Submissions from 2024
Surviving Not Thriving… Yet: Utilizing Lived Experiences to Improve Onboarding in an Academic Library, Elizabeth Allen, Jazzlynn Boyd, Danielle Costello, Michael Holt, Cambria Huff, and Randa Lopez Morgan
The Library is NOT for Everyone (Yet): Disability, Accommodations, and Working in Libraries, Nicollette Davis, Mondo Vaden, Marco Seiferle-Valencia, Jess Saldaña, and De Ann Brame
NADA SHABOUT: The Challenge of Visual Literacy in Modern and Contemporary Arab Art, Marty Miller
Oral histories document community mobilisation to participate in decision-making regarding a hazardous waste thermal treatment facility, Jennifer Richmond-Bryant, M. Odera, W. Subra, B. Vallee, L. Rivers, B. Kelley, J. A. Cramer, A. Wilson, J. Tran, T. Beckham, et al.
Fascism: A Reading List with Notes, Michael F. Russo
Review of Bad Nature, Michael F. Russo
Review of Book of George, Michael F. Russo
Review of Colored Television, Michael F. Russo
Review of Dear Dickhead, Michael F. Russo
Review of How to Leave the House, Michael F. Russo
A scoping review of policies to encourage breastfeeding, healthy eating, and physical activity among rural people and places in the United States, M. Renée Umstattd Meyer, Bailey Houghtaling, Marilyn E. Wende, Khawlah H. Kheshaifaty, Haley Delgado, Stephanie A. Eze, Cassady Mecate, Rebekah Summerall Woodward, Randa Lopez Morgan, and Kathy J. Krey
Submissions from 2023
Louisiana Academic Library Workers and Workplace Bullying, Catherine Baird, Andrea Hebert, and Justin Savage
Tumultuous Devotions: Female Entrapment & Empowerment in the Lais of Marie de France, Trent Dunkin
Nutrition interventions addressing structural racism: a scoping review, Matthew Greene, Bailey Houghtaling, Claire Sadeghzadeh, Molly De Marco, De'Jerra Bryant, Randa Morgan, and Denise Holston
Did COVID-19 Change Patron Format Preferences?: A Multi-year Study of Patron Format Preferences at Two Universities, Jessica Lee, Mason Hall, and Michael Holt
Mathematics Library News, Aaron Lercher
Visual Literacy Unframed: Planning an OER to Improve College-level Visual Analysis Skills, Marty Miller
Metadata for Collections as Data in a Multi-Institutional Digital Library, Elisa Naquin and Leah Duncan
Returning to Work During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Report on the ALA Core Metadata Interest Group Meeting, ALA Annual Conference 2022, Elisa Naquin, Joan Wang, and Mingyan Li
A Community-Engaged Oral History Study as a Tool for Understanding Environmental Justice Aspects of Human Exposures to Hazardous Waste Thermal Treatment Emissions in Colfax, LA, Matilda Odera, Blair Kelley, Louie Rivers, Alyanna Wilson, Jessica Tran, Khushi Patel, Brenda Vallee, Wilma Subra, Jennifer A. Cramer, Jennifer K. Irving, et al.
