Submissions from 2017
S17RS SGFB No. 13 (Spring Greening 2017), Bailey Allmon
S17RS SGFB No. 14 (Coffee Sleeves), Sarah Perkins and John Fourcade
S17RS SGFB No. 16 (Water Bottle Filling Stations), Emma Castay and David Conroy
S17RS SGFB No. 17 (LSU CARE Remembrance Ceremony), Andrew Bell
S17RS SGFB No. 18 (Corps of Cadets Dinner Symposium), Johnathon Price and Lukas Dretzka
S17RS SGFB No. 19 (Black Graduates & Professional Student Banquet), Aeryel Williams
S17RS SGFB No. 1 (Sigma Tau Delta), Andrew Bell and Gabriel Chatelain
S17RS SGFB No. 20 (Frosted Decal Name Labels), Colleen Cecola and Phoebe Fortenberry
S17RS SGFB No. 21 (Calculators), Alexandra Powajbo and Lauren Scott
S17RS SGFB No. 23 (Tripods), Alexandra Powajbo and Lauren Scott
S17RS SGFB No. 4 (LSU Vet School to attend SAVMA), Alexandra Ford
S17RS SGFB No. 5 (LSU Dance Marathon's Big Event), Kevin Ellis
S17RS SGFB No. 6 (Relay for Life Event), Sheila Mallenahalli
S17RS SGFB No. 7 (Graduate Student Symposium), Wokil Bam, Jack Green, and Amanda Fontenot
S17RS SGFB No. 9 (LAQC), Amanda Fontenot and Madison McInnis
S17RS SGR No. 10 (Thanking Mental Health Week), Erica Borne
S17RS SGR No. 11 (5 Year Engineering Flowchart), Alexandra Powajbo and David Lawrence
S17RS SGR No. 13 (Discover Cards), Josh Nunez
S17RS SGR No. 14 (More Light Fixtures in Quad), Bailey Allmon
S17RS SGR No. 15 (Advertise LSU Shield App), Austin Grashoff
S17RS SGR No. 16 (UCAC Communication), Cassidy Riley and Madison McInnis
S17RS SGR No. 17 (Healthcare International Students), Maxwell Martin, Onyinye Ihedoro, Simron Thapa, Wokil Bam, and Jordan Landry
S17RS SGR No. 18 (International Student Policy), Maxwell Martin, Onyinye Ihedoro, Wokil Bam, Simron Thapa, and Jordan Landry
S17RS SGR No. 19 (BRPD & LSUPD), Nash Joyner
S17RS SGR No. 1 (Extended Hours of Magnolia Room), Sabrina Gallien
S17RS SGR No. 20 (Transportation & Sustainability Training Module), Cassidy Riley and Whitney Osburn
S17RS SGR No. 21 (LSU Mobile App), Austin Grashoff
S17RS SGR No. 2 (Reallocate Microwaves to College of Coast and Environment), Amanda Fontenot
S17RS SGR No. 3 (Repurpose Unused Plants Around Campus), Sarah Perkins
S17RS SGR No. 5 (SG Award for Outstanding Professor), Trey Belleu and James Mickler
S17RS SGR No. 6 (Response to Executive Order 1369), Jordan Landry and Maxwell Martin
S17RS SGR No. 7 (Staff Senate Liaison to Student Senate), Christina Black and John Fourcade
S17RS SGR No. 8 (Request OutTakes & Take5 Uniform Inventory), Austin Grashoff
S17RS SGR No. 9 (Interfaith Prayer and Meditation Room), James Mickler, Beth Carter, Gabriel Chatelain, Maxwell Martin, Whitney Osburn, Kelsey Sanders, and Kelsey Wheatley
Reach Back and Get It: Community Cultural Wealth, the P-20 Pipeline, and the History of Black Illiteracy, Dari Green
Submissions from 2016
Faculty Senate Newsletter, December 2016, Louisiana State University and Agricultural & Mechanical College
F16RS EO No. 1, Zack Faircloth
F16RS LO No. 1, Alex de Gravelle
F16RS SGB No. 1 (Budget), Jacob Phagan
F16RS SGB No. 2 (Graduate School Senate Seats), Jason Badeaux and Andrew Bell
F16RS SGB No. 3 (Amend SG Governing Documents), Ahmad El-Rachidi
F16RS SGB No. 5 (Amend PSIF Bylaws), Jacob Phagan
F16RS SGB No. 6 (Amend SG Bylaws), Jacob Phagan
F16RS SGB No. 7 (Amend College Council Constitution & Bylaws), Christina Black
F16RS SGFB No. 1 (Parking Forgiveness), Logan Duplessis and Chandler Clinkingbeard
