Theses/Dissertations from 1962
Interpretations of the Electronic Energy States in Fluoranthene and Related Molecules., James H. Wharton
Studies on the Polymerization of Metal Beta-Diketone Chelates and Associated Ligands., Donald Edward Willis
Some Factors Influencing Semen Production in Rams., Carrol Wilson
Theses/Dissertations from 1961
Monogenetic Trematodes of Alabama Freshwater Fishes., Ray Allison
A Study of Style and Imagery in the Early Prose Works of Paul Morand., Theodore Toulon Beck
Effects of Packaging on Retail Egg Sales and on Quality Deterioration., Robert Paul Bentz
An Analysis of the Growth of Savings and Loan Associations in the Ninth Federal Home Loan Bank District, 1945-1959., James Robert Bobo
Response Sets as Indicators of Senescence and of Psychopathology in Old Age., D. Geraldine Boozer
A Study of the Structure of Turbulent Shear Flow in Pipes., William Alfred Brookshire
The Saffron Scourge: a History of Yellow Fever in Louisiana, 1796-1905., Jo Ann Carrigan
Effect of Pressure on the Ettingshausen-Nernst Effect in Zinc at Helium Temperatures., Ronald Joseph Deck
Hormonal Regulation of Growth in a Lizard, Anolis Carolinensis., Anthony Dimaggio III
A Historical Study of Group Discussion Principles and Techniques Developed by 'The Inquiry,' 1922-1933., Richard Pfaff Douthit
Some Tertiary Fossil Woods of Louisiana and Mississippi., George Houston Dukes Jr
The Effect of the Use of a Particular Method on Achievement in Problem Solving in Sixth Grade Arithmetic., Charles Joseph Faulk
A Word Atlas of North Louisiana., Mary Lucile pierce Folk
The Effect of Feedback of Success and Effectiveness on Self, Task, and Interaction Oriented Group Members., Roland Lee Frye Jr
Profile of the H-Gamma Line in the White Dwarf 40 Eridani B., Jerry Don Fuller
A Study of Some Physiological Processes of Corn as Affected by N-(3,4-Dichlorophenyl) Methacrylamide., Henry Hanly Funderburk Jr
Rings in Which Every Ideal Has a Regular Representation., Robert William Gilmer Jr
Significant Foraminifera in the Austin Group., Louis Deagramonte Gimbrede
A Sociological Analysis of Man-Caused Forest Fires in Louisiana., Thomas Hansbrough
Cadmium Halide Complexes and Anion Exchange Equilibria., Edward Lyndol Harris
An Analysis of the Determination and Content of a Program for the Development of Personnel Managers., Billy Joe Hodge
The Minor Characters in Spenser's 'Faerie Queene'., James Vincent Holleran
Physical Chemical Studies on Inorganic Coordination Compounds. I. Metallic Complexes of Dimethylsulfoxide. II. Preparation and Spectral Studies of Vanadyl Complexes., Lawrence Henry Holmes Jr
A Study of the Participating Experiences of Student Teachers of Vocational Agriculture., James Herman Hutchinson
The Twentieth Century KU Klux Klan in Morehouse Parish, Louisiana., Alton Earl Ingram
Microbial Desulfurization of Petroleum., Don Lee Isenberg
Inheritance of Resistance to Fusarium Wilt in Upland Cotton., Jack Earl Jones
The Sociology of Stratification: a Theory of the Power Structure of Society., John Drenan Kelley
A Situational Analysis of the Effects of Drouth as a Disaster on the Mobility of a Selected Rural-Farm Population., Clarence Willard Ketch
Microbial Oxidation of Dibenzothiophene and Its Possible Application in the Desulfurization of Coal and Petroleum., Albert Theodore Knecht Jr
Soil Properties, Use of Fertilizers, and Nutrient Uptake as Related to the Growth of Loblolly Pine (Pinus Taeda L.)., Norwin Eugene Linnartz
Studies on the Extractability of Anions., Apolinar S. Lorica
The Interrelationships of Children's Interests, Achievement, and Social Adjustment., Mary Lou simpson Loudon
An Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Selecting Sugarcane Varieties From Plant and First Stubble Crops., Denver T. Loupe
Crucial Issues in Louisiana Public Education as Reflected in Selected Louisiana Newspapers, 1898-1956., Othel Eugene Lovell Jr
A History of Teachers' Institutes of Louisiana: 1870-1921., Louis August andrew Lynn
The Effect of Recurrent Selection on Fiber Strength in an Interspecific Cross of Cotton., John Hubert Massey
Plant Location Factors in the Petrochemical Industry in Louisiana., Robert Nance Mcmichael
Chaucer and the Theme of Mutability., Joseph John Mogan Jr
Dogmatism and Anxiety in the Conditioning of Verbal Behavior., Dorothy Nell Moore
Electron Microscopic Studies of Mitochondria in Cardiac and Skeletal Muscle From Hibernated and Control Ground Squirrels., James Edmond Moreland
Acquisition and Extinction of a Running Response as a Function of Differing Numbers of Trials Under Partial and Continuous Reinforcement., Richard Michael Nacewski
The Effects of Prefrontal Lobotomy on Performance of Delayed Response Problems in Human Psychotic Patients., Arthur Newton
Inheritance of Growth Habit and Flowering Response of the Southern Pea, Vigna Sinensis, Endl., Joseph Daniel Norton
The Dimension of Masculinity-Femininity as Related to Psychopathological Groups., Alan Richard Phillips
Comparative Morphology and Respiration of Normal and Diseased Helminthosporium Victoriae., Evangelos Eleftheriou Psarros
Velocity-Dependent Nuclear Forces., Mohsen Modarres Razavy
Psychologists' Criticism of Hamlet., Jack Norman Renfrow