Medical libraries and their complicated past: an exploration of the historical connections between medical collections and racial science, Raymond Pun, Patrice R. Green, and Nicollette Davis
Wooing “Willing Dupes”: The Bush Administration’s Use of Emotional Language in the Drive Toward War with Iraq, Michael F. Russo
Implementing a Hybrid Internship during the COVID-19 Pandemic, Kaci Wilson, Amanda Hawk, and Marty Miller
Submissions from 2022
Learning by Doing: Student & Faculty Reflections on a Collaborative Model for Conducting and Publishing Mixed Methods Research in a Graduate Course, Gina R. Costello, Kimberly R. Davis, and Oliver S. Crocco
Fostering Evidence-Grounded Dialogue in a Multi-Institutional Digital Library, Leah Duncan, Elizabeth Joan Kelly, and Sophia Ziegler
Biography of Mrs. Ida Grout Rust McPherson, Michigan Suffragette, Mitchell J. Fontenot
African Americans' Perceptions of Nutrition Interventions: A Scoping Review, Matthew Greene, Bailey Houghtaling, Claire Sadeghzadeh, Molly De Marco, De'Jerra Bryant, Randa Morgan, and Denise Holston
Reference Staffing and Scheduling Models in Archives and Special Collections: A Survey Analysis of Prepandemic Practices, Amanda K. Hawk
Adherence to Standardized Measures and Metrics for Public Services in U.S.-Based Special Collections Libraries and Archival Institutions, Amanda K. Hawk and Melanie Griffin
Burning the Candle at Both Ends: How and Why Academic Librarians Who are Parents Experience and Combat Burnout at Work, Michael Holt, Amy Chew, Jessica Lee, and Robert Taylor
Using suma counting software to assess usage throughout an academic library renovation, Michael O. Holt and Amy K. Chew
A systematic review of trucking food, physical activity, and tobacco environments and tractor-trailer drivers’ related patterns and practices in the United States and Canada, 1993–2021, Bailey Houghtaling, Laura Balis, Leia Minaker, Khawlah Kheshaifaty, Randa Morgan, and Carmen Byker Shanks
Fostering Student Success, Sigrid Kelsey
Review of The Twilight World, Michael Russo
Academic Librarians and Student Success: Examining Changing Librarian Roles and Attitudes, Sarah Simms and Jeremiah Paschke-Wood
Submissions from 2021
The Impact of COVID-19 on the Use of Academic Library Resources, Ruth Connell, Lisa Wallis, and David Comeaux
A transaction log analysis of EBSCO Discovery Service using Google Analytics: the methodology, Rachel K. Fischer, Aubrey Iglesias, Alice L. Daugherty, and Zhehan Jiang
Biography of Mrs. Jessie N. Luther, Wisconsin Suffragette, Mitchell J. Fontenot
The Power of Cross-unit Data Sharing: Nontraditional Uses for ILLiad, Megan Lounsberry, Nicole Wood, and Bonnie Thornton
Delivering Bad News, Brittany O'Neill
Do they know it when they see it?: Natural language preferences of undergraduate students for library resources, Brittany O’Neill
Delivering Bad News: Crisis Communication Methods in Academic Libraries, Brittany O'Neill and Rebecca Kelley
Review of Morningside Heights, Michael F. Russo
Review of The Guncle, Michael F. Russo
Review of The Night Always Comes, Michael F. Russo
Louisiana Digital Library Collections As Data Outro Survey: Selected Survey Results to Support Reports and Publications, SL Ziegler, Leah Powell Duncan, and Elizabeth Joan Kelly
Submissions from 2020
"User Experience with a New Public Interface for an Integrated Library System", Kelly D. Blessinger and David Comeaux
ACRL Framework for Impactful Scholarship and Metrics, Rachel Borchardt, Wayne Bivens-Tatum, Polly Boruff-Jones, Robin Chin Roemer, Ted Chodock, Sandra DeGroote, Alex R. Hodges, Sigrid Kelsey, Erika Linke, and Jennifer Matthews
“First, do no harm”: Tread carefully where oral history, trauma, and current crises intersect, Jennifer A. Cramer
Une Erreur Triomphante: La Façon dont J'ai Découvert Ma Passion pour la Langue Française, Trent Dunkin
Serving Our Student Veterans in Louisiana, Mitchell J. Fontenot and Rebecca Kelley
Parkinson's Disease in Louisiana, 1999-2012: Based on Hospital Primary Discharge Diagnoses, Incidence, and Risk in Relation to Local Agricultural Crops, Pesticides, and Aquifer Recharge, Martin E. Hugh-Jones, R. Hampton Peele, and Vincent L. Wilson
