
Submissions from 2006

Callous-unemotional traits in a community sample of adolescents, C.A. Essau, S. Sasagawa, and P.J. Frick

Psychometric properties of the Alabama parenting questionnaire, C.A. Essau, S. Sasagawa, and P.J. Frick

Developmental pathways to conduct disorder, P.J. Frick

Current perspectives on conduct disorder, P.J. Frick and C. Dickens

Mania and intellectual disability: the course of manic symptoms in persons with intellectual disability, Melissa Gonzalez and Johnny L. Matson

Knowledge of memory aging in adulthood, Karri S. Hawley, Katie E. Cherry, L Joseph Su, Yu-Wen Chiu, and S Michal Jazwinski

Remembering source evidence from associatively related items: explanations from a global matching model, Jason L. Hicks and Jeffrey J. Starns

Callous-unemotional features, behavioral inhibition, and parenting: Independent predictors of aggression in a high-risk preschool sample, E.R. Kimonis, P.J. Frick, N.W. Boris, A.T. Smyke, A.H. Cornell, J.M. Farrell, and C.H. Zeanah

Erratum: Psychopathy, aggression, and the processing of emotional stimuli in non-referred girls and boys (Behavioral Sciences and the Law (2006) 24, 1 (21-37)), E.R. Kimonis, P.J. Frick, H. Fazekas, and B.R. Loney

Psychopathy, aggression, and the processing of emotional stimuli in non-referred girls and boys, E.R. Kimonis, P.J. Frick, H. Fazekas, and B.R. Loney

The relationship between manic symptoms on the DASH II and YMRS and feeding/mealtime behavior problems, Rinita B. Laud and Johnny L. Matson

Early Intervention for Autism Spectrum Disorders: A Critical Analysis, Johnny L. Matson

The relationship between food refusal and social skills in persons with intellectual disabilities, Johnny L. Matson, Christopher L. Cooper, Steven B. Mayville, and Melissa L. González

Assessing side effects of pharmacotherapy treatment of bipolar disorder: a 20-year review of the literature, Johnny L. Matson, Melissa L. González, Kimberly R. Smith, Cindy Terlonge, Ryan T. Thorson, and Dennis R. Dixon

Assessing side effects of pharmacotherapy treatment of bipolar disorder: a 20-year review of the literature, Johnny L. Matson, Melissa L. González, Kimberly R. Smith, Cindy Terlonge, Ryan T. Thorson, and Dennis R. Dixon

Validity of the sleep subscale of the Diagnostic Assessment for the Severely Handicapped-II (DASH-II), Johnny L. Matson and Carrie J. Malone

The relationship of comorbid problem behaviors to social skills in persons with profound mental retardation, Johnny L. Matson, Noha F. Minshawi, Melissa L. Gonzalez, and Stephen B. Mayville

An evaluation of social and adaptive skills in adults with bipolar disorder and severe/profound intellectual disability, Johnny L. Matson, Cindy Terlonge, Melissa L. González, and Tessa Rivet

Beyond the critical period: Processing-based explanations for poor grammaticality judgment performance by late second language learners, J.L. McDonald

Comparison of body composition methods in obese African-American women, Robert L. Newton, Anthony Alfonso, Emily York-Crowe, Heather Walden, Marney A. White, Donna Ryan, and Donald A. Williamson

Attentional dysfunction, social perception, and social competence: What is the nature of the relationship?, T.M. Nienow, N.M. Docherty, A.S. Cohen, and T.J. Dinzeo

Repetition effects in associative false recognition: Theme-based criterion shifts are the exception, not the rule, Jeffery J. Starns, Jason L. Hicks, and Richard L. Marsh

On rejecting emotional lures created by phonological neighborhood activation, Jeffrey J. Starns, Gabriel I. Cook, Jason L. Hicks, and Richard L. Marsh

Effects of consuming mycoprotein, tofu or chicken upon subsequent eating behaviour, hunger and safety, Donald A. Williamson, Paula J. Geiselman, Jennifer Lovejoy, Frank Greenway, Julia Volaufova, Corby K. Martin, Cheryl Arnett, and Lauren Ortego

Submissions from 2005

Continuity and discontinuity in the historical development of modern psychopharmacology, Alan A. Baumeister and Mike F. Hawkins

