merger), Beadle
F11RS SGR No. 5 (Meal Transfer), Westbrook
F11RS SGR No. 6 (Tiger Cash Kiosk), Martin and Loga
F11RS SGR No. 7 (Online Scheduling), Sullivan
F11RS SGR No. 8 (Class Technology), Hebert and West
F11RS SGR No. 9 (Composting), Wyatt, Trout, and O'Pry
Projecting climate change effects on forest net primary productivity in subtropical Louisiana, USA, Fugui Wang, Y. Jun Xu, and Thomas J. Dean
F10RS SGB No. 1 (Election Code), Bonvillain, Alexander, Elmore, B Jones, D Jones, Lemoine, Vaughn, and Wells
F10RS SGB No. 2 (Finance Bills), Caffarel
F10RS SGB No. 3 (Bylaws), Bonvillain, B Jones, D Jones, Lemoine, and Wells
F10RS SGB No. 4 (SO Events), Elmore, Lockwood, and Baudoin
F10RS SGB No. 6 (CCC), Landry, Terracciano, and Eveland
F10RS SGB No. 7 (CC Bylaws), Landry and Terracciano
S11RS SGB No. 12 (CSD), Jefcoat and Ehrhardt
S11RS SGB No. 13 (Initiatives Account), Caffarel and Bonvillain
S11RS SGB No. 1 (ROC), Pace, Alexander, and Bonvillain
S11RS SGB No. 4 (CESPF), Caffarel and Loga
S11RS SGB No. 5 (Finance Bylaws), Kelly, Nipper, Simon, Wells, Guillory, Caffarel, and Bonvillain
S11RS SGB No. 6 (PSIF Bylaws), Sullivan
S11RS SGB No. 7 (SG Rules), Sellers and Caffarel
S11RS SGB No. 8 (Caucuses), Hebert, Harding, Loga, and Voss
S11RS SGB No. 9 (Finance Bill Form), Caffarel, Vaughn, and Wells
S11RS SGFB No. 10 (Vet, SAVMA), Nipper, Scott, and Abshire
S11RS SGFB No. 12 (Students for Life), Baudoin and Nipper
S11RS SGFB No. 13 (ROTC Military Ball), Kelly
S11RS SGFB No. 14 (Hollins), Hebert
S11RS SGFB No. 15 (LSU Wake), Guinn
S11RS SGFB No. 2 (Up 'til Dawn), Lemoine and Bonvillain
S11RS SGFB No. 3 (CCELL), B Jones and Westbrook
S11RS SGFB No. 7 (Pref-Vet), Nipper
S11RS SGFB No. 8 (Grad Symposium), Trout, Toumbeva, Marks, Hebert, and Hills
S11RS SGR No. 10 (Thanksgiving Break), Westbrook and Voss
S11RS SGR No. 14 (CHIA), Breaud and Guidd
S11RS SGR No. 15 (CBT), Sullivan, Westbrook, David, Scalco, Trout, and Beadle
S11RS SGR No. 18 (Merger Clarification), Caffarel, Abshire, Ardoin, Beadle, Bourg, David, Duckett, Gist, Guillory, Hebert, et al.
S11RS SGR No. 19 (Groovin' on the Grounds), Lemoine, Lockwood, Landry, Beadle, Pace, Kelly, Harding, Bourg, Soileau, and Caffarel
S11RS SGR No. 1 (Scholarship Committee), Abshire and Bonvillain
S11RS SGR No.20 (TigerCash Kiosks), Loga, Sellers, Taylor, and Bonvillain
S11RS SGR No. 21 (Flagship Coalition 2), Caffarel, Landry, Lemoine, and Loga
S11RS SGR No. 22 (Campus Transit), Caffarel, Kelly, Robison, Sullivan, and Westbrook
S11RS SGR No. 23 (Tureaud), Hebert and Harding
S11RS SGR No. 25 (PARC), Bonvillain and Caffarel
S11RS SGR No. 26 (Smoking), Pace
S11RS SGR No. 2 (Purple Game), Beadle and Voss
S11RS SGR No. 3 (Org Fair), Kelly
S11RS SGR No. 4 (Finance Reformation), Wells, Abshire, Alexander, Ardoin, Baudoin, Beadle, Bourg, Breaud, David, Derenbecker, et al.
