
Submissions from 1986

The influence of time of precommercial thinning on the colonization of Douglas-fir by three species of root-colonizing insects., J. J. Witcosky, T. D. Schowalter, and E. M. Hansen

Submissions from 1985

Fungal endophytes of grasses and their effects on an insect herbivore, Keith Clay, Tad N. Hardy, and Abner M. Hammond

Reproductive response of caged adult velvetbean caterpillar and soybean looper to the presence of weeds, F. L. Collins and S. J. Johnson

Increased serum corticosterone levels in triorthotolyl phosphate-treated chickens, Lane Foil, Dan Satterlee, and Leigh Jacobs-Perry

Observations of tabanid feeding on mares and foals., L. Foil, D. Stage, W. V. Adams, and C. J. Issel

Prospective study of progeny of inapparent equine carriers of equine infectious anemia virus., C. J. Issel, W. V. Adams, and L. D. Foil

Low-level Augmentation of Trichogramma pretiosum and Naturally Occurring Trichogramma spp. Parasitism of Heliothis spp. in Cotton in Louisiana, S. J. Johnson

Photoperiodically induced delayed insect metamorphosis: a larval oligopause in Diatraea saccharalis, R. M. Roe, A. M. Hammond, and B. J.R. Philogène

Adaptations of insects to disturbance., T. D. Schowalter

Cone and seed insects in douglas-fir, pseudotsuga menziesii (MIRB.) franco, seed orchards in the western united states: Distribution and relative impact, T. D. Schowalter, M. I. Haverty, and T. W. Koerber

Adaptations of Insects to Disturbance, Timothy D. Schowalter

Submissions from 1984

Tabanid (Diptera) populations associated with an equine infectious anemia outbreak in an inapparently infected herd of horses, L. Foil, W. V. Adams, C. J. Issel, and R. Pierce

Studies on equine infectious anemia virus transmission by insects., C. J. Issel and L. D. Foil

Prevalence of Onchocerca cervicalis in equids in the Gulf Coast region., T. R. Klei, B. Torbert, M. R. Chapman, and L. Foil

Glutathione S-transferase in the house fly: Biochemical and genetic changes associated with induction and insecticide resistance, James A. Ottea and Frederick W. Plapp

Delayed metamorphosis and diapause in the sugar cane borer Diatraea saccharalis, B. J.R. Philogène and A. M. Hammond

Dispersal of Cone and Seed Insects to an Isolated Douglas-Fir Tree in Western Oregon, T. D. Schowalter

Submissions from 1983

A mark-recapture method for measuring effects of spatial separation of horses on tabanid (Diptera) movement between hosts., L. Foil

Mechanical transmission of equine infectious anemia virus by deer flies (Chrysops flavidus) and stable flies (Stomoxys calcitrans)., L. D. Foil, C. L. Meek, W. V. Adams, and C. J. Issel

Characterization of the plasma juvenile hormone esterase in synchronous last stadium female larvae of the sugar cane borer, Diatraea saccharalis (F.), Richard M. Roe, Abner M. Hammond, and Thomas C. Sparks

Forest canopy arthropods as sodium, potassium, magnesium and calcium pools in forests, T. D. Schowalter and D. A. Crossley

Purification and kinetics of juvenile hormone esterase from the cabbage looper, Trichoplusia ni (Hubner), David A. Yuhas, Richard M. Roe, Thomas C. Sparks, and Abner M. Hammond

Submissions from 1982

Looplure efficacy and electrophysiological responses in three plusiinae species, A. R. Alford and A. M. Hammond

Probability functions for components of the Dendroctonus frontalis-Host tree population system and their potential use with population models, W. S. Fargo, T. L. Wagner, R. N. Coulson, J. D. Cover, T. McAudle, and T. D. Schowalter

Submissions from 1981

Induction of glutathione S-aryl transferase by phenobarbital in the house fly, J. A. Ottea and F. W. Plapp

Submissions from 1980

Loxosceles reclusa venom component toxicity and interaction in Musca domestica, L. D. Foil, H. W. Chambers, and B. R. Norment

Immunological aspects of tri-o-tolyl phosphate-induced delayed neurotoxicity in chickens, L. D. Foil, H. W. Chambers, R. S. Stinson, and B. Glick

Submissions from 1979

Ultrastructure of the venom gland of the brown recluse spider, Loxosceles reclusa gertsch and mulaik (Araneae: Loxoscelidae), L. D. Foil, L. B. Coons, and B. R. Norment

Partial characterization of lethal and neuroactive components of the brown recluse spider (Loxosceles reclusa) venom, L. D. Foil, J. L. Frazier, and B. R. Norment

Envenomation by Loxosceles reclusa, L. D. Foil and B. R. Norment

Histopathology and physiological action of venom from the brown recluse spider, Loxosceles reclusa, B. R. Norment and L. D. Foil

Submissions from 1978

Chemosterilant and insecticidal activity of mixed aflatoxins against Anthonomus grandis (Coleoptera), Jack H. Moore, Abner M. Hammond, and Gerald C. Llewellyn

Submissions from 1977

Bioenergetics of the range caterpillar, Hemileuca oliviae (Ckll.), T. D. Schowalter, W. G. Whitford, and R. B. Turner

Submissions from 1973

Ultrastructural changes associated with pheromone production in the sex pheromone gland of Diatraea saccharalis, M. R. White, R. L. Amborski, A. M. Hammond, and G. F. Amborski

Submissions from 1972

Organ culture of the terminal abdominal segment of an adult female lepidopteron, M. R. White, R. L. Amborski, A. M. Hammond, and G. F. Amborski

Submissions from 1971

The sugarcane borer sex attractant, A. M. Hammond and S. D. Hensley