Theses/Dissertations from 1963
Inheritance of Resistance to Races of Blast Disease in Rice., Tady Venkataswamy
On Two-Dimensional Continua Structured by Finite Families of Simple Closed Curves., Arnold Raleigh Vobach
Milk Fat Decomposition: I. Interrelationships of Phospholipid Content, Fatty Acid Composition, and Milk Fat Hydrolysis. II. Relationship of Milkpipeline Height to Increase in Acid Degree Values., Willie Robert Wallace
Allegheny Sedimentary Geology in Vicinity of Ashland, Kentucky., James Edward Webb
Studies on the Tobacco Etch Virus Wilt of Tabasco Pepper Plants., James Clarence White
Information Coding and Retrieval of Nematology Literature on the Ibm 1620computer., Leigh Stuart Whitlock
A Stochastic Analysis of the Size Distribution of Firms in Fluid Milk Markets in Louisiana., D. C. Williams Jr
Some Aspects of the Biology, Ecology, and Behavior of Horse Flies (Diptera, Tabanidae) in Louisiana., Bobby Horace Wilson
Light and Electron Microscopy of the Islets of Langerhans of the Saimiri Monkey Pancreas., William Burt Winborn
An Evaluation of Administrative Practices in a State-Wide Vocational-Technical Curriculum Laboratory., Thomas Bushrod Wofford
The Hero in Dryden's Heroic Tragedy: a Revaluation., Selma Assir Zebouni
Theses/Dissertations from 1962
Nutritional Evaluation of Permanent Pastures With Dairy Cattle in Louisiana., Antonio Solis Achacoso
Aggregation and Deaggregation in Cesium Silicate Solutions., Fernando Aguirre o.
Some Coordination Polymers of 8,8'-Dihydroxy-5,5'-Biquinolyl and 1,6-Dihydroxyphenazine., Ashraful Alam
A History Of The Louisiana Shrimp Industry, 1867-1961, Thomas Aquinas Becnel
The Birds of the Mexican State of Tabasco., Delwyn Green Berrett
Behavioral Analysis of Psychoanalytically Derived Interpretations Presented on Operant Schedules of Reinforcement., Joel Robert Butler
The Occurrence and Persistence of L-Ascorbic Acid in the Southern Pea (Vigna Sinensis, Endl.)., Teodoro Garcia Cadiz
The Effect of Photoperiod, Temperature and Comparative Flower Inducing Techniques on Flowering in Ipomoea Batatas., George Milton Campbell
A Study of the Strawberry Viruses in Louisiana., Robert Glynn Carver
Intersystem Crossing and Energy Transfer in Charge-Transfer Complexes., Nicholas D. Christodouleas
Effect of Endogenous Histamine on Meat Tenderness., Glenn Elward Clark
Optimum Farm Plans for Small Farms in the Macon Ridge Area of Louisiana., Ray Samuel Corkern
A History of Professional Theater in Dallas, Texas, 1920-1930., Jackson Davis
Prediction of Excess Free Energy and Collision Diameters for Simple Binary Non-Electrolyte Liquid Systems., James Deacetis
Studies of Analytical Separations., Darrell James Donaldson
Structure of L(,p) Spaces., Ronald George Douglas
A Study of the Reactions, Beryllium-9(helium-3,neutron)carbon-11, Lithium-7(helium-3,neutron)boron-9 and Carbon-13(helium-3,neutron)oxygen-15 by Time-Of-Flight Techniques., Jerome Lewis Duggan
Organizational Conditions and Behavior in 234 Industrial Manufacturing Organizations., George Henry Dunteman
The Effects of Make-Work Rules on Railroad Revenue., Philip Duriez
A Study of Hydrogen Diffusion in Metals by Means of the Deuteron(deuteron,proton)triton Reaction., Paul Joseph Ebert
Empirical Investigation of Approach-Avoidance Conflict Displacement., Samuel Thomas Elder
Retailer-Owned Grocery Cooperatives With Special Reference to Such Cooperatives in the Southeast and an Analysis of Associated Grocers of Florida, Incorporated., Chauncey Stephen Elkins Jr
