Submissions from 2024
Hydrodynamic simulations of white dwarf-white dwarf mergers and the origin of R Coronae Borealis stars, Sagiv Shiber, Orsola De Marco, Patrick M. Motl, Bradley Munson, Dominic C. Marcello, Juhan Frank, Patrick Diehl, Geoffrey C. Clayton, Bennett N. Skinner, Hartmut Kaiser, et al.
Submissions from 2023
Developing regional soil micronutrient management strategies through ensemble learning based digital soil mapping, Shubhadip Dasgupta, Santonu Debnath, Ayan Das, Asim Biswas, David C. Weindorf, Bin Li, Arvind Kumar Shukla, Shreya Das, Sushanta Saha, and Somsubhra Chakraborty
S23RS SGB 6 (Civics Committee), Lailah Williams, Emma Long, and Alex Foret
S23RS SGB No. 11 (Codifying SO Points), Elizabeth Laurent, Chelsea Chisolm, Gabby Fontenot, Paradise Kellem, and Lailah Williams
S23RS SGB No. 12 (SO Point Specified), Elizabeth Laurent, Chelsea Chisolm, Gabby Fontenot, Paradise Kellem, and Lailah Williams
S23RS SGB No. 13 (Clarification of Ties), Gabby Boodhoo, Alicia Cerquone, and Colin Raby
S23RS SGB No. 1 (Exec Dept Name Change), Emma Bruney
S23RS SGB No. 4 (Budget), Colin Raby
S23RS SGB No. 5 (First and Second Reading), Colin Raby
S23RS SGB No. 7 (Exec Dept Name Change), Colin Raby and Lailah Williams
S23RS SGB No. 8 (Committee Report), Alicia Cerquone and Colin Raby
S23RS SGCR's No. 1-30, Harris Quadir
S23RS SGFB No. 10, Harris Quadir
S23RS SGFB No. 11 (Nightcaps), Terry Geraldsen and Harris Quadir
S23RS SGFB No. 12 (SG Banquet), Harris Quadir
S23RS SGFB No. 14 (Gear 2 Geaux), Harris Quadir
S23RS SGFB No. 15, Harris Quadir
S23RS SGFB No. 17 (ICC Shelving), Lailah Williams, Emma Long, Hamood Qureshi, Brett Robertson, and Mallory Urban
S23RS SGFB No. 2 (Res Life), Rami Abdalla and Saad Tanveer
S23RS SGFB No. 3 (Geaux with the Flow), Emma Long, Lily Small, and Emma Turner
S23RS SGFB No. 4 (Clickers), Harris Quadir
S23RS SGFB No. 5 (Iftar Event), Saad Tanveer, Rami Abdalla, and Harris Quadir
S23RS SGFB No. 6, Hamood Qureshi
S23RS SGFB No. 7 (Stationary Bikes), Kelsey Womack and Brett Robertson
S23RS SGFB No. 8 (Feminine Hygiene Disposal Bins), Emma Long and Lily Small
S23RS SGFB No. 9 (Promise Scholars), Elizabeth Laurent
S23RS SGR No. 10 (Encourage Faculty Senate Resolution), Calvin Feldt and Samantha Staggs
S23RS SGR No. 11 (Additional Students to Faculty Senate Committees), John Sweat, Calvin Feldt, Emma Long, and Lailah Williams
S23RS SGR No. 12 (Congratulations to LSU Women's Basketball), Jahi Palmer, Amelie Chadwich, Lavar Henderson, and Kyah Matthews
S23RS SGR No. 14 (Inclusive Dinning Options on Website), Lavar Henderson and Taylor Jarrell
S23RS SGR No. 16 (TurboVote), Lailah Williams and Emma Long
S23RS SGR No. 18 (ODS Priority Scheduling), Brett Robertson
S23RS SGR No. 19 (Construction Communication), Tabari Bowser, Cloe Edwards, and Elizabeth Laurent
S23RS SGR No. 20 (ADA Plan), Cloe Edwards, Tabari Bowser, and Elizabeth Laurent
S23RS SGR No. 21 (Audubon Property Damage), Elizabeth Laurent, Tabari Bowser, and Cloe Edwards
S23RS SGR No. 22, Gabby Boodhoo, Alicia Cerquone, Prakash Dangal, Terry Geraldsen, Cullen Hodges, Lauren Wise, and Jocelyn Wood
S23RS SGR No. 23, Noah Waguespack
S23RS SGR No. 24, Samantha Staggs
S23RS SGR No. 25, Anna Jackson and Zachary Broussard
S23RS SGR No. 2 (Faculty Senate), Hamood Qureshi, Sadie Forbes, Calvin Feldt, Terry Geraldsen, Gabby Farrar, Harris Quadir, Justin Butler, Gabby Fontenot, Cullen Hodges, Gabby Boodhoo, et al.
