Theses/Dissertations from 1959
Retroactive Inhibition in Slow and Fast Learners as a Function of Temporal Position of the Interpolated Task., Ronald Stanley Pryer
The Effect of Dietary Protein and Energy Level Upon the Nitrogen Components in the Urine of the Domestic Hen., Charles Edward Richardson
Women in Prison: A Study of Social Relationships, Charlotte Mae Richardson
Women in Prison: a Study of Social Relationships, Charlotte Mae Richardson
French Radio Broadcasting in Louisiana 1935-1958, Elizabeth Mae Roberts
The New York Legislative Campaign Speaking of Governor Charles Evans Hughes, 1907-1910., Mary Margaret Roberts
A Study of Hallucinations and the Sense Modality Used in Learning., Arthur Rogers
A Comparative Study of Korean and Japanese Family Life., Chang Shub Roh
The Vertebral Column and Epaxial Muscles of the Golden Hamster., Mohamed Salim Salih
A History of the Development of the Educational Theatre in Negro Collegesand Universities From 1911 to 1959., Floyd Leslie Sandle
Hydrodynamic Induced Mass in Helium Below the Lambda Point., William Jude Schultis
The Inheritance of Iodine Value in Rice and Its Association With Other Characters., Ramaswamy Seetharaman
Criteria for a Program of In-Service Education in the Elementary and Secondary School., Elbert Lee Self
Studies on Development and Spread of Red Rot in a Sugarcane Plant., Giri Raj Singh
Group Separations by Anion-Exchange., Joseph Edward Smith
Stratigraphy and Ostracoda of the Brownstown and Tokio Formations-Southwest Arkansas., Carl Peter elmer Thorsen
Vapor-Liquid Equilibrium of Aliphatic Alcohol-Aryl Hydrocarbon Solutions., James Franklin Tooke
A Study of the Volatile Characteristics of Various Metal Beta-Diketone Chelate Compounds., Joseph T. Truemper
The Anaerobic Glutamic Acid Deaminase of Clostridium Tetanomorphum., John Medearis Van deren Jr
Studies on Phytophthora Seed Piece Rot of Sugarcane and the Principal Causal Organism Phytophthora Megasperma, Drechs., Tom Van der zwet
Behavior of the red-footed booby (Sulasula) in British Honduras, Jared Verner
An Engineering Study of the Effluent Disposal Problems of the Louisiana Raw Sugar Industry., Joseph Edward Wheeler Jr
Theses/Dissertations from 1958
Flowering and Growth Characteristics of the Potato Plant as Influenced Bythe Dark Period Interruption., Aly Ezzat Abdel-wahab
Low Temperature Galvanomagnetic Effects in Metal Single Crystal of Zinc., Sayed Ahmad Ali
The Biochemistry of Melanin Formation in Shrimp., Milton Edward Bailey
Chinese Market Gardening in Singapore: a Study in Functional Microgeography., James Morris Blaut
The Ethical Ideal of the Professions: a Sociological Analysis of the Academic and Medical Professions., Audrey Farrell Borenstein
An Analysis of the Balance Sheet in View of Recent Emphasis on Income Determination., J. Herman Brasseaux
Isolation, Characterization and Metabolism of Methane Oxidizing Bacteria., Lewis Raymond Brown
The Relationship Between Monetary, Fiscal, and External Policies and Their Effects Upon Income and Prices in Latin America., Dale Louis Cramer
Some Factors Affecting the Teaching of Farm Mechanics in Louisiana., Charlie Monroe Curtis
Quantitative and Qualitative Behavioral Changes in the Rhesus Monkey After Lesions of the Caudate Nucleus., Waid Hampton Dean
John Slidell and the Community He Represented in the Senate, 1853-1861., Albert Lewie Diket
A Tandem Van De Graaff Accelerator and Negative Hydrogen Ion Source., Francis Eugene Dunnam Jr
Some Recommended Areas of Study for a Management Curriculum Geared to Thepotential Office Manager Based on a Job Analysis of Office Managers., Frank Daniel Ferguson
Inheritance of Yield Components in an Interspecific Hybrid of Cotton., Jose A. Ferrer-monge
Family and Community in Disaster: a Socio-Psychological Study of the Effects of a Major Disaster Upon Individuals and Groups Within the Impactarea., Charles Willard Fogleman
The Evaporation of Brine Solutions in a Fluidized Salt Bed., Joseph Foster Frantz
An Improved Decay Scheme for Cesium-134., John Donald French
The Savanna of Central Panama: a Study in Cultural Geography., Robert Henderson Fuson
Direct Contact Heat Transfer in a Baffle-Plate Tower., Marcelian Francis Gautreaux Jr
A Suggested Handbook for the Organization and Use of Lay Citizens Advisory Committees in Public Elementary and Secondary Schools of Louisiana., Clarence E. Golemon
Testing Selected Sweet Corn Hybrids for Earworm Resistance and Sugar Content and Tenderness Under Different Storage Temperatures., Carlos E. Gonzalez del valle
Some Hydrodynamical Aspects of Oscillating Symmetrical Bodies in Liquid Helium II., Billy J. Good
The Trimerization of Aldehydes., George Neal Grammer
Development of Vocational Agricultural Education in Texas, 1917-1957., Julian Clarence Green
The Relationship of the Therapeutic Score of the Word Sort Test to Certain Aspects of Psychotherapeutic Orientation of Psychotherapists., Jack Doyle Hain
The Activity of Combinations of Certain Herbicides as Determined by Biological Assay., Willis Santford Hardcastle
