Master of Arts (MA)
Comparative Literature (Interdepartmental Program)
Document Type
The main purpose of this study is to examine and to evaluate the reception of Stefan Zweig and his works in Russia, as well as the perception of Russia by Stefan Zweig recorded in his recollections of his trip to Russia in 1928, when he took part in the festivities dedicated to the hundredth anniversary of Leo Tolstoy's birth. I will also analyze the meeting and the correspondence between Zweig and Gorky, as well as the correspondence between Zweig and Romain Rolland, in which the two of them shared their views on Soviet Russia. The study concurs that Zweig was one of the most popular and widely translated authors in the world. Russia, as well as the former Soviet Union, was and is part of that world. The main body of Zweig's works was translated into Russian. However, it was later revealed that Zweig's works were translated on a selective basis. His last and most outstanding non-fictional work, his autobiography Die Welt von Gestern, for instance, had never appeared as a whole in the Soviet Union. The struggle of the translator with the authorities in the former Soviet Union to get the book published will be also a topic for discussion.
Document Availability at the Time of Submission
Release the entire work immediately for access worldwide.
Recommended Citation
Zhigunova, Lidia, "Stefan Zweig and Russia" (2002). LSU Master's Theses. 1572.
Committee Chair
Greg Stone