S23RS SGR No. 6 (Support of Florida Academia), Lailah Williams, Chloe Berry, Lillie Bourgeois, Corbitt Driskell, An Tra, and Holden White
S23RS SGR No. 8 (Minimum Wage), Alicia Cerquone, Emma Bruney, Copper Ferguson, and Gabby Boodhoo
Submissions from 2022
F22RS SGB No. 11 (CCELL), Angel Puder
F22RS SGB No. 12 (Absence Policy), Angel Puder and Emma Bruney
F22RS SGB No. 13 (Vacancy Policy), Olivia Devall
F22RS SGB No. 14 (CC Vacancy Policy), Olivia Devall
F22RS SGB No. 15, Colin Raby
F22RS SGB No. 16 (Lead Author's Rights), Colin Raby, Cooper Ferguson, and Landon Zeringue
F22RS SGB No. 17 (MEGSA Website), Colin Raby, Adam Dohrenwend, and Terry Geraldsen
F22RS SGB No. 18 (Bike Repair Stations), Colin Raby and Nicole Monceaux
F22RS SGB No. 19 (Creative Crosswalk), Trevor Cupit
F22RS SGB No. 20 (Silver Wings Transportation), Colin Raby
F22RS SGB No. 21 (Personal Safety Alarms), Emma Champagne
F22RS SGB No. 22 (Various Fruit Trees), Landon Zeringue
F22RS SGB No. 23 (Exec Code of Conduct), Devin Meche
F22RS SGB No. 25 (Amend Election Code), Olivia Devall
F22RS SGB No. 26 (Election Code Amendment), Olivia Devall
F22RS SGB No. 3 (Summer Funding), Colin Raby
F22RS SGB No. 4 (Open Meeting Law), Olivia Devall
F22RS SGB No. 5 (Freedom Funding), Colin Raby
F22RS SGB No. 6 (Biodegradable Confetti), Landon Zeringue and Hamood Qureshi
F22RS SGB No. 7 (Annual Budget), Colin Raby
F22RS SGB No. 8 (Illegal Recruiting), Cooper Ferguson
F22RS SGCR 53 (SG Fee Referendum), Cooper Ferguson and Jack Griswold
F22RS SGCR No. 2-7, 10-49, 51-85 (Appointments and Vacancies), Olivia Devall
F22RS SGCR No. 55 (Student Media Fee), Adam Dohrenwend, Cooper Ferguson, Jack Griswold, Mavi Pace, and Angel Puder
F22RS SGR 11 (Congratulate Jacob Brumfield), Landon Zeringue, Cooper Ferguson, Colin Raby, and John Sweat
F22RS SGR 4 (Congratulate RHA), Landon Zeringue and John Sweat
F22RS SGR 5 (Establishment of Graduate Healthcare Committee), Adam Dohrenwend, Gabriella Boodhoo, Alicia Cerquone, Leah Clendaniel, Blessing Egbejiogu, Terry Geraldsen, Ritu Ghose, Cullen Hodges, Natalie Kaczynski, and Soheil Kafiliveyjuyeh
F22RS SGR 6 (Provost List - Dean's List for LSU Online), Emma Long, Justin Butler, Gabby Farrar, Calvin Feldt, Elizabeth Laurent, Nicole Nguyen, Hamood Qureshi, and Dhriti Shastri
F22RS SGR 8 (Building Renaming Committee), Cooper Ferguson and Adam Dohrenwend
F22RS SGR 9 (Virtual TigerCard), Amelie Chadwick, Chelsea Chisolm, Jack Griswold, Jahi Palmer, Mason Pfeffer, and Hamood Qureshi