Thematic Index of Works by Eugene Bozza, Lois Kuyper-Rushing
Pollution and Polluter Pays, Aaron Lercher
Troubleshooting Electronic Resources from an Interlibrary Loan Perspective, Megan Lounsberry MLIS
Information literacy through service-learning, Michael Russo
Review of Black Buck, Michael F. Russo
Review of Real Life, Michael F. Russo
Review of Red Dress in Black and White, Michael F. Russo
Review of The Blind Light, Michael F. Russo
Co-author Weighting in Bibliometric Methodology and Subfields of a Scientific Discipline, Lawrence Smolinsky and Aaron J. Lercher
Open Data in Cultural Heritage Institutions: Can We Be Better Than Data Brokers?, SL Ziegler
Louisiana Digital Library Collections As Data Intro Survey: Selected Survey Results to Support Reports and Publications, SL Ziegler, Leah Powell Duncan, and Elizabeth Joan Kelly
Creating Collaborative Subject Guides for Multi-Insitutional Digital Collection: A Case Study from the Louisiana Digital Library, SL Ziegler and Leah Powell
Submissions from 2019
LOUIS Membership with Open Textbook Network Brings Incentive for Faculty OER Advocacy on Campuses, Elizabeth Batte, Sarah Mazur, Emily Frank, David Dunaway, and Laurie Phillips
A Proposed Framework for the Evaluation of Academic Librarian Scholarship, Rachel Borchardt, Polly Boruff-Jones, Sigrid Kelsey, and Jennifer Matthews
Bibliometrics for Faculty Evaluation: A Statistical Comparison of h-indexes Generated Using Google Scholar and Web of Science Data, David J. Dunaway
Mes Sentiments sur la Langue Française en Louisiane, Trent Dunkin
This worksheet works: Making the DLS standards work for you, Natalie Haber, Melissa Cornwell, and Andrea Hebert
How Did You Code “I'm Really Confident That I Can Find the Exact IKEA Pillow”?: Creating an Effective Codebook as a Team, Andrea Hebert
Angel Island Opens in San Francisco Bay, 1910, Hayley Johnson and Sarah Simms
Angel Island Opens in San Francisco Bay, 1910, Hayley Johnson and Sarah Simms
LSU Libraries Diversity Residency Program: Planning, Launching, and Assessing, Sigrid Kelsey and Ebony McDonald
No Textbooks Allowed! (Unless You’re a Graduate Student!): Louisiana State University Pilots an ILL Textbook Service, Megan Lounsberry
Curriculum, Departmental, and Faculty Mapping in the Visual Arts Department, Marty Miller
Evaluating Trends in Instruction Scheduling Management, Brittany O'Neill
Review of Fly Already, Michael F. Russo
Review of I Heart Oklahoma, Michael F. Russo
Review of Song for the Unraveling of the World, Michael F. Russo
Review of The Altruists, Michael F. Russo
Review of The History of Living Forever, Michael F. Russo
Digitization Selection Criteria as Anti-Racist Action, SL Ziegler
More Than a Pretty Interface: The Louisiana Digital Library as a Data Hub, SL Ziegler
A Hidden Gem Becomes a Fertile Mining Ground: Historic Prison Admission Books and Data-Driven Digital Projects, SL Ziegler and Steve Marti
Submissions from 2018
Engineering Study Abroad as Strategic Exploration, Emily P. Frank and Amanda B. MacDonald
Information Literacy Skills of First-Year Library and Information Science Graduate Students: An Exploratory Study, Andrea Hebert
The Process of a Completed Digitization Project: Ingest, Cara M. Key and William W. Conlin
Digitization on a Budget, Cara M. Key, Zachary G. Stein, and Cheylon K. Woods
Sacred vs. Profane in The Great War: A Neutral’s Indictment, Marty Miller
Lost and Wanted., Michael Russo
Review of Lost and Wanted, Michael F. Russo
Review of Such Good Work, Michael F. Russo
Delayed Retirements and the Youth Movement among ARL Library Professionals, Stanley Wilder
Hiring and Staffing Trends in ARL Libraries, Stanley Wilder
Selected Demographic Trends in the ARL Professional Population, Stanley Wilder
More than a Pretty Interface: The Louisiana Digital Library as a Data Hub, Scott Ziegler and Cara M. Key
PAL: Toward a Recommendation System for Manuscripts, SL Ziegler and Richard Shrake
Submissions from 2017
Flipping the Leadership Model, Cristina Caminita
Thirty years of preserving, discovering, and accessing U.S. agricultural information: Past progress and current challenges, Cristina Caminita, Michael Cook, and Amy Paster