Submissions from 2015
S15RS SGR No. 4 (Schedulizer), Black, Holley, and Triche
S15RS SGR No. 5 (LSUPD Cameras), Lyons and Z Holley
S15RS SGR No. 6 (Disability Access), Cole, Z Holley, and Dean
S15RS SGR No. 7 (Research Database), Belleu and Holley
S15RS SGR No. 8 (Union Art Collection), Terrebonne
S15RS SGR No. 9 (Pedestrian Bike and Safety), Lyons
Submissions from 2014
F13RS SGB No. 2 (Amend Constitution), DeBlieux
F13RS SGB No. 3 (Budget), Herwig
F14RS LO No. 1 (Murphy for Programming), Tyler Loga
F14RS No. 39 (Plus-Minus Grading), Adam Grashoff
F14RS SGB No. 1 (Amend Rules), Tyler Loga
F14RS SGB No. 2 (Amend SG Bylaws), Adam Grashoff
F14RS SGB No. 3 (Amend Budget), Adam Grashoff
F14RS SGB No. 4 (Amend Constitution - Equal Opportunity), Helen Frink
F14RS SGB No. 5 (Senate Apportionment), Tyler Loga
F14RS SGCR No. 10 (Referendum - Reapportionment Procedure), Tyler Loga
F14RS SGCR No. 9 (Referendum - Equal Opportunity), Helen Frink and Tyler Loga
F14RS SGFB No. 1 (SEC Exchange), Adam Grashoff
F14RS SGFB No. 2 (SG Rebranding), Adam Grashoff
F14RS SGFB No. 3 (A&D ATypI Conference), Dunn and Helen Frink
F14RS SGFB No. 4 (Conference on Urban Education), Hauth
F14RS SGFB No. 5 (Jumping Into Business Week), Andrew Mahtook
F14RS SGFB No. 6 (Seating in Art & Design), Jacob Boudreaux, Helen Frink, Renzi Terrebone, and Koke
F14RS SGFB No. 7 (Speech-Language-Hearing Association), Dunn
F14RS SGFB No. 8 (New Computers), Tyler Loga
F14RS SGFB No. 9 (Oak Grove - Picnic Tables), Grotte, Drake Boudreaux, Latham, and Renzi Terrebone
F14RS SGR No. 10 (Sherwood Middle), Andrew Mahtook
F14RS SGR No. 11 (SHC Dr. Excuses), Latham, Drake Boudreaux, and Dean
F14RS SGR No. 13 (Lighted Crosswalks), Madden
F14RS SGR No. 14 (Cow Lot), Holley
F14RS SGR No. 17 (Grad ORF), Zerkus, Abad, Hauth, Landry, Rempert-Kraeuter, and Tyler Loga
F14RS SGR No. 18 (LGBT - Huffington Post), Muehleman and Wesley Gore
F14RS SGR No. 19 (It's On Us), Helen Frink, Hauth, Larousse, and Murphy
F14RS SGR No. 1 (Spread the Word to End the Word), Hauth
F14RS SGR No. 20 (Pledge of Honor), Gabrielle Triche and Andrew Mullet
F14RS SGR No. 21 (Holiday Assignment Policy), J Petit
F14RS SGR No. 22 (Hand Sanitizer), Alexander Nay and J Latham
F14RS SGR No. 23 (LSU Annexation), Andrew Mahtook and Tyler Loga
F14RS SGR No. 24 (Frequently Appealed Academic Policies), Jacob Boudreaux and Smith
F14RS SGR No. 25 (Testing Center), Wesley Gore
F14RS SGR No. 26 (Tiger Cash Kiosk), Dean
F14RS SGR No. 27 (Paper Towels in Middleton), Dean and Wesley Gore
F14RS SGR No. 28 (Additional Union Seating), Alexandra De Gravelle
F14RS SGR No. 29 (LA Constitutional Referendum 1), Petit and Zerkus
F14RS SGR No. 2 (WCA Speed Bumps), Wesley Gore
F14RS SGR No. 30 (LA Constitutional Referendum 2), Zerkus and Petit
F14RS SGR No. 31 (Graduate ORF Committee), Dunn, Abad, Hauth, Landry, and Rempert-Kraeuter
F14RS SGR No. 32 (Tiger Card), Petit
F14RS SGR No. 33 (Tiger Stadium Recycling), Davis
F14RS SGR No. 35 (Greek Recycling), M Boudreaux
F14RS SGR No. 36 (Billiard Space), Lassus
