Immunological aspects of tri-o-tolyl phosphate-induced delayed neurotoxicity in chickens

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The immunological aspects of delayed neurotoxicity induced in chickens by tri-o-tolyl phosphate were investigated. The ataxic syndrome was not produced in control chickens by passive transfer of serum and/or lymphocytes from ataxic donors without subsequent TOTP treatment. The antibody response of ataxic birds for a T-cell-dependent antigen (sheep red blood cells) and a T-cell-independent antigen (Brucella abortis) was normal. Conversely, the T-cell-mediated graft vs host and phytohemagglutin wattle responses were significantly depressed. Metabolites of TOTP and phenyl saligenin phosphate were cytotoxic to lymphocytes in vitro. The effects of TOTP appeared to be limited to a subpopulation of T cells, possibly via lymphocytotoxicity. © 1980, All rights reserved.

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Topics in Catalysis

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