F22RS SGR No. 10 (More Graduate Thesis Editors), Adam Dohrenwend, Gabriella Boodhoo, Alicia Cerquone, Leah Clendaniel, Blessing Egbejiogu, Terry Geraldsen, Ritu Ghose, Cullen Hodges, Natalie Kaczynski, and Soheil Kafiliveyjuyeh
F22RS SGR No. 13 (Electric Vehicle Charging), Alicia Cerquone
F22RS SGR No. 14 (Congrats Rehm), Emma Bruney
F22RS SGR No. 1 (Allen Hall Murals), Nicole Monceaux, Cooper Ferguson, and Ryan Reed
F22RS SGR No. 2 (Prime Time Class Scheduling), Cooper Ferguson, Emma Long, Calvin Feldt, and Elizabeth Laurent
S22RS SGB No. 2 (Standing Committee), Taylor Perrodin and Trevor Cupit
S22RS SGB No. 3 (New Business deadline), Taylor Perrodin
S22RS SGR No. 13 (Syllabus Database), Samantha Staggs, Jace Canafax, Hunter Holliday, Lyric Mandell, Nicole Nguyen, and Hamood Qureshi
S22RS SGR No. 15 (Mental Health Professionals), Saachi Chugh
S22RS SGR No. 16 (Group Billing), Angel Puder, Amelie Chadwick, Karrisa Chen, Matthew Delatte, Adam Dohrenwend, Jahi Palmer-Davis, Gigi Powers, Zadian Rolland, and Michael Wilcher
S22RS SGR No. 17 (Letterman Jacket), Lyric Mandell and Andrew Hardee
S22RS SGR No. 19 (Union Lot), Devin Meche and Harris Quadir
S22RS SGR No. 1 (Dead week), Samantha Staggs, Jace Canafax, Hunter Holliday, Lyric Mandell, Miles McLendon, James Moore, Nicole Nguyen, Vivian Nguyen, Taren Powell-Brown, Hamood Qureshi, et al.
S22RS SGR No. 23 (HB 183), Colin Raby, Harris Quadir, and Angel Puder
S22RS SGR No. 24 (Carceral Labor), Adam Dohrenwend, Cooper Ferguson, Angel Puder, Harris Quadir, Hamood Qureshi, Colin Raby, Daniela Sestich, Michael Wilcher, and Landon Zeringue
S22RS SGR No. 25 (SCR 6), Adam Dohrenwend and Lyric Mandell
S22RS SGR No. 26 (Divestment), Lyric Mandell, Harris Quadir, and Cooper Ferguson
S22RS SGR No. 2 (Gambling), Harris Quadir and Adam Dohrenwend
S22RS SGR No. 3 (Sarah Temple), Harris Quadir
S22RS SGR No. 4 (Asynchronous), Samantha Staggs
S22RS SGR No. 5 (LSU Military Museum), Cooper Ferguson and Landon Zeringue
S22RS SGR No. 6 (Military Museum), Cooper Ferguson and Landon Zeringue
S22RS SGR No. 7 (Believing Day), Matthew Delatte and Angel Puder
S22RS SGR No. 9 (Front Yard Bikes), Harris Quadir
Analysis on Effective UAS Survey Conditions for Classification of Coastal Sediments, Hyesu Kim, Jaehyung Yu, Lei Wang, Chanhyeok Park, Hyuk Soo Han, and Seong-Geon Jang
Submissions from 2021
F21RS SGB No. 10 (Fall Fest), Harris Quadir
F21RS SGB No. 11 (Student Fee Advisory Committee), Adam Dohrenwend
F21RS SGB No. 15 (Trainings), Angel Puder