F14RS SGR No. 37 (LSU Mobile App), Terrebonne, Koke, and Alexandra De Gravelle
F14RS SGR No. 3 (Dean Earle), Andrew Mullet
F14RS SGR No. 4 (Dean White), Lassus
F14RS SGR No. 5 (Dean Haynie), Davis
F14RS SGR No. 6 (Dean Wilder), Hunt
F14RS SGR No. 7 (Dean Queen), Abad
F14RS SGR No. 8 (Dean Baines), Richard
F14RS SGR No. 9 (Fee Bill Charges), Zerkus and Smoak
S14RS SGB No. 1 (Budget), Loga
S14RS SGB No. 2 (TGD Bylaws), Alex Grashoff, Schwartzenburg, and DuBlieux
S14RS SGB No. 3 (RoC), Schwartzenburg and DeBlieux
S14RS SGB No. 4 (RoO), Alex Grashoff
S14RS SGB No. 5 (Finance Bylaws), Loga, Grashoff, Do, Karam, Gore, Grotte, Guillory, Sanderson, Tarleton, and Watts
S14RS SGB No. 6 (Installation Bylaws), Beadle
S14RS SGFB No. 10 (Magnolia Bowl Trophy), Alex Grashoff and Baumgardner
S14RS SGFB No. 12 (Security on Smart Phones), Schwartzenburg, Stewart, Becnel, Hauth, and Rempert-Kraeuter
S14RS SGFB No. 13 (Iphone Chargers), Mahtook
S14RS SGFB No. 15 (Art and Design Directory), Johnson and Taylor
S14RS SGFB No. 1 (Grad Student Symposium), Emily Smith and Watts
S14RS SGFB No. 2 (GBOD Empower), Loga
S14RS SGFB No. 3 (Food Science Club), Stewart and Miller
S14RS SGFB No. 5 (Dustin Naquin ICS), Smith
S14RS SGFB No. 6 (Middleton Library Furniture), Reeves and Schwartzenburg
S14RS SGFB No. 7 (NYC Dance Arts Festival), Hunt
S14RS SGFB No. 8 (LSU Flags), Davis
S14RS SGFB No. 9 (Coastal Roots in Chile Program), Watts
S14RS SGR No. 10 (Science Dean Welcome), Jacob Boudreaux, Andrew Mullet, Elly Smith, and Schwartzenburg
S14RS SGR No. 12 (Syllabus Database), Latham, Andrew Mullet, and Muehleman
S14RS SGR No. 13 (H.R. 3978), Hilton
S14RS SGR No. 14 (Snow Storm Thank You), Muehleman and Hunt
S14RS SGR No. 15 (Electrical Outlets), Lancon and Reeves
S14RS SGR No. 15 (Lloimincia Hall), Baumgardner, Boudreaux, D'Arcangelo, Gore, Knight, Lancon, Latham, Loupe, Andrew Mullet, Reeves, et al.
S14RS SGR No. 17 (CODOFIL), Jacob Boudreaux and Miller
S14RS SGR No. 18 (Water Bottle Fountains), M Boudreaux and Helen Frink
S14RS SGR No. 19 (Nicholson Lights, Ben Hur Sidewalk), Zerkus and Reeves
S14RS SGR No. 1 (Bus Fee), Bevan and Zerkus
S14RS SGR No. 20 (Food Truck Wroundup), Knight and Latham
S14RS SGR No. 21 (Prohibited Items at Athletic Entry Gate), Latham and Guillory
S14RS SGR No. 22 (Change Machines in Residential Life), Lancon and Loupe
S14RS SGR No. 23 (Rebranding Chancellor's Pancake Breakfast), DeBlieux
S14RS SGR No. 24 (Continuing Education & Emergency Notification System), Grashoff and Sanderson
S14RS SGR No. 25 (Middleton 2nd Floor Study Space), Schwartzenburg
S14RS SGR No. 26 (LSUPD Emergency App), Stewart, Becnel, and Hauth
S14RS SGR No. 28 (Medical Amnesty, Drug-Related Emergencies), Jacob Boudreaux
S14RS SGR No. 29 (Tiger Card Kiosks), Loupe and Lancon
S14RS SGR No. 2 (Tobacco Ban), Schwartzenburg
S14RS SGR No. 30 (Food Allergens - LSU Dining), Gore
S14RS SGR No. 31 (Smaller Parking Passes), Hilton
S14RS SGR No. 32 (LSU Honor Code - Tiger Creed), Gabrielle Triche, Jacob Boudreaux, Davis, Dean, Helen Frink, Hunt, Miranne, Muehleman, Richard, and Emily Smith