F16RS SGFB No. 3 (Refrigerator and Freezer), Beth Carter and Alexandra Powajbo
F16RS SGFB No. 4 (Post-Game Contraflow Buses), David Hunt
F16RS SGFB No. 5 (Microwaves), Drake Wakefield
F16RS SGFB No. 6 (TigerCard Readers), David Hunt
F16RS SGFB No. 7 (Irrigation System), Cassidy Riley and Bret Chalpin
F16RS SGR No. 10 (5% Weight Grade Policy), Cassidy Riley and Ahmad El-Rachidi
F16RS SGR No. 11 (College of Ag Teach Academy), Logan Duplessis and Sheila Mallenahalli
F16RS SGR No. 12 (Mental Health Syllabi), Erica Borne, Akua Kumi, and Alexandra Powajbo
F16RS SGR No. 13 (Honor Max Conrad), Katherine Becquet
F16RS SGR No. 14 (Hours of Take5 & Outtakes), Austin Grashoff
F16RS SGR No. 17 (Work Order MyLSU), Akua Kumi and Bailey Allmon
F16RS SGR No. 19 (TigerCard Reader), Whitney Osburn and Emma Rabensteiner
F16RS SGR No. 1 (LSU Votes), Jason Badeaux
F16RS SGR No. 20 (Water Monsters), Joseph Impastato
F16RS SGR No. 22 (Enforce Proper Care for Pets), Jacob Phagan and Bailey Allmon
F16RS SGR No. 24 (Crosswalk Skip Bertman), Alexandra Ford
F16RS SGR No. 25 (Health Center Access TVs), Alexandra Ford and Bret Wagner
F16RS SGR No. 26 (Cooney's Clicker Committee Creation), Logan Cooney
F16RS SGR NO. 28 (Relevel East Fraternity Circle), Logan Duplessis
F16RS SGR No. 29 (Honor Mike VI), David Lawrence
F16RS SGR No. 2 (Concentrated Study Period), James Mickler and Joseph Impastato
F16RS SGR No. 30 (Thank Silver Wings), Drake Wakefield
F16RS SGR No. 31 (School Holiday on Election Day), Maxwell Martin
F16RS SGR No. 3 (Brian Nichols), Jason Badeaux
F16RS SGR No. 5 (Graduate Student Stipends), Andrew Bell and Ahmad El-Rachidi
F16RS SGR No. 6 (Commend Dr. Daly), Christina Black
F16RS SGR No. 7 (Off-Campus Housing), Jason Badeaux and Beth Carter
F16RS SGR No. 8 (Commend Les Miles), Maxwell Martin
F16RS SGR No. 9 (Honor Dr. Reeve), Gabriel Chatelain
S16RS SGB No. 1 (Bylaws), Adam Grashoff
S16RS SGB No. 2 (Budget), Alexandra De Gravelle
S16RS SGB No. 3 (Rules of Court), Bascle
S16RS SGB No. 4 (SO Points), Kelsey Wheatley and Kevin Ellis
S16RS SGCR No. 6 (Sustainability Fee), Sarah Couch
S16RS SGFB No. 10 (Food Tech Comp), Ariel Bergeron
S16RS SGFB No. 12 (IGV Comp), David Lawrence and Gabrielle Triche
S16RS SGFB No. 13 (Flowers), Cassidy Riley
S16RS SGFB No. 14 (Chargers for BEC), Alexandra De Gravelle, Kevin Ellis, and Evans
S16RS SGFB No. 16 (Gary English), Lopes
S16RS SGFB No. 17 (Choppin Hall Renovations), Andrew Mullet and James Mickler
S16RS SGFB No. 18 (Quad Bike Signs), Cassidy Riley
S16RS SGFB No. 19 (Quad Signs), Alexandra de Gravelle, Delco, and Evans
S16RS SGFB No. 1 (Baja SAE Engr Conference), Gabrielle Triche
S16RS SGFB No. 2 (HSE Multimedia Lab), Kiana Collins and Jacob Phagan
S16RS SGFB No. 3 (WGS Multimedia Lab), Jacob Phagan, Sarah Couch, and Hannah Lampo
S16RS SGFB No. 5 (Math Conference), Huong Dao
S16RS SGFB No. 7 (Speech Conference), Jeffery Anderson
S16RS SGFB No. 9 (We're Committed Resource Cards), Hayden Pizzolato
S16RS SGR No. 10 (Alex Box Lot Potholes S16RS), Hayden Pizzolato
S16RS SGR No. 12 (3 exams 24 hours), Gabrielle Triche and Jacob Phagan
S16RS SGR No. 13 (C&E Crosswalk), Banas and Amanda Fontenot
S16RS SGR No. 14 (Sick Bags), Lauren Accardo and Knudsen
S16RS SGR No. 16 (Concession Gloves), Renzi Terrebonne, Grieshaber, and Moss
S16RS SGR No. 17 (Will Lowe Thank You), Hayden Pizzolato
S16RS SGR No. 19 (Stepping Stones), Katherine Becquet and Hannah Lampo