On the Semigroup Structure of Continua., Robert Paul Hunter
On Complementation of Normal Subgroups and on Automorphisms of Groups., Ossie John Huval
Period Costing Versus Product Costing., James Truley Johnson
Inheritance of Fiber Fineness in the Interspecific Hybrid Gossypium Hirsutum X G. Barbadense., Saad Abdel-latif Kamel
Comparative Agricultural Geography of East Pakistan and Louisiana., Fazle Karim Khan
Microbial Oxidation of Naphthalene., Robert Edward Klausmeier Sr
Studies on Chlortetracycline as a Growth Stimulant for Young Dairy Calves., Francisco Tacadina Landagora
A Survey of Early Economic Thought on the Problem of Resource Analysis., Stanley Todd Lowry
The Responses of Some Soil Microorganisms to Sodium 2,2-Dichloropropionate and Maleic Hydrazide Diethanolamine., Lyman Abbott Magee
Some Effects of 3-Amino 1,2,4-Triazole on the Respiratory Activities of Zea Mays L., Chester Gray Mcwhorter
The Inheritance of Sterility in an Intervarietal Hybrid of Rice, Oryza Sativa L., Russell Lee Miller
Electronic Transitions of Aromatic Carbonyl Compounds., Sam Stewart Mims
Means of Achieving Adjustment to Marital Problems Among the Families of College Students., Martin Lavern Norris
Ring Size and Reactivity of Cyclic Olefins: Complexation With Aqueous Silver Ion and With Molecular Iodine., Jerome Robert Olechowski
A Study of Drop-Outs From the Junior Division of Louisiana State University, 1953-1955., Ben Keaton Patton Jr
Lo Vasco en Pio Baroja., Eloy L. Placer
Middleville Morticians: Some Social Implications of Change in the Funeralbusiness in a Southern City., William Henry Porter Jr
The Detection and Determination of Esters., Mohd. Mohsin Qureshi
Homomorphisms and Topological Semigroups., Neal Jules Rothman
Extraction Studies in the Platinum Metals Group., William Lambert Senn Jr
An Experimental Study of Achievement in Arithmetic and the Time Allotted to Development of Meanings and Individual Pupil Practice., Donald Eugene Shipp Jr
Colletotricha Associated With Lily Bulbs. Their Pathogenicity and Host Range., Edward Kenneth Sobers
A Market Study of a Baton Rouge Suburb., Elizabeth Melanie Sorbet
Host Relationships of Fabraea Maculata (Lev.) Atk. In Louisiana., Panaghiotis D. Stathis
A Study of Mental Health Status of Retarded Readers., Bobby Eugene Tabarlet
The Life Insurance Man: a Sociological Analysis of the Occupation., Miller Lee Taylor
An Investigation of Public Address as Taught by the Baptist Training Union of the Southern Baptist Convention., Thomas Lee Tedford
The Effect of Molybdenum, Tungsten, Copper, Inorganic Sulfur, Phosphorus,and Potassium in Avian Nutrition., Roger Alton Teekell
A Sociological Study of the Choctaw Indians in Mississippi., Charles Madden Tolbert
The Geology of Evangeline and St. Landry Parishes, Louisiana., Gasper G. Varvaro
A Recommended Program for High School General Mathematics as Determined by an Appraisal of Present Content and Placement of Subject Matter., Lois Tyler Wales
Nematodes Associated With White Clover (Trifolium Repens L.) in Louisiana., Estle Jacob Wehunt
Inheritance of Fiber Strength in an Interspecific Cross of Cotton., Smith Worley Jr
Cretaceous Foraminifera From the Sacramento Valley, California., Richard Paul Zingula
Theses/Dissertations from 1957
The Electron Spectra of Cesium-134 and Barium-131., Leon Stanley August
Studies on the Isolates of Physalospora Tucumanensis, Speg., Kazi Badruddoza MD
Flow Patterns in Cylindrical Settling Tanks, Part I: Application of Model Analysis Technique to Settling Tank Feed Well Design., William Leon Barham
A History of Education in Louisiana During the Reconstruction Period, 1862-1877., Leon Odum Beasley
Observations on the White-Faced Ibis, Plegadis Chihi, in Louisiana, Horace William Belknap
Effects of Experimentally-Induced Muscular Tension and Frequency of Motivational Instructions on Pursuit Rotor Performance., Albert Howard Bell
Centrifugal Filtration Through Beds of Small Spheres., J. Byron Bingeman
Inheritance of Several Economic Quantitative Characters in Rice., Charles Nelson Bollich
The Quality of Sweet Potato Chips as Influenced by Variety, Method of Preparation, and Storage Condition of the Roots., David Lee Burton
A Decay Scheme for Barium-131., Robert Wilfred Campbell
Problems in the Application of Statistical Quality Control to a Manufacturing Plant., Chung Wei Chen
Rice Marketing in Thailand., Chaiyong Chuchart
Spectrophotometric Determination of Chloride Ion., Hans Coll
An Investigation of the Stability of Social Sensitivity and Its Relationship to Verbal Behavior., Robert Nicholson Dorsey
Personal Services Rendered by Teachers of Vocational Agriculture in Mississippi., Harmon M. Dykes
The Immediate Effects of Emotionality Upon Behavior Strength., Norman R. Ellis
The Differential Effects of Distributed Practice in Compound Trial-And-Error Learning., Francis John Farese
Angular Distributions of the Deuteron(deuteron,neutron)helium-3 Reaction Below 1 Mev., Jack C. Fuller