Orexin inputs to caudal raphé neurons involved in thermal, cardiovascular, and gastrointestinal regulation, Hans-Rudolf Berthoud, Laurel M. Patterson, Gregory M. Sutton, Christopher Morrison, and Huiyuan Zheng

Prevalence of overweight and obesity within primary care clinics in a public hospital system, Jamie S. Bodenlos, Tracie M. Bellanger, and Glenn N. Jones

Safety and immunogenicity of concomitant versus nonconcomitant administration of hepatitis B, tetanus-diphtheria, and measles-mumps-rubella vaccines in healthy eleven- to twelve-year-olds, William M. Cassidy, Glenn Jones, Karen Williams, Adamadia Deforest, Bagher Forghani, Gabriel Virella, and Charmaine Venters

Memory failures appraisal in younger and older adults: role of individual difference and event outcome variables, Katie E. Cherry and Susan Brigman

Long-term effectiveness of spaced-retrieval memory training for older adults with probable Alzheimer's disease, Katie E. Cherry and Shannon S. Simmons-D'Gerolamo

Screening ADHD problems in the sports behavior checklist: factor structure, convergent and divergent validity, and group differences, Aaron A. Clendenin, Michael S. Businelle, and Mary Lou Kelley

Diminished emotionality and social functioning in schizophrenia, A.S. Cohen, T.J. Dinzeo, T.M. Nienow, D.A. Smith, B. Singer, and N.M. Docherty

Effects of positive affect on speech disorder in schizophrenia, A.S. Cohen and N.M. Docherty

Symptom-oriented versus syndrome approaches to resolving heterogeneity of neuropsychological functioning in schizophrenia, A.S. Cohen and N.M. Docherty

On the capacity of attention: Its estimation and its role in working memory and cognitive aptitudes, Nelson Cowan, Emily M. Elliott, J Scott Saults, Candice C. Morey, Sam Mattox, Anna Hismjatullina, and Andrew RA Conway

Coherence of the irrelevant-sound effect: Individual profiles of short-term memory and susceptibility to task-irrelevant materials, Emily M. Elliott and Nelson Cowan

Predicting the stability of conduct problems in children with and without callous-unemotional traits, P.J. Frick and A.L. Dantagnan

Callous-unemotional traits in predicting the severity and stability of conduct problems and delinquency, P.J. Frick, T.R. Stickle, D.M. Dandreaux, J.M. Farrell, and E.R. Kimonis

Validation of the Beck Depression Inventory-II in a low-income African American sample of medical outpatients, Karen B. Grothe, Gareth R. Dutton, Glenn N. Jones, Jamie Bodenlos, Martin Ancona, and Phillip J. Brantley

Detecting event-based prospective memory cues occurring within and outside the focus of attention, Jason L. Hicks, Gabriel I. Cook, and Richard L. Marsh

An observation on the role of context variability in free recall, Jason L. Hicks, Richard L. Marsh, and Gabriel I. Cook

Historical and personality correlates to the violence patterns of juveniles tried as adults, I.P. Kruh, P.J. Frick, and C.B. Clements

Emotional word detection and adolescent repressive-defensive coping style, B.R. Loney, J.P. Kline, T.E. Joiner, P.J. Frick, and S.D. LaRowe

The association of psychopathic traits with aggression and delinquency in non-referred boys and girls, M.A. Marsee, P. Silverthorn, and P.J. Frick

Classifying mental retardation and specific strength and deficit areas in severe and profoundly mentally retarded persons with the MESSIER, Johnny L. Matson, Dennis R. Dixon, Michael L. Matson, and James R. Logan

The reliability of the Scale for the Evaluation and Identification of Seizures, Epilepsy, and Anticonvulsant Side Effects-B (SEIZES B), Johnny L. Matson, Rinita B. Laud, Melissa L. González, Carrie J. Malone, and Stephen L. Swender

Clinical psychology Ph.D. program rankings: evaluating eminence on faculty publications and citations, Johnny L. Matson, Carrie J. Malone, Melissa L. González, David R. McClure, Rinita B. Laud, and Noha F. Minshawi

The behavioral function of feeding problems as assessed by the questions about behavioral function (QABF), Johnny L. Matson, Stephen B. Mayville, David E. Kuhn, Peter Sturmey, Rinita Laud, and Chris Cooper

