Document Type
Publication Date
Spring 2006
A Resolution
to urge the LSU Board of Supervisors to include student representation on the search committee for the LSU System President.
Recommended Citation
Hodge., Alsfeld., Athmann., Bergeron., Busada., Bussard., Buttross., Cantrell., Carpenter., Dardenne., Davis., Deano., Dicharry., Dubios., Finchum., Habetz., Harris., Hattaway., Hobdy., Landry, B., Landry, L., Lynch., Martin., Mayeaux., McMakin., McMullen., McQuiston., Melancon., Mizell., Montgomery., Moore, J., Moore, S., Odinet., Remson., Robertson., Rome., Sita., Virgadamo., Warner., Watson., Worley., Anderson., & Staples. (2006). S06RS SGR No. 8 (System President). Retrieved from