


Master of Landscape Architecture (MLA)


Landscape Architecture

Document Type



In recent years, the published objectives of international aid organizations have called for the expertise of landscape architects. Projects with attention to sustainability, environment, and land use have become a major emphasis for many organizations. Landscape architecture, a profession which involves physical science, social science, humanities, art and land, is an appropriate profession to participate in aid projects. As a result of their unique training and experience, landscape architects have an unusual opportunity to make a substantial contribution in the planning, design and development of places for people in developing countries. This case study documents the activities and explains a process of involvement by which the author, through the School of Landscape Architecture at Louisiana State University, became involved in the Cerro Verde National Park, El Salvador. Sponsored by the Louisiana Partners of the Americas, the author uses his research and observations as a participant in the project to examine the potential role of the profession of landscape architecture in the improvement of land stewardship developing countries. In order to understand our process of involvement, the author gives background in the following areas: aid organizations, Latin America, El Salvador, traditional park planning, and the Cerro Verde National Park, El Salvador.



Document Availability at the Time of Submission

Release the entire work immediately for access worldwide.

Committee Chair

Sadik C. Artunc