Residential Preference, Residential Location and Home-Work Separation: a Theoretical Analysis., John Marvin Richards
The Literary Career of Epsey Williams: New Orleans Poet and Playwright (1852-1908)., Patricia Kennedy Rickels
A Study of Communication in the Business Organization With Emphasis on Written Managerial Communication., David Marion Robinson
Two-Nucleon Scattering Using Velocity-Dependent Interactions., Onofre Rojo-asenjo
Educational Activities Offered Employees by Some Selected Louisiana Companies., Dolores Mary Sandoz
Statistical Quality Control - A Quantitative Tool for Management Decisions in a Manufacturing Plant., Lawrence Louis Schkade
An Outline of Content for Wildlife Education and a Study of Wildlife Knowledge of High School Seniors of Louisiana., Stanley Shaw
Selected Poems of Henry Vaughan, Arranged Chronologically, With an Introduction, Critical Commentary, and Explanatory Notes., James Dudley Simmonds
Transport Phenomena in a Single Crystal of Bismuth at Liquid Helium Temperatures., Jimmy Ray Sybert
The Biological Naturalism of John Steinbeck., Horace Platt Taylor Jr
A Study of Income Statement Concepts., Ronald James Thacker
Systematic and Zoogeographic Studies on the Reptilian Trematode Fauna of Tabasco, Mexico., Vernon Everett Thatcher
The Life and Work of George Alexander Stevens., Robert Blaine Thomas
The Relationship Between the Adrenal Cortex, Thyroid Gland and Certain Metabolic Functions in Dairy Cattle Under Cool and Hot Conditions., Roy Dan Thompson
Industrial Relations and Collective Bargaining in the Plastics and Alliedproducts Industry., Jack Newton Thornhill
Higher Oxidation States of Silver., Magdalena Usategui
Differential Thresholds for the Perception of Frequency Modulation in Pure Tone Combinations., Richard Waller Walker
Geology and Regional Relationships of the Sierra Del Fraile, Nuevo Leon, Mexico., James Ray Wall
The Stratigraphy and Structure of the Parras Basin, Coahuila and Nuevo Leon, Mexico., Alfred Edward Weidie Jr
Glauconite in Early Tertiary Sediments of the Gulf Coastal Province., Edmund Gerald Wermund Jr
The Nature of Consumer Preferences for Louisiana Canned Sweet Potatoes., Bernis Earl Williamson
The Creoles of Color: A Study of a New Orleans Subculture, Roland Wingfield
A New Correlation for Direct Contact Heat Transfer Coefficients in Baffleand Perforated Plate Towers., Donald Allen Winkler
Optimum Farm Plans for Small Farms in the Mississippi River Delta Area Oflouisiana (An Application of Linear Programming)., Willard Franklin Woolf
Structural and Spectrophotometric Studies of Some Complexes of Rhodium and Iridium., Hubert Lafay Youmans
Experimental Determination of the Thermal Conductivity and Peltier Tensors in a Single Crystal of Zinc at Liquid Helium Temperature., Nadim Hanna Zebouni
Theses/Dissertations from 1960
Range in Physical, Chemical, and Mineralogical Properties of Important Soils of Bossier Parish, Louisiana., Mohammed Javad Abedi
Deviant Responses in the Measurement of Personality Characteristics., Henry Earl Adams
The Louisiana Whig Party., William Harrison Adams III
Ostracoda of the Stone City Beds at Stone City Bluff, Texas., Raymond Longino Artusy
Land Tenure and Rural Social Organization: a Study in Southern Iraq., Fuad Baali
Thermomagnetic and Galvanomagnetic Effects in Single Crystals of Zinc Andtin Under the Influence of High Pressures and Low Temperatures., Kanwal Singh Balain
A Comparison of the Effectiveness of Isometric and Isotonic Exercises When Performed at Different Frequencies Per Week., Jerry Nolley Barham
Some Factors Influencing the Culinary Quality of Southern and Northern Grown Irish Potatoes., Earl Philip Barrios Jr
Nutritional Evaluation of Pastures With Dairy Cattle in Louisiana., Joseph Ezel Bertrand
Some Effects of N-(3,4-Dichlorophenyl) Methacrylamide on the Early Growthand Certain Respiratory Enzymes of Cotton., Samuel Wayne Bingham
A Critical Analysis of the Debt Structure and Debt Management in Louisiana., Joseph Maurice Bonin
Solvent Effects on the Intensity of Charge Transfer Spectra., Horace Lawrence Browning Jr
Deviant Responses as a Function of Mental Deficiency., Linda Dukate gorenflo gibbons Cieutat
Pre-Learning Visual Familiarity, Added Associations, Serial Position, Andserial Verbal Learning., Victor Joseph Cieutat
Stratigraphy and Ostracoda of the Ozan, Annona, and Marlbrook Formations of Southwestern Arkansas., Robert J. Collins Jr
Characteristics of Red Rice in Louisiana., Milton James Constantin
On Measure and Integration., Richard Brian Darst
The Racial Ideas of the Authors of the Fourteenth Amendment., Lee Allen Dew
Stratigraphy and Ostracoda of the Exogyra Costata Zone of Southwestern Arkansas., Ronald George Drouant
Accounting and Financing Features of Selected Qualified Deferred Compensation Plans., George Watson Fair
Conformity, Deviation and Leadership as a Function of Feedback in Groups., Austin Whitcomb Flint
An Occupational Study of the College of Agriculture Graduates of Southwestern Louisiana Institute, 1938-1958., Vernon Frederick Galliano
The Effect of Consistent Reinforcement and Consistent Nonreinforcement Cues on Discrimination Learning., Donald Roy Gannon