The Fair Hearing in Public Assistance Administration, Martha Frances Gandy
An Inquiry Into the Social, Economic and Business Effects of Financial Advertising., Benjamin Barnes Graves
Toxicological and Metabolic Response of the Bollworm Heliothis Zea (Boddie) to Ddt., Jerry Brook Graves
Biochemical and Physiological Properties of the Cervical and Uterine Fluids of the Cow During Estrus., Harish Chandra Gupta
The Effect of Self, Task and Interaction Orientation on Brainstorming., Ernest B. Gurman Jr
The Agrarian Protest in Louisiana, 1877-1900., William Ivy Hair
The Influence of Diet on Urinary Excretion and Ovarian Deposition of Fatty Acids by the Domestic Fowl., Douglas Hamm
Differential Reinforcement of Empathic and Ego Classes of Pronouns Among Children., James Lamar Harris
A History of the Ryman Auditorium in Nashville, Tennessee: 1892-1920., Jerry Eugene Henderson
A Process for Removal of Color From Bleached Kraft Effluents Through Modification of the Chemical Recovery System., Albert John Herbet
A Bacteriological Study of Ethane Oxidation., Doris Elmez Holmes
The Constructive Role of the Internal Auditor With Emphasis on the Baton Rouge, Louisiana Area., James Troy Hood
Oscillation of Two Cylinders in Liquid Helium II., Robert Gregory Hussey
An Economic Appraisal of Sources and Expenditures of Public Revenues in Lincoln Parish, Louisiana., Ernest Carl Jones
Mixed Carboxylic Anhydrides in the Grignard Reaction., Karl Philip Kammann Jr
The Utilization of Amino Acids by the Growing Chick as Affected by Energylevel., James Howard Keene
A Study of the Influences of Bayer Process Impurities on the Crystallization of Alumina Trihydrate., James Leslie Kelly
Distribution and Engineering Significance of Sediments Bordering the Mississippi From Donaldsonville to the Gulf., Charles Rudolph Kolb
Yield of Sugarcane in Louisiana as Influenced by Soil Moisture Status Andclimate., Girdhari Lal
Studies on the Cation Requirements of Entamoeba Histolytica., Nelda Gilbert Latour
A Word Atlas of Terrebonne Parish., Nolan Philip Lecompte
Effects of Herbicides on Cellulose Decomposition by Sporocytophaga Myxococcoides., William Jacobs Lembeck
The Evolution of the Theatre d'ANALYSE in France Between 1870-1914., Kathleen Bordelon Levingston
Evaluation of Several Bactericides as Seed Treatments for the Control of Black Rot of Crucifers and Studies on an Antibacterial Substance From Cauliflower Seed. (Parts I and II)., Fereydoon Malekzadeh
The Louisiana Unification Movement Of 1873, Vincent Marsala
Miscible Fluid Displacement in a Porous Medium., Eugie Abner Martin
An Experimental Analysis and Description of the Melanocytes in the Leg Ofpet Mice., Thomas Carl Mayer
An Investigation of the Extinction of the Freezing Component of the Cer After Frontal Ablation., Roger Warren Mcintire
Economic Integration in the Production of Table Eggs With Applications Tothe Southeastern United States., Dewey Edward Mcniece
Biological Evaluation of Soybean Meal and Cottonseed Meal by Amino Acid Digestibility and Protein Efficiency Ratio Studies., James Joshua Miner
An Evaluation of Current Accounting Practices in the Privately Owned Electric Power and Light Industry., James P. Modisette
The Effect of Storage on the Yield and Quality of Semi-Chemical Bugasse Pulps., Martha Mary Mora
Sociological Perspectives on a Prison Social System, Joseph Clarence Mouledous
Sociological Perspectives on a Prison Social Sytem, Joseph Clarence Mouledous
Sociological Perspectives on a Prison System, Joseph Clarence Mouledous
Cytogenetic Studies of Gamma Irradiated Rice Varieties., Narayanan Madhavan Nayar
Spectral Studies of the Uranyl Ion., William Charles Neely
Effects of Treatment With Different Concentrations of Oxygen on Germination of Sugarcane (Saccharum Officinarum) and Nutgrass (Cyperus Rotundus)., Narendra Singh Negi
Experimental Analysis of Psychoanalytic Character Types Through the Operant Conditioning of Verbal Responses., Charles Donald Noblin
The Relationship of Fashion in Women's Dress to Selected Aspects of Social Change From 1850 to 1950., Elinor Roth Nugent
Relative Merits of Single and Bunch Plantings in the Selection of Sugarcane Seedlings., Justo Pastor Ojeda herrera
A Study of Some Parameters of the Q-Sort Technique in a Homogeneous Population of Normal Subjects., Gene Francis Ostrom
An Evaluation of the Procedure Required for Accreditation of Elementary Schools by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools., Lionel O. Pellegrin
Relationships Involved in the Successful Forced-Feeding of Chemically-Characterized Liquid Diets to Day-Old Chicks., George Erwin Pipkin
The Competitive Position of Louisiana in the Distribution of Sweet Potatoes (An Application of Reactive Programming)., Homer Gerald Ponder
Economic Development of the Middle East and the Role of Foreign Trade Andcapital., Jitendra Madho Prasad
Bioassay of Pituitary Prolactin in Pregnancy, Pseudopregnancy and Lactation: Hamster., Mahmood Husain Qazi
An Aural-Oral Experiment in Freshman English., Carroll Young Rich
Molecular Field Relationships to Liquid Viscosity, Compressibility, and Prediction of Thermal Conductivity of Binary Liquid Mixtures., Harold Vernon Rodriguez
The Relationship of Deviant Responses to Academic Achievement., John Carl Roitzsch
The Rusts of Puerto Rico., Luis A. Roure
A Study of School Adjustment as Related to Certain Physical and Psychological Characteristics Possessed by Male Students at the Louisianastate School for the Deaf., Benjamin Louis Ruhl
A Distributional Study of the Birds of British Honduras., Stephen Mims Russell
The Disease Cycle of the Red Rot Fungus Physalospora Tucumanensis, Speg.,in a Sugarcane Plant., Federico Sanchez-navarrete
A Critical Evaluation of John Gower's 'Confessio Amantis'., Donald Gustave Schueler
Observations on the Fine Structure of the Stichosome and Bacillary Band of Trichuris Muris (Schrank, 1788) and Trichuris Vulpis (Froelich, 1789)., Harley George Sheffield
A Study of Supervisory Practices and Purposes of the White Public Junior High School Principals of Louisiana as Evaluated by Principals and Selected Teachers., Thomas Paul Southerland
Partial Reinforcement and Vicarious Learning With Different Age Groups Using 0 Percent, 33-1/3 Percent, and 100 Percent Reinforcement., James Edward Stary
Alternative Adjustment Opportunities for Selected Farms in the Hill Farm Area of North Louisiana., Clyde John St. clergy
Economics of Fertilization for Selected Louisiana Crops., Gene Dale Sullivan
Applied Accounting and Automatic Data-Processing Systems., William Elwood Swyers
An Experimental Evaluation of the 'Drive-Frustration' Hypothesis., Anthony Taylor
Drive Level and Semantic Generalization in Neurotics and Schizophrenics., Walter Esmond Turovh
A History of Negro Voting in Louisiana, 1877-1906., Allie Bayne windham Webb
An Inquiry Into Certain Human Determinants of Organizational Creativity., Irwin Weinstock
Relative Serial Position Effects as a Parameter of Verbal Learning: a Test of the McCrary-Hunter Hypothesis., James Wallace Wetherford