Submissions from 2008
F08RS SGB No. 5 (Budget), Palermo, Sellers, and Bonvillain
F08RS SGB No. 6 (Women), Sellers
F08RS SGB No. 7 (Bylaws), Prestridge
F08RS SGB No. 8 (Bylaws), Palermo, Gammon, and Spell
F08RS SGB No. 9 (Veto Session), Jackson
F08RS SGR No. 10 (UREC Fee Increase), Hart
F08RS SGR No. 2 (Saturday Classes), Bonvillain, Wishik, and Eason
F08RS SGR No. 4 (Parking Meters), Palermo, Chandler, and Safron
F08RS SGR No. 6 (Student Initiatives), Upton, Sellers, and Prestridge
F08RS SGR No. 9 (SHC Fee Increase), Hart
F07RS SGB No. 11 (Lamotte), Jackson
S08RS SGB No. 10 (SIFE), O'Malley and Greene
S08RS SGB No. 11 (SIFE), O'Malley and Greene
S08RS SGB No. 12 (SIFE), O'Malley and Greene
S08RS SGB No. 13 (SIFE), O'Malley and Greene
S08RS SGB No. 14 (SIFE), O'Malley and Greene
S08RS SGB No. 15 (SIFE), O'Malley and Greene
S08RS SGB No. 16 (SIFE), O'Malley and Greene
S08RS SGB No. 17 (SIFE), O'Malley and Greene
S08RS SGB No. 19 (SIFE), O'Malley and Greene
S08RS SGB No. 1 (L Book Bill), Davis
S08RS SGB No. 20 (CCT BWBC), Guidry
S08RS SGB No. 4 (Bylaws), Palermo
S08RS SGB No. 5 (Fashion Show), Jackson, Sellers, Rogers, and Juneja
S08RS SGB No. 6 (CCELL), Sellers
S08RS SGB No. 7 (CADGIS), Sellers
S08RS SGB No. 8 (Career Expo), Sellers
S08RS SGB No. 9 (CAS Tutors), Sellers and Blanco
S08RS SGR No. 10 (Auburn Burk Condolences), Remson
S08RS SGR No. 11 (Hokie Day), Remson
S08RS SGR No. 12 (NC Chapel Hill Condolences), Remson
S08RS SGR No. 14 (Spring Break), Palermo, Gammon, and Hanna
S08RS SGR No. 16 (Voter Registration), Prestridge, Gammon, Blanco, Canseco, and Oaks
S08RS SGR No 18 (Tobacco Age), Gammon, Sellers, Blanco, and Foley
S08RS SGR No. 1 (Union Bill), Jackson
S08RS SGR No. 22 (Cypress Mulch), Boyd and Graham
S08RS SGR No. 24 (W Policy Committee, Bryant, Remson, Hanna, and Palermo
S08RS SGR No. 26 (Eco Friendly), Palermo and Edwards
S08RS SGR No. 28 (ProGuns), Boyd and Graham
S08RS SGR No. 2 (Champions), Remson
S08RS SGR No. 3 (TACRC), Palermo
S08RS SGR No. 4 (Roommate Matching), Palermo
S08RS SGR No. 5 (Guest Tickets), Jackson
S08RS SGR No. 6 (Northern Illinois Shootings), Remson and Homan
S08RS SGR No. 7 (Butler Graves Condolences), Remson and Homan
S09RS SGR No. 13 (Academic Calendar), Palermo, Gammon, and Hanna
Submissions from 2007
Synchrotron powder X-ray diffractometer beamline at J. Bennett Johnston, Sr., Center for Advanced Microstructures and Devices, Russell Louis, Christopher Bianchetti, Amitava Roy, Gregory Merchan, Kevin Morris, and Ronnel Jiles
Synchrotron powder X-ray diffractometer beamline at J. Bennett Johnston, Sr., Center for Advanced Microstructures and Devices, Russell Louis, Christopher Bianchetti, Amitava Roy, Gregory Merchan, Kevin Morris, and Ronnel Jiles
F07RS SGB No. 10 (ASLHA Convention), Jackson
F07RS SGB No. 14 (Election Code), Prestridge, Clark, Jackson, Palermo, and Lopreore