S11RS SGR No. 6 (SCOC Comm), Lockwood, Robison, and Caffarel
S11RS SGR No. 7 (Tiger Girls & GG), Harding
S11RS SGR No. 8 (Gender), Taylor, Hill, Voss, Lockwood, Kelly, Alexander, Wedig, Vaughn, Gist, Duckett, et al.
S11RS SGR No. 9 (Priority Points), Loga and Beadle
Affect corpus 2.0: An extension of a corpus for actor level emotion magnitude detection, Ricardo A. Calix and Gerald M. Knapp
Loop quantum cosmology: A brief introduction, Parampreet Singh
Submissions from 2010
Design and deployment of a four-degrees-of-freedom hovering autonomous underwater vehicle for sub-ice exploration and mapping, W. Stone, B. Hogan, C. Flesher, S. Gulati, K. Richmond, A. Murarka, G. Kuhlman, M. Sridharan, V. Siegel, R. M. Price, et al.
F10RS SGB No. 10 (Election Code 3), Caffarel and Bonvillain
F10RS SGB No. 8 (Budget), Terracciano
F10RS SGB No. 9 (Election Code 2), Caffarel and Bonvillain
F10RS SGFB No. 1 (Barthel), Hansen, Widenski, Phelan, Apodaca, Hebert, and Xuan Luo
F10RS SGFB No. 3 (Service Learning), Jones
F10RS SGR No. 1 (Community Colleges), Jones, Jones, Lemoine, Arcana, and Wells
F10RS SGR No. 2 (Drop Date), Jones and Westbrook
F10RS SGR No. 3 (Nutritional Statistics), Sullivan and Caffarel
F10RS SGR No. 4 (Regalia), Jones, Westbrook, Baudoin, and Alexander
F10RS SGR No. 5 (Athletic Dept), Lemoine, Simon, Abshire, Derenbecker, Clark, Chiang, Zeringue, Kelly, Lane, and Harding
F10RS SGR No. 6 (Parking Meters), Jefcoat and Ardoin
F10RS SGR No. 7 (Dead Week), Sullivan and Caffarel
SGFB No. 2 (Phelan and Hebert), Hansen, Hebert, Apodoca, and Trout
Comments and Reply on: "Study of multi-muon events produced in pp̄ interactions at √s = 1.96 TeV"; T. Aaltonen et al. (The CDF collaboration), Siegfried Bethke, T. Aaltonen, J. Adelman, B. Álvarez González, S. Amerio, D. Amidei, A. Anastassov, J. Antos, G. Apollinari, A. Apresyan, et al.
F09RS SGB No. 1 (Realignment of Committees), Martin, Bonvillain, Gammon, Palermo, Prestridge, and Sellers
F09RS SGB No. 3 (Rules of Court), Prestridge
F09RS SGB No. 4 (Secretary Duties), Mullen and Gammon
S10RS SGB No. 10 (CCELL), Bourgeois and Caffarel
S10RS SGB No. 11 (Komma), Landry
S10RS SGB No. 12 (Rule 6.3), Palermo
S10RS SGB No. 16 (Palermo), Palermo
S10RS SGB No. 18 (RoC), Clark
S10RS SGB No. 19 (Code of Conduct), Martin and Prestridge
S10RS SGB No. 1 (Kitchen Project), Palermo and Compagno
S10RS SGB No. 22 (Joint Committee Mtgs), Palermo and Martin
S10RS SGB No. 24 (Impeachment Silent Ballot), Palermo and Clark
S10RS SGB No. 26 (Org Session Bylaws), Clark and Prestridge
S10RS SGB No. 2 (Bicycle Bill), Jones