Theses/Dissertations from 1960
Autonomic Response Specificity and Anxiety., Rafael A. Garcia-palmieri
The Reaction of Several Varieties of Sweet Potatoes to Five Species of Root-Knot Nematodes (Meloidogyne Spp.)., Mike John Giamalva
The Louisiana State Board of Health: the Formative Years., Gordon Earl Gillson
University Business Administration in Years of Decision., Thomas Edward Glaze
The Irish in New Orleans, 1845-1855, Ruby Nell Gordy
Respiratory Changes Associated With Victoria Blight of Oats., Robert Blair Grimm
The Career Patterns of Negro Lawyers in New Orleans, Barbara Marie Guillory
Internal Bremsstrahlung From Phosphorus-32 and Yttrium-90., Mohamed Abdul Hakeem
A History of 'Theatre Arts' Magazine: 1916-1948., John Guy Handley
Factors Influencing the Structure of Some Pleistocene Terrace Soils in Louisiana., Gaylord Lloyd Hanes
Genetic Studies and Compatibilities in the Sweet Potato (Ipomoea Batatas)., Silas Albert Harmon
Deviant Responses, Response Variability, and Paired-Associate Learning., William Andrew Hawkins
Estimated Liabilities for Warranties and Guarantees., William Ross Heck
Deviant Response Patterns as a Function of Chronological Age., Sidney Otho Hesterly
Response Bias as a Measure of Emotional Disturbance in Children., Charles Wesley House
A Study of the Cascade Board as a Mass Transfer Device., Houston Keller Huckabay
The Kinetics and Mechanism of the Reaction Between Sulfur and N-(4,4'-Dimethoxy - Benzohydrilidene)benzylamine., George Richmond Huddleston Jr
Diapause in the Sugarcane Borer, Diatraea Saccharalis (F.)., Kamta Prasad Katiyar
Double Layer Structure and Electrode Processes., Marcos Yusim Kleinerman
Behavior of Boucard's Tinamou, Crypturellus Boucardi, in the Breeding Season., Douglas Allan Lancaster
United States Import Restrictions and American Agriculture., Hugh E. Law
A Culture History of Rice With Special Reference to Louisiana., Chan Lee
The Effect of Age, and the Frequency and Intensity of Various Training Schedules, on Running Performance., Hans Herman Leis
Attitudes, Attitude Change and Group Conformity in the Psychopathic Personality., Patricia Kaye Morgan
Cultural Geography of the Jats of the Upper Doab, India., Anath Bandhu Mukerji
The World of Malgudi: a Study of the Novels of R. K. Narayan., Nirmal Mukerji
A Sociological Analysis of the Roles and Value Orientation of an Occupation: Vocational Agriculture Teaching., Harold Lyle Nix
Thermodynamic Studies in Anhydrous Ethanol. The Hydrogen - Silver - Silver-Bromide Galvanic Cell., Loys Joseph Nunez Jr
The Marine Shellfisheries of Louisiana., Herbert Ryals Padgett
Evaluation of Commercial Deliveries of Sugar Cane., Biraja Bilash Paul
Ostracoda and Stratigraphy of Austin and Taylor Equivalents of Northeast Texas., Oscar Lawrence Paulson Jr
The Development of the Criteria for a Standard of Performance for Parish 4-H Programs in Louisiana., Lynn Louis Pesson
Irrigation and Field Patterns in the Indus Delta., Mushtaq-ur Rahman
A Comparative Analysis of the Counselors' Attitude, Their Prediction of the Campers' Attitude and the Campers' Attitude Toward the Junior 4-H Camp Program, Louisiana, 1960., Wayne E. Robichaux
Spectroscopic Study of the Effect of Detergent Micelles on Dyes. Fluorescence Quenching and Energy Transfer., John Baptist Sardisco
An Experimental Study of the Relationship Between Aggression and Satiation in Nursery School Children., Hardis Hargrove Saunders
The Effect of Intra-Class Ability Grouping on Arithmetic Achievement in Grades Two Through Five., William Maurice Smith
The Subjective Perspective; Aspects of Point of View in Modern Drama., August William Staub
Stratigraphy and Ostracoda of the Ripley Formation of Western Georgia., Raymond Weathers Stephens Jr
A Word Atlas of Northeast Texas., Fred Anderson Tarpley
The Role of Public Opinion in a Dynamic System of Public Secondary Education., Jared Young Terry
Decay Scheme of Cesium-134., Parma Nand Trehan
Restriction of the Unconditioned Response and Its Effect Upon the Learning of an Instrumental Avoidance Response., Mervyn Kenneth Wagner Jr
The Changing Nature of Man's Quest for Food and Water as Related to Snow,ice, and Permafrost in the American Arctic., Harley Jesse Walker
Employment of a Speech Reception Analyzer for the Prescription of Hearingaids., Harrison Waldo Wasson
Faradaic Rectification and Electrode Processes., Carl Herrmann Weis
Container Nursery Stock Studies., Johnie Algie Wright
Cytogenetic Relationships Between Cultivated Rice and Other Diploid Species of Oryza., Birdie Pu-sheng Yeh
Studies on Chemical Control of Petal Blight of Camellia Incited by Sclerotinia Camelliae., Natale Zummo
Theses/Dissertations from 1959
The Effect of Variety, Length of Storage, and the Baking Process on the Carbohydrate Content and Table Quality of Sweet Potatoes., Mohammed Kasem Ali
Delayed Response Performance at Three Years of Age Among Children With Anoxic and Non-Anoxic Experiences at Birth., Iris Elizabeth Amos
Cost of Milk Production on 138 Louisiana Dairies., Howard Wilfred Anderson
Studies on Flower Blight of Camellia and Cercospora Leaf Spot of Photiniaserrulata., Louis Anzalone Jr