Evidence-based assessment of conduct problems in children and adolescents, R.J. McMahon and P.J. Frick

Selective tissue uptake of agouti-related protein(82-131) and its modulation by fasting, Weihong Pan, Abba J. Kastin, Yongmei Yu, Courtney M. Cain, Tammy Fairburn, Adrian M. Stütz, Christopher Morrison, and George Argyropoulos

Evaluation of The Federal Bureau of Prisons protocol for selection of which hepatitis C-infected inmates are considered for treatment, Monica M. Pradhan, Ronald Horswell, Glenn Jones, Jennifer L. Ramsey, and William Cassidy

Temperament and parenting: Implications for understanding developmental pathways to conduct disorder, S.D. Robison, P.J. Frick, and A.S. Morris

Psychopathy in children and adolescents: The need for a developmental perspective, R.T. Salekin and P.J. Frick

The use of risperidone among individuals with mental retardation: clinically supported or not?, Ashvind N. Singh, Johnny L. Matson, Christopher L. Cooper, Dennis Dixon, and Peter Sturmey

Source dimensions are retrieved independently in multidimensional monitoring tasks, Jeffrey J. Starns and Jason L. Hicks

The latent structure of psychopathy in youth: A taxometric investigation, M.W. Vasey, R. Kotov, P.J. Frick, and B.R. Loney

Physical function and quality of life in older adults: sex differences, Robert H. Wood, Rebecca Ellis Gardner, Kellye A. Ferachi, Christina King, Andrea Ermolao, Katie E. Cherry, M Elaine Cress, and S Michal Jazwinski

Submissions from 2004

Comparison of risperidone and olanzapine as used under "real-world" conditions in a state psychiatric hospital, Claire Advokat, Dennis Dixon, Jeffrey Schneider, and Joseph E. Comaty

The serotonin hypothesis of schizophrenia: a historical case study on the heuristic value of theory in clinical neuroscience, Alan A. Baumeister and Mike F. Hawkins

Attitudes toward HIV Health Care Providers scale: development and validation, Jamie S. Bodenlos, Karen B. Grothe, Katie Kendra, Dori Whitehead, Amy L. Copeland, and Phillip J. Brantley

Affective reactivity of speech and emotional experience in patients with schizophrenia, A.S. Cohen and N.M. Docherty

Deficit versus negative syndrome in schizophrenia: Prediction of attentional impairment, A.S. Cohen and N.M. Docherty

Stress and arousability in schizophrenia, T.J. Dinzeo, A.S. Cohen, T.M. Nienow, and N.M. Docherty

Use of the Beck Depression Inventory-II with African American primary care patients, Gareth R. Dutton, Karen B. Grothe, Glenn N. Jones, Dori Whitehead, Kathleen Kendra, and Phillip J. Brantley

Ideal weight goals of African American women participating in a weight management program, Gareth R. Dutton, Pamela Davis Martin, and Phillip J. Brantley

Ideal weight goals of African American women participating in a weight management program, Gareth R. Dutton, Pamela Davis Martin, and Phillip J. Brantley

Use of the weight efficacy lifestyle questionnaire with African American women: validation and extension of previous findings, Gareth R. Dutton, Pamela Davis Martin, Paula C. Rhode, and Phillip J. Brantley

Developmental pathways to conduct disorder: Implications for serving youth who show severe aggressive and antisocial behavior, P.J. Frick

Integrating Research on Temperament and Childhood Psychopathology: Its Pitfalls and Promise, P.J. Frick

Temperament and Developmental Pathways to Conduct Problems, P.J. Frick and A.S. Morris

Spaced-retrieval effects on name-face recognition in older adults with probable Alzheimer's disease, Karri S. Hawley and Katie E. Cherry

Spaced-retrieval effects on name-face recognition in older adults with probable Alzheimer's disease, Karri S. Hawley and Katie E. Cherry

Retrieval-induced forgetting occurs in tests of item recognition, Jason L. Hicks and Jeffrey J. Starns

Regulation of emotion and behavior among 3- and 5-year-olds, Maria D. Kalpidou, Thomas G. Power, Katie E. Cherry, and Nathan W. Gottfried

Callous-unemotional traits and delinquent peer affiliation, E.R. Kimonis, P.J. Frick, and C.T. Barry

