
Submissions from 2013

Stereotyped behaviours in children with autism spectrum disorders and atypical development as measured by the BPI-01, Megan A. Hattier, Johnny L. Matson, Katherine Macmillan, and Lindsey Williams

Need for cognition is related to higher general intelligence, fluid intelligence, and crystallized intelligence, but not working memory, Benjamin D. Hill, Joshua D. Foster, Emily M. Elliott, Jill Talley Shelton, Jessica McCain, and Drew Gouvier

Rates of comorbid symptoms in children with ASD, ADHD, and comorbid ASD and ADHD, Jina Jang, Johnny L. Matson, Lindsey W. Williams, Kim Tureck, Rachel L. Goldin, and Paige E. Cervantes

Distinguishing primary and secondary variants of callous-unemotional traits among adolescents in a clinic-referred sample, R.E. Kahn, P.J. Frick, E.A. Youngstrom, J.K. Youngstrom, N.C. Feeny, and R.L. Findling

A randomized clinical trial comparing the efficacy of two active conditions of a brief intervention for heavy college drinkers, Magdalena Kulesza, Megan Apperson McVay, Mary E. Larimer, and Amy L. Copeland

Leptin receptor neurons in the mouse hypothalamus are colocalized with the neuropeptide galanin and mediate anorexigenic leptin action, Amanda Laque, Yan Zhang, Sarah Gettys, Tu-Anh Nguyen, Kelly Bui, Christopher D. Morrison, and Heike Münzberg

Affecting coping: Does neurocognition predict approach and avoidant coping strategies within schizophrenia spectrum disorders?, R. MacAulay and A.S. Cohen

Narrative overview of systematic reviews and meta-analyses: evidence on many treatments for psychopathology in people with developmental disabilities is limited, Johnny Matson

Current status of the Matson Evaluation of Drug Side Effects (MEDS), Johnny L. Matson and Paige E. Cervantes

The moderating effects of intellectual development on core symptoms of autism and PDD-NOS in toddlers and infants, Johnny L. Matson, Timothy Dempsey, Santino V. LoVullo, Jill C. Fodstad, Cheryl Knight, Jay A. Sevin, and Brenda Sharp

Pica in persons with developmental disabilities: approaches to treatment, Johnny L. Matson, Megan A. Hattier, Brian Belva, and Michael L. Matson

Assessment of the relationship between diagnoses of ASD and caregiver symptom endorsement in adults diagnosed with intellectual disability, Johnny L. Matson, Julie A. Hess, Sara Mahan, Jill C. Fodstad, and Daniene Neal

Assessment of the relationship between diagnoses of ASD and caregiver symptom endorsement in adults diagnosed with intellectual disability, Johnny L. Matson, Julie A. Hess, Sara Mahan, Jill C. Fodstad, and Daniene Neal

The relationship between autism spectrum disorders and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: an overview, Johnny L. Matson, Robert D. Rieske, and Lindsey W. Williams

Evidence-based behavioral treatment of dog phobia with young children: two case examples, Anna C. May, Brittany M. Rudy, Thompson E. Davis, and Johnny L. Matson

A multidimensional assessment of social cognition in psychometrically defined schizotypy, S.C. Morrison, L.A. Brown, and A.S. Cohen

Emotional reactivity and the association between psychopathy-linked narcissism and aggression in detained adolescent boys, L.C. Muñoz Centifanti, E.R. Kimonis, P.J. Frick, and K.J. Aucoin

Emotion regulation and heterogeneity in attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, E.D. Musser, H.S. Galloway-Long, P.J. Frick, and J.T. Nigg

Delusional parasitosis as a presenting feature of HIV dementia: a case study, Mandi Wilkes Musso, Glenn N. Jones, Madeline C. Heck, and Drew Gouvier

Delusional parasitosis as a presenting feature of HIV dementia: a case study, Mandi Wilkes Musso, Glenn N. Jones, Madeline C. Heck, and Drew Gouvier

Weight loss history as a predictor of weight loss: results from Phase I of the weight loss maintenance trial, Valerie H. Myers, Megan A. McVay, Catherine M. Champagne, Jack F. Hollis, Janelle W. Coughlin, Kristine L. Funk, Christina M. Gullion, and Gerald J. Jerome

Weight loss history as a predictor of weight loss: results from Phase I of the weight loss maintenance trial, Valerie H. Myers, Megan A. McVay, Catherine M. Champagne, Jack F. Hollis, Janelle W. Coughlin, Kristine L. Funk, Christina M. Gullion, and Gerald J. Jerome

Multiple developmental pathways to conduct disorder: Current conceptualizations and clinical implications, D. Pardini and P.J. Frick

Intolerance of uncertainty as a mediator of the relationship between perfectionism and obsessive-compulsive symptom severity, Erin T. Reuther, Thompson E. Davis, Brittany M. Rudy, Whitney S. Jenkins, Sara E. Whiting, and Anna C. May

Examination and validation of a measure of anxiety specific to children with autism spectrum disorders, Robert D. Rieske, Johnny L. Matson, Thompson E. Davis, Matthew J. Konst, Lindsey W. Williams, and Sara E. Whiting

Therapeutic Alliance in Justice-Involved Adolescents Undergoing Mental Health Treatment: The Role of Callous-Unemotional Traits, T.P. Simpson, P.J. Frick, R.E. Kahn, and L.J. Evans

Smoking topography and outcome expectancies among individuals with schizotypy, D.W. Stewart, C. Vinci, C.E. Adams, A.S. Cohen, and A.L. Copeland

The incremental utility of callous-unemotional traits and conduct problems in predicting aggression and bullying in a community sample of boys and girls, L.C. Thornton, P.J. Frick, A.M. Crapanzano, and A.M. Terranova

An investigation of self-injurious behaviors in adults with severe intellectual disabilities, Kim Tureck, Johnny L. Matson, and Jennifer S. Beighley

Externalizing and tantrum behaviours in children with ASD and ADHD compared to children with ADHD, Kim Tureck, Johnny L. Matson, Anna May, and Nicole Turygin

The effect of DSM-5 criteria on externalizing, internalizing, behavioral and adaptive symptoms in children diagnosed with autism, Nicole C. Turygin, Johnny L. Matson, Hilary Adams, and Brian Belva

The effect of DSM-5 criteria on externalizing, internalizing, behavioral and adaptive symptoms in children diagnosed with autism, Nicole C. Turygin, Johnny L. Matson, Hilary Adams, and Brian Belva

The effect of DSM-5 criteria on the developmental quotient in toddlers diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder, Nicole Turygin, Johnny L. Matson, Jennifer Beighley, and Hilary Adams

The effect of DSM-5 criteria on the developmental quotient in toddlers diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder, Nicole Turygin, Johnny L. Matson, Jennifer Beighley, and Hilary Adams

The relationship of early communication concerns to developmental delay and symptoms of autism spectrum disorders, Nicole Turygin, Johnny L. Matson, Matthew Konst, and Lindsey Williams

ADHD symptom prevalence and risk factors in a sample of toddlers with ASD or who are at risk for developmental delay, Nicole Turygin, Johnny L. Matson, and Kimberly Tureck

ADHD symptom prevalence and risk factors in a sample of toddlers with ASD or who are at risk for developmental delay, Nicole Turygin, Johnny L. Matson, and Kimberly Tureck

Callous-Unemotional Traits and Response to Functional Family Therapy in Adolescent Offenders, S.F. White, P.J. Frick, K. Lawing, and D. Bauer

Submissions from 2012

Prevalence and incidence of severe mental illness in the united states: An historical overview, A.A. Baumeister, M.F. Hawkins, J. Lee Pow, and A.S. Cohen

The early history of the neuroscience of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, Alan A. Baumeister, Kristopher Henderson, Joni Lee Pow, and Claire Advokat

The early history of the neuroscience of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, Alan A. Baumeister, Kristopher Henderson, Joni Lee Pow, and Claire Advokat

An examination of specific communication deficits in adults with profound intellectual disabilities, Brian C. Belva, Johnny L. Matson, Megan Sipes, and Jay W. Bamburg

Neural and metabolic regulation of macronutrient intake and selection, Hans-Rudolf Berthoud, Heike Münzberg, Brenda K. Richards, and Christopher D. Morrison

Elevated C-reactive protein in children from risky neighborhoods: evidence for a stress pathway linking neighborhoods and inflammation in children, Stephanie T. Broyles, Amanda E. Staiano, Kathryn T. Drazba, Alok K. Gupta, Melinda Sothern, and Peter T. Katzmarzyk

Immediate antecedents of marijuana use: an analysis from ecological momentary assessment, Julia D. Buckner, Ross D. Crosby, Jose Silgado, Stephen A. Wonderlich, and Norman B. Schmidt

Social anxiety and cannabis use: an analysis from ecological momentary assessment, Julia D. Buckner, Ross D. Crosby, Stephen A. Wonderlich, and Norman B. Schmidt

The relationship between cannabis use disorders and social anxiety disorder in the National Epidemiological Study of Alcohol and Related Conditions (NESARC), Julia D. Buckner, Richard G. Heimberg, Franklin R. Schneier, Shang-Min Liu, Shuai Wang, and Carlos Blanco

Daily marijuana use and suicidality: the unique impact of social anxiety, Julia D. Buckner, Thomas E. Joiner, Norman B. Schmidt, and Michael J. Zvolensky

Social impressions while drinking account for the relationship between alcohol-related problems and social anxiety, Julia D. Buckner and Russell A. Matthews

Cannabis-related impairment and social anxiety: the roles of gender and cannabis use motives, Julia D. Buckner, Michael J. Zvolensky, and Norman B. Schmidt

Scoring higher the second time around: Meta-analyses of practice effects in neuropsychological assessment, M. Calamia, K. Markon, and D. Tranel

Semantic encoding enhances the pictorial superiority effect in the oldest-old, Katie E. Cherry, Jennifer Silva Brown, Erin Jackson Walker, Emily A. Smitherman, Emily O. Boudreaux, Julia Volaufova, and S Michal Jazwinski

Clarifying the nature of olfaction deficits in the schizophrenia-prone: "Clinical high-risk state" versus "vulnerability", A.S. Cohen, L.A. Brown, and T.L. Auster

Olfaction, "olfiction," and the schizophrenia-spectrum: An updated meta-analysis on identification and acuity, A.S. Cohen, L.A. Brown, and T.L. Auster

On "risk" and reward: Investigating state anhedonia in psychometrically defined schizotypy and schizophrenia, A.S. Cohen, D.A. Callaway, G.M. Najolia, J.T. Larsen, and G.P. Strauss

Neuropsychological functioning and social anhedonia: Three-year follow-up data from a longitudinal community high risk study, A.S. Cohen, S.M. Couture, and J.J. Blanchard

Towards a cognitive resource limitations model of diminished expression in schizotypy, A.S. Cohen, S.C. Morrison, L.A. Brown, and K.S. Minor

On the boundaries of blunt affect/alogia across severe mental illness: Implications for Research Domain Criteria, A.S. Cohen, G.M. Najolia, Y. Kim, and T.J. Dinzeo

Intensive One-Session Treatment of Specific Phobias, Thompson Elder Davis

The effect of communication deficits on anxiety symptoms in infants and toddlers with autism spectrum disorders, Thompson E. Davis, Brittany N. Moree, Timothy Dempsey, Julie A. Hess, Whitney S. Jenkins, Jill C. Fodstad, and Johnny L. Matson

Investigating the role of attentional resources in the irrelevant speech effect, Emily M. Elliott and Alicia M. Briganti

Developmental Pathways to Conduct Disorder: Implications for Future Directions in Research, Assessment, and Treatment, P.J. Frick

Oppositional defiant disorder and conduct disorder, P.J. Frick

Current issues in the diagnosis of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, oppositional defiant disorder, and conduct disorder, P.J. Frick and J.T. Nigg

Lesion mapping of cognitive control and value-based decision making in the prefrontal cortex., J. Gläscher, R. Adolphs, H. Damasio, A. Bechara, D. Rudrauf, M. Calamia, L.K. Paul, and D. Tranel

Corrigendum to "An examination of the proportional difference model to describe and predict health decisions" [Org. Behav. Hum. Decis. Processes 118 (2012) 82-97], C. González-Vallejo, J.L. Harman, E. Mullet, and M.T. Muñoz Sastre

An examination of the proportional difference model to describe and predict health decisions, Jason Harman

The effects of diagnostic group and gender on challenging behaviors in infants and toddlers with cerebral palsy, Down syndrome or seizures, Megan A. Hattier, Johnny L. Matson, Brian Belva, and Ali Kozlowski

Repetitive/restricted behaviours and interests in children with cerebral palsy and autism spectrum disorder, Megan A. Hattier, Johnny L. Matson, Anna C. May, and Sara E. Whiting

Violence exposure mediates the relation between callous-unemotional traits and offending patterns in adolescents, A.L. Howard, E.R. Kimonis, L.C. Muñoz, and P.J. Frick

Using the NAART to estimate WRAT-4 reading grade level in a predominantly African American sample, Glenn N. Jones, Daniel A. Proto, Mandi W. Musso, Alyse A. Barker, and W Drew Gouvier

The effects of including a callous-unemotional specifier for the diagnosis of conduct disorder, R.E. Kahn, P.J. Frick, E. Youngstrom, R.L. Findling, and J.K. Youngstrom

Relationship between abdominal fat and bone mineral density in white and African American adults, Peter T. Katzmarzyk, Tiago V. Barreira, Deirdre M. Harrington, Amanda E. Staiano, Steven B. Heymsfield, and Jeffrey M. Gimble

Primary and secondary variants of juvenile psychopathy differ in emotional processing, E.R. Kimonis, P.J. Frick, E. Cauffman, A. Goldweber, and J. Skeem

Looking at the other side of the coin: A meta-analysis of self-reported emotional arousal in people with schizophrenia, K. Llerena, G.P. Strauss, and A.S. Cohen

Scaling methods to measure psychopathology in persons with intellectual disabilities, Johnny L. Matson, Brian C. Belva, Megan A. Hattier, and Michael L. Matson

How does relaxing the algorithm for autism affect DSM-V prevalence rates?, Johnny L. Matson, Megan A. Hattier, and Lindsey W. Williams

DSM-IV vs DSM-5 diagnostic criteria for toddlers with autism, Johnny L. Matson, Alison M. Kozlowski, Megan A. Hattier, Max Horovitz, and Megan Sipes

Treatments for the challenging behaviours of adults with intellectual disabilities, Johnny L. Matson, Daniene Neal, and Alison M. Kozlowski

Factor structure of the Matson Evaluation of Social Skills with Youngsters-II (MESSY-II), Johnny L. Matson, Daniene Neal, Julie A. Worley, Alison M. Kozlowski, and Jill C. Fodstad

The Questions About Behavioral Function (QABF): current status as a method of functional assessment, Johnny L. Matson, Kimberly Tureck, and Robert Rieske

How do researchers define self-injurious behavior?, Johnny L. Matson and Nicole C. Turygin

Food cravings and food cue responding across the menstrual cycle in a non-eating disordered sample, Megan Apperson McVay, Amy L. Copeland, Hannah S. Newman, and Paula J. Geiselman

Food cravings and food cue responding across the menstrual cycle in a non-eating disordered sample, Megan Apperson McVay, Amy L. Copeland, Hannah S. Newman, and Paula J. Geiselman

The role of atypical semantic activation and stress in odd speech: Implications for individuals with psychometrically defined schizotypy, K.S. Minor and A.S. Cohen

Goal-neglect links Stroop interference with working memory capacity, Candice C. Morey, Emily M. Elliott, Jody Wiggers, Sharon D. Eaves, Jill T. Shelton, and Jonathan T. Mall

Callous-Unemotional Traits and Their Implication for Understanding and Treating Aggressive and Violent Youths, L.C. Muñoz and P.J. Frick

Medical and psychosocial outcomes of laparoscopic Roux-en-Y gastric bypass: cross-sectional findings at 4-year follow-up, Valerie H. Myers, Claire E. Adams, Brooke L. Barbera, and Phillip J. Brantley

Medical and psychosocial outcomes of laparoscopic Roux-en-Y gastric bypass: cross-sectional findings at 4-year follow-up, Valerie H. Myers, Claire E. Adams, Brooke L. Barbera, and Phillip J. Brantley

Actual medical and pharmacy costs for bariatric surgery: 6-year follow-up, Valerie H. Myers, Megan A. McVay, Claire E. Adams, Brooke L. Barbera, Meghan M. Brashear, William D. Johnson, Patricia Smith Boyd, and Phillip J. Brantley

Cannabis use and schizotypy: The role of social anxiety and other negative affective states, G.M. Najolia, J.D. Buckner, and A.S. Cohen

Discriminant analysis of the autism spectrum disorder observation for children, Daniene Neal, Johnny L. Matson, and Brian C. Belva

A comparison of diagnostic criteria on the Autism Spectrum Disorder Observation for Children (ASD-OC), Daniene Neal, Johnny L. Matson, and Megan A. Hattier

The relationship among self-efficacy, negative self-referent cognitions, and social anxiety in children: a multiple mediator model, Brittany M. Rudy, Thompson E. Davis, and Russell A. Matthews

The relationship among self-efficacy, negative self-referent cognitions, and social anxiety in children: a multiple mediator model, Brittany M. Rudy, Thompson E. Davis, and Russell A. Matthews

Response to Gooding and Plfum, "The nature of diminished pleasure in individuals at risk for or affected by schizophrenia". Anticipatory and consummatory pleasure deficits across the schizophrenia spectrum., G.P. Strauss, J.M. Gold, and A.S. Cohen

Brief motivational intervention for college drinking: the synergistic impact of social anxiety and perceived drinking norms, Meredith A. Terlecki, Julia D. Buckner, Mary E. Larimer, and Amy L. Copeland

Exposure to negative affect cues and urge to smoke, Christine Vinci, Amy L. Copeland, and Maureen H. Carrigan

The relationship between depression level and smoking motives in college smokers, Christine Vinci, Megan M. McVay, Amy L. Copeland, and Maureen H. Carrigan

Submissions from 2011

The Smoking-Related Weight and Eating Episodes Test (SWEET): development and preliminary validation, Claire E. Adams, Lauren E. Baillie, and Amy L. Copeland