F07RS SGB No. 15 (Anthropology Society), Delery
F07RS SGB No. 17 (Debate Team), Cummings
F07RS SGB No. 18 (Iowa Pres Caucuses - Peterson), Prestridge
F07RS SGB No. 19 (Iowa Pres Caucuses - Payne), Prestridge
F07RS SGB No. 1 (Senator Duties), Lopreore and Gremillion
F07RS SGB No. 20 (Iowa Pres Caucuses - Cazayoux), Prestridge
F07RS SGB No. 21 (Iowa Pres Caucuses - Collura), Prestridge
F07RS SGB No. 22 (Iowa Pres Caucuses - Cooper), Prestridge
F07RS SGB No. 23 (Iowa Pres Caucuses - Fowler), Prestridge
F07RS SGB No. 24 (Iowa Pres Caucuses - Harang), Prestridge
F07RS SGB No. 25 (Iowa Pres Caucuses - Mayhall), Prestridge
F07RS SGB No. 26 (Iowa Pres Caucuses - McAllister), Prestridge
F07RS SGB No. 27 (Iowa Pres Caucuses - McLuer), Prestridge
F07RS SGB No. 28 (Iowa Pres Caucuses - Mims), Prestridge
F07RS SGB No. 29 (Iowa Pres Caucuses - Schott), Prestridge
F07RS SGB No. 2 (SG Surplus), Chenevert
F07RS SGB No. 30 (Iowa Pres Caucuses - Skinner), Prestridge
F07RS SGB No. 31 (Iowa Pres Caucuses - Woodard), Prestridge
F07RS SGB No. 32 (Iowa Pres Caucuses - Weiner), Prestridge
F07RS SGB No. 3 (Rules of Order), Jackson and Clark
F07RS SGB No. 4 (Corporate Sponsorship Account), Iseral and Cohen
F07RS SGB No. 5 (Budget), O'Malley and Tecce
F07RS SGB No. 7 (Committee Meetings), Clark, Remson, and Sita
F07RS SGB No. 8 (Election Code Revision Committee), Prestridge
F07RS SGR No. 10 (Students Bill of Rights), Breaux, Palermo, Killibrew, Prestridge, and Stuart
F07RS SGR No. 11 (Academic Advisors), Cortina and LeBlanc
F07RS SGR No. 12 (Bus Signs), Killebrew
F07RS SGR No. 14 (One Baton Rouge), Jackson, Guidry, Blanco, and Brinks
F07RS SGR No. 15 (Guest Ticket Policy), Robertson
F07RS SGR No. 16 (Bus Task Force), Remson and Clark
F07RS SGR No. 17 (Oh-We-Oh), Avery and Allen
F07RS SGR No. 18 (Priority Points), Remson, Clark, and Raeuchle
F07RS SGR No. 19 (Mary James), Robertson and Remson
F07RS SGR No. 1 (Commend ITS), Sita and Palermo
F07RS SGR No. 2 (Mike VI, Dr. Baker), Gremillion and Hanna
F07RS SGR No. 3 (Taylor Hall Maps), Jackson and Iseral
F07RS SGR No. 4 (Commend Jenkins), Jackson
F07RS SGR No. 5 (Commend Adams/VT Relief), Remson
F07RS SGR No. 6 (Academic Calendar), Palermo
F07RS SGR No. 7 (Free Printing Quota), Sita, Palermo, and Remson
F07RS SGR No. 9 (Bike Quad Signs), Hanna, Remson, and Call
The Magruder plots: Untangling the puzzle, Kefyalew Girma, Starr L. Holtz, Daryl B. Arnall, Brenda S. Tubaña, and William R. Raun
Thermal fluctuations in loop cosmology, João Magueijo and Parampreet Singh
F07RS SGB No. 12 (Laporte), Jackson
F07RS SGB No. 13 (Ourso), Jackson
S07RS SGB No. 10 (Students for Reform), Barber
S07RS SGB No. 12 (BSU), Quirett
S07RS SGB No. 13 (Math), Cohen
S07RS SGB No. 14 (Monday Funday), Breaux
S07RS SGB No. 15 (Habitat), Remson