Assessment of feeding and mealtime behavior problems in persons with mental retardation, David E. Kuhn and Johnny L. Matson

Self-efficacy as a predictor of weight change in African-American women, Pamela D. Martin, Gareth R. Dutton, and Phillip J. Brantley

An analysis of Snoezelen equipment to reinforce persons with severe or profound mental retardation, Johnny L. Matson, Jay W. Bamburg, and Yemonja Smalls

The effects of antiepileptic medications on the social skills of individuals with mental retardation, Johnny L. Matson, Melissa A. Luke, and Stephen B. Mayville

Assessment of seizures and related symptomatology in persons with mental retardation, Erik A. Mayville and Johnny L. Matson

Assessment of seizures and related symptomatology in persons with mental retardation, Erik A. Mayville and Johnny L. Matson

A randomized pilot trial of exercise promotion in sedentary African-American adults, Robert L. Newton and Michael G. Perri

Laparoscopic pomeroy tubal ligation: a comparison with tubal cauterization in a teaching hospital, Dale C. Robinson, Staci K. Stewart, Rachel E. Reitan, Richard S. Gist, and Glenn N. Jones

Effects of violence exposure and daily stressors on psychological outcomes in urban adolescents, Shannon Self-Brown, Monique LeBlanc, and Mary Lou Kelley

Effects of violence exposure and daily stressors on psychological outcomes in urban adolescents, Shannon Self-Brown, Monique LeBlanc, and Mary Lou Kelley

Episodic generation can cause semantic forgetting: retrieval-induced forgetting of false memories, Jeffrey J. Starns and Jason L. Hicks

Mediators of weight loss in a family-based intervention presented over the internet, Marney A. White, Pamela D. Martin, Robert L. Newton, Heather M. Walden, Emily E. York-Crowe, Stewart T. Gordon, Donna H. Ryan, and Donald A. Williamson

Mediators of weight loss in a family-based intervention presented over the internet, Marney A. White, Pamela D. Martin, Robert L. Newton, Heather M. Walden, Emily E. York-Crowe, Stewart T. Gordon, Donna H. Ryan, and Donald A. Williamson

Submissions from 2003

The relation of narcissism and self-esteem to conduct problems in children: A preliminary investigation, C.T. Barry, P.J. Frick, and A.L. Killian

The myth of reserpine-induced depression: role in the historical development of the monoamine hypothesis, Alan A. Baumeister, Mike F. Hawkins, and Sarah M. Uzelac

The myth of reserpine-induced depression: role in the historical development of the monoamine hypothesis, Alan A. Baumeister, Mike F. Hawkins, and Sarah M. Uzelac

Changing multiple health behaviors: smoking and exercise, Edwin D. Boudreaux, Jennifer L. Francis, Cindy L. Carmack Taylor, Isabel C. Scarinci, and Phillip J. Brantley

Pictorial illustrations enhance memory for sentences in younger and older adults, Katie E. Cherry, Deanna K. Dokey, Celinda M. Reese, and Susan Brigman

Pictorial illustrations enhance memory for sentences in younger and older adults, Katie E. Cherry, Deanna K. Dokey, Celinda M. Reese, and Susan Brigman

Self-Reported Stress and the Deficit Syndrome of Schizophrenia, A.S. Cohen, N.M. Docherty, T. Nienow, and T. Dinzeo

Smoking expectancies as mediators between dietary restraint and disinhibition and smoking in college women, Amy L. Copeland and Colleen E. Carney

Items are not lists in short-term memory: Opposing global and local effects of word length, N Cowan, AD Baddeley, EM Elliott, and LD Nugent

List composition and the word length effect in immediate recall: A comparison of localist and globalist assumptions, Nelson Cowan, Alan D. Baddeley, Emily M. Elliott, and Jennifer Norris

Children's working-memory processes: a response-timing analysis., Nelson Cowan, John N. Towse, Zoë Hamilton, J Scott Saults, Emily M. Elliott, Jebby F. Lacey, Matthew V. Moreno, and Graham J. Hitch

Stability of formal thought disorder and referential communication disturbances in schizophrenia, N.M. Docherty, A.S. Cohen, T.M. Nienow, T.J. Dinzeo, and R.E. Dangelmaier