
Submissions from 1999

Evaluation of a yearly insecticidal ear tag rotation for control of pyrethroid-resistant horn flies (Diptera: Muscidae), A. T.M. Barros, M. W. Alison, and L. D. Foil

Evaluation of chlorfenapyr ear tag efficacy and susceptibility of horn flies to chlorfenapyr, A. T.M. Barros, E. Andress, M. E. Doscher, and L. D. Foil

Uncommon pests of cotton in Northeast Louisiana, E. Burris, B. R. Leonard, and D. R. Cook

Influence of permethrin, diazinon and ivermectin treatments on insecticide resistance in the horn fly (Diptera: Muscidae), R. L. Byford, M. E. Craig, S. M. DeRouen, M. D. Kimball, D. G. Morrison, W. E. Wyatt, and L. D. Foil

A survey of thrips populations on seedling cotton in Louisiana, D. R. Cook, E. Burris, and B. R. Leonard

Effect of staple rate and thrips injury on cotton development, R. W. Costello, J. L. Griffin, B. R. Leonard, D. K. Miller, and M. E. Holman

Signal interactions in pathogen and insect attack: Expression of lipoxygenase, proteinase inhibitor II, and pathogenesis-related protein P4 in the tomato, Lycopersicon esculentum, A. L. Fidantsef, M. J. Stout, J. S. Thaler, S. S. Duffey, and R. M. Bostock

Validating NAWF5 as a measure of crop 'cut out' in North Louisiana, J. H. Fife, B. R. Leonard, J. Gore, and E. Burris

Responses of a Bt cotton cultivar (DP Nucotn 33B) to selected levels of boll injury, J. Gore, B. R. Leonard, J. S. Russell, J. H. Fife, G. E. Church, and J. J. Adamczyk

Soybean response to weed interference and defoliation, Charles F. Grymes, James L. Griffin, David J. Boethel, B. Rogers Leonard, David L. Jordan, and John S. Russin

Influence of weeds on insecticide deposition and soybean looper (Pseudoplusia includens) management, Charles F. Grymes, James L. Griffin, B. Rogers Leonard, David L. Jordan, and David J. Boethel

Toxicity of thiodicarb and spinosad to soybean looper in cotton (CVS. Nucotn 33B, DP 5415) and soybean (CV. Buckshot 66), T. S. Hall, D. J. Boethel, and B. R. Leonard

Mechanisms of resistance to organophosphate insecticides in the tobacco budworm, heliothis virescens, J. Harold and J. Ottea

Effect of available food size on search tunnel formation by the Formosan subterranean termite (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae), Justin C. Hedlund and Gregg Henderson

New insecticide chemistry for cotton IPM, J. W. Holloway, N. W. Forrester, and B. R. Leonard


Susceptibility of different instars of European corn borer (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) to diet containing Bacillus thuringiensis, Fangneng Huang, Lawrent L. Buschman, and Randall A. Higgins

Transgenic Bt-plants: Successes, challenges and strategies, Fangneng Huang, Randall A. Higgins, and Lawrent L. Buschman

Comparison of midgut proteinases in Bacillus thuringiensis-susceptible and -resistant European corn borer, Ostrinia nubilalis (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae), Fangneng Huang, Kun Yan Zhu, Lawrent L. Buschman, Randall A. Higgins, and Brenda Oppert

Inheritance of resistance to Bacillus thuringiensis toxin (dipel ES) in the European corn borer, F. Huang, L. L. Buschman, R. A. Higgins, and W. H. McGaughey

Heritability and stability of resistance to Bacillus thuringiensis in Ostrinia nubilalis (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae), F. Huang, R. A. Higgins, and L. L. Buschman

Effect of moisture and two nitrogen sources on nest site choice by alates and dealates of Coptotermes formosanus in the laboratory (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae), Fei Huixin and Gregg Henderson

Within-colony relatedness in a termite species: Genetic roads to eusociality?, C. Husseneder, R. Brