Submissions from 1991
Methodological issues and learning disabilities diagnosis in clinical populations., R.W. Kamphaus, P.J. Frick, and B.B. Lahey
Anxiety, Inhibition, and Conduct Disorder in Children: II. Relation to Salivary Cortisol, K. MCBURNETT, B.B. LAHEY, P.J. FRICK, C. RISCH, R. LOEBER, E.L. HART, M.A.G. CHRIST, and K.S. HANSON
Determinants of cue strength in adult first and second language speakers of French, J.L. Mcdonald and L.K. Heilenman
Levels of learning: A comparison of concept formation and language acquisition, J.L. McDonald and B. MacWhinney
Preliminary development of a sensation seeking scale for children, M.F. Russo, B.B. Lahey, M.A.G. Christ, P.J. Frick, K. McBurnett, J.L. Walker, R. Loeber, M. Stouthamer-Loeber, and S. Green
Anxiety, Inhibition, and Conduct Disorder in Children: I. Relations to Social Impairment, J.L. WALKER, B.B. LAHEY, M.F. RUSSO, P.J. FRICK, M.A.G. CHRIST, K. MCBURNETT, R. LOEBER, M. STOUTHAMER-LOEBER, and S.M. GREEN
Submissions from 1990
Serious Conduct Problems in the Children of Adolescent Mothers: Disentangling Confounded Correlations, M.A.G. Christ, B.B. Lahey, P.J. Frick, M.F. Russo, K. McBurnett, R. Loeber, M. Stouthamer-Loeber, and S. Green
Comparison of DSM-III and DSM-III-R Diagnoses for Prepubertal Children: Changes in Prevalence and Validity, B.B. LAHEY, R. LOEBER, M. STOUTHAMER-LOEBER, M.A.G. CHRIST, S. GREEN, M.F. RUSSO, P.J. FRICK, and M. DULCAN
Submissions from 1989
Language learning: Cues or rules?, B. MacWhinney, J. Leinbach, R. Taraban, and J. McDonald
Category Learning in a Connectionist Model: Learning to Decline the German Definite Article, Janet McDonald
Maximum Likelihood Models for Sentence Processing, Janet McDonald
The Acquisition of Cue-Category Mappings, Janet McDonald
Neuropsychological Test Performance and the Attention Deficit Disorders: Clinical Utility of the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery-Children's Revision, E.A. Schaughency, B.B. Lahey, G.W. Hynd, P.A. Stone, J.C. Piacentini, and P.J. Frick
Submissions from 1988
Conduct Disorder: Parsing the Confounded Relation to Parental Divorce and Antisocial Personality, B.B. Lahey, S.E. Hartdagen, P.J. Frick, K. McBurnett, R. Connor, and G.W. Hynd
Adapting to Processing Demands in Discourse Production: The Case of Handwriting, Janet McDonald
Peer Social Status of Children With Anxiety Disorders, C.C. Strauss, B.B. Lahey, P. Frick, C.L. Frame, and G.W. Hynd
Submissions from 1987
Agreement of parent and teacher rating scales with comprehensive clinical assessments of attention deficit disorder with hyperactivity, B.B. Lahey, K. McBurnett, J.C. Piacentini, S. Hartdagen, J. Walker, P.J. Frick, and G.W. Hynd
Assigning linguistic roles: The influence of conflicting cues, J.L. McDonald
Sentence interpretation in bilingual speakers of English and Dutch, J.L. McDonald
Submissions from 1986
The development of sentence comprehension strategies in English and Dutch, J.L. McDonald
Submissions from 1985
The Mapping of Semantic and Syntactic Processing Cues by First and Second Language Learners of English, Dutch and German, Janet McDonald
Submissions from 1981
Simultaneous translation: Idiom interpretation and parsing heuristics, J.L. McDonald and P.A. Carpenter