Selection in Bunch and Single Planted Sugarcane Seedling Nurseries at Louisiana State University., Elton Ray Barrett
Thermo- And Galvanomagnetic Potentials in a Single Crystal of Zinc at Liquid Helium Temperatures., Clyde Joseph Bergeron Jr
Business Education in the Secondary Schools of Louisiana, 1936-1956., Ruth Bruner
Types of Supervisors and Associated Attitudes of Subordinates., James Howard Bryant
Occupational Ideologies and Professionalization in Social Work., Reba Muriel Bucklew
An Examination of the Relationship Between Several Therapist - Patient Variables and the Adequacy of the Therapeutic Relationship., Thomas Eugene Butcher
The Behavior of Hybrid Sterility in an Intervarietal Cross of Oryza Sativa L., Horace Rouse Caffey
The Development of the Financial Procedures for the Establishment and Maintenance of Catholic Schools in the Archdiocese of New Orleans, 1727-1958., M. Andree Condon
Modifications of a Van De Graaff Accelerator for Ion Bunching., William Elijah Dance
A Study of the Relationship of Protein and Energy in Caged Layer Nutrition., Buster Hall Davis
Effects of Partial Reward on Several Indices of Group Behavior., Delaney Andrew Dobbins
A Study of the Dependence of Micellar Structure on the Shape of Detergent Monomer., Esmond Eugene Drott
Response Set of Pulmonary Tuberculosis Patients., Eugene Paul Engen
Factors Related to Accomplishments of Selected High School Graduates in Louisiana., Caroll Woodie Eubanks
The Utilization by the Chick of D and L Isomers of Amino Acids on Liquid and Solid Diets., Ralph Vincent Fell
The Right Place and the Right People: Sherwood Anderson's Search for Salvation., John Howard Ferres
On the Group of All Homeomorphisms of a Manifold., Gordon Mccrea Fisher
A Study of the Status and the Employment Histories of White College Graduates Certified as Science Teachers in Louisiana (1947-1956)., John Lamar Garrett Jr
The Availability of Native and Radioactive Fertilizer Phosphorus to Oats on Lake Charles Clay., Laron Eldon Golden
The Effect of Various Hormones on Autoxidation of Linoleic Acid in the Presence and Absence of Ascorbic Acid in Vitro., Robert Maynard Grodner
Estrus, Estrous Cycles, Ovulation Time and Fertility of Dairy Cattle in Louisiana., John Gordon Hall
A Historical Study of Programming Techniques and Practices of Radio Station Kwkh, Shreveport, Louisiana: 1922-1950., Lillian Jones Hall
Methods of Measurement of Thyroid Secretion Rate and the Effects of Alteration of Thyroid Secretion Rate on Dairy Cattle Exposed to Hot and Cool Conditions., Foster Benton Hamblin
The Effect of Electro-Convulsive Shock on Retention as a Function of Stimulus Similarity in Two Successive Habits., Francois Haravey
An Evaluation of the Fundamental Changes in the Philosophy of Personnel Administration From Manipulation to Motivation., Mohamed Adel a. m Hassan
Determination of Table Egg Prices in a Deficit Area in Relation to Central Market Quotations., Harry Ellis Hathaway
Holdup and Pressure Drop With Gas-Liquid Flow in a Vertical Pipe., Gordon Albaugh Hughmark
Kinetics of the Iron - Hydrogen-Sulfide Reaction at High Temperatures., Lester Deurelle Hulett Jr
Toxins Associated With Helminthosporium Blight of Oats., Peggy Dolores stumbo Johnston
Antibiosis of Clostridium Butyricum (Prazmowski) on Tylenchorhynchus Martini (Fielding, 1956,) (Nematoda, Phasmidia) in Submerged Rice Soil., Titus Meredith Johnston
Geology of Bossier Parish, Louisiana., Douglas Epps Jones
Studies on Pratylenchus Zeae (Nematoda, Tylenchida) on Sugarcane in Louisiana., Sekender Ali Khan
Metabolic Effects of the Fungal-Toxin Victorin., Lawrence Ronald Krupka
Studies on Pink Root of Onions and Shallots and the Causal Organism Pyrenochaeta Terrestris (Hansen) Gorenz Et. Al., Martin Michael Kulik
Heat and Mass Transfer Data for Condensing Pure and Binary Vapor Mixturesof Paraffinic and Aromatic Hydrocarbons., Habib Labbauf
Haemoflagellates and Intestinal Flagellates From Anura of Louisiana., Felix Hartwig Lauter
A Longitudinal Study of Some Factors Influencing the Performance of Adolescents on the Wechsler Bellevue Intelligence Scale I., James Alan Long
Carbon-Dioxide Production and Sugar Formation in the Ripening Banana (Musa Cavendishii)., Godfrey Emile Mann
The Application of the Photometer Method in Determining the Crystallographic Fabric of Quartz in Metamorphic Quartzites., Joseph Didier Martinez
The Effect of Examiners' Anxiety on the Verbalizations of Clients., Deldon Anne Mcneely
A Description and Analysis of the Speaking in the Louisiana Anti-Lottery Movement., Joseph Charles Mele
Development of Vocational Agricultural Education in Louisiana., John H. Mitchell
Effect of Nuclear Forces on the Cross-Sections of Photonuclear Reactions., Kazuto Okamoto
The Impact of a Village Factory on a Selected Area of Rural Louisiana., Harold Wayne Osborne
The Metabolism of Tubers of Cyperus Rotundus L. As Influenced by Oxygen Levels and 3-Amino-1,2,4-Triazole., Rupert Dewitt Palmer
A Study of the Preaching at the Ocean Grove, New Jersey, Camp Meeting, 1870-1900., Charles A. Parker