Theses from 2002
Dirty secrets: blood protein and VFA analysis of soil from execution and grave site in the former Yugoslavia, Hugh Tuller
Tapered LIGA mold insert, Ryan Anthony Turner
A state-of-the-practice review of hurricane evacuation plans and policies, Elba Alicia Urbina
Ternary and quaternary logic to binary bit conversion CMOS integrated circuit design using multiple input floating gate MOSFETs, Harish N. Venkata
Eden, Olympia Vernon
Parametric and sensitivity analysis of a vibratory automobile model, Kanika Nicole Vessel
The effects of rock and fluids characteristics on reservoir wettability, Chandra S. Vijapurapu
Is this journalism?: a study of whether the snapshots on the front page of USA Today adhere to journalistic standards, Emily Arnette Vines
Bench-scale compost reactors system and the self-heating capabilities, Michael Alden Vining
A screening assessment of dissolved air flotation for control of nonindigenous invasive species transported in shipping ballast water, Eng Chong Voon
Development of low-fat sugar-free orange sherbet containing soy protein, Jonathan Aaron Walker
A comparison of storm hydrographs from small urban watersheds with different land use patterns in Baton Rouge, Josey Wade Walker
Quantification of the spatial gradient of local volume fraction from tomography images, Yongping Wang
The effects of phytase in nutritionally adequate diets, diets deficient in calcium and phosphorus, and the interactive effects of phytase and Eimeria acervulina infection in broiler chicks, Brandy Centrell Watson
Improving the design of golf course communities as wildlife habitats, Jason R. Watton
Wash, Karin Eberhardt Watts
Hybridization of Lepomid sunfishes by use of cryopreservation, C. Brian Whaley
Liminal recollection...between memory and reality, Blake Jamison Williams
Leg-extensor strength and continuous-scale physical functional performance in independent-living older adults, Kathryn O'Bryan Wilson
The Chemistry of Change: a production thesis in directing, Anthony Greenleaf Winkler
Significance of variations among ancient deltaic deposits in the Arkoma Basin, North-Central Arkansas, Christine Michelle Wright
Implementation of an integrated quality assurance program for CT-TPS process, Junqing Wu
Development of a micro power relay with static electrical actuator, Ren Yang
The effect of nocturnal sampling on semen quality and the efficiency of collection in bovine species, Jennifer H. Yates
Who's not dieting in America and who should be? Results from the 1994-1996 Diet and Health Knowledge Survey (DHKS 1994-1996), Emily York-Crowe
Water-drive gas reservoir: sensitivity analysis and simplified prediction, Junpeng Yue
LIGA mold insert fabrication using SU-8 photoresist, Jian Zhang
A model of heat and mass transfer in an idealized micro heat pipe, Jin Zhang
Stefan Zweig and Russia, Lidia Zhigunova
Utilization of rice bran by Pythium irregulare for lipid production, Hui Zhu
Decentralized and adaptive sensor data routing, Mengxia Zhu
Theses from 2001
Effects of Immigrant Status on Mexicans in the United States, Michelle Monique Balan
Investigation of the differences between inertial and cadence effects on neuromuscular coordination during cycling, Brian Svercauski Baum
Synthesis and Analysis of Three-Dimensional Molecular Architectures, Patricia Beck
The effectiveness of sports sponsorhips: a study of the New Orleans Zephyrs, Amy Marie Boyle
Mass media ethics vs. ethnicity : the Cuban American National Foundation's battle with the Miami Herald, Michelle M. Cobas
Healing the Whole Person: A Post Occupancy Evaluation of the Rooftop Therapy Park at Fort Sanders Regional Medical Center, Knoxville, Tennessee, Brad Edward Davis
Towards Establishing a Process for Preserving Historic Landscapes in Mexico: The Casa Cristo Gardens in Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico, Marcela De Obaldia
"Of one kind or another": rape in the fiction of Eudora Welty, Nicole M. Donald
Palm community development and influence on seedling establishment in a tropical moist forest, Panama, Krista Lynn Farris Lopez
Age at Death in the Human Skeleton: A Combined Analysis of Four Phase-Based Aging Systems to Determine Effieciency and Accuracy in Multifactorial Age Range Assignments, Jennifer Carol Giesecke
Trade flows and marketing practices of Louisiana and Gulf States nurseries, Wade R. Hampton
Multiple-access interference suppression in CDMA wireless systems, Jianqiang He
Attribute agenda-setting in an open primary: an examination of press coverage and political ad effects, Scott Hobbs
Near the Lewis & Clark Trail, Chad Colin Husted
The effect of diet/supplement intake and competitive swimming/gymnastics upon the bone mineral density of collegiate females, Teresa Christine Jones
A reexamination of the canon of objectivity in American journalism, Les L. Lane
When everybody's a critic: effects of a newspaper's self-improvement program, John M. LaPlante
Polyurethane foam based packing media for biofilters removing volatile organic compounds from contaminated air, Felipe A. Martinez
Evaluation of in situ bioremediation approaches in meeting international standards for organic and residual metals toxicity in soils, Jason Allan McDonald
Auto Shop Boys: A Collection of Short Stories, Daniel T. McNamara
Microhabitat use in an assemblage of native and introduced stream fishes in Wailoa Stream, Island of Hawaii, Mark G. McRae
Electrodeposition of NiW alloys into deep recesses, Lakshmikanth Namburi
Signs sense: exploring signs in urban place making, Amy Elizabeth Pecquet
The evaluation of PCR-based techniques for the detection of fecal indicator organisms in environmental samples, Quinesha Laticia Perry
Trans-Mississippi Southerners in the Union Army, 1862-1865, Christopher Rein
A textual analysis comparing the content of "Black Enterprise," "Forbes," and "Fortune" magazines and the message each presents to its readers, Karen M. Rowley
Optimization of Apex-Mediated DNA Transformation in Rice, Marsha Natalie Samuels
Survival of Canine Epididymal Sperm under Cooled and Frozen-Thawed Conditions, Karla Stilley
Dynamic Scheduling, Allocation, and Compaction Scheme for Real-Time Tasks on FPGAs, Shobharani Tatineni
Landscape architecture in El Salvador: a case study of the Cerro Verde National Park, Stephen Price Wilson
Simulation study and instability of adaptive control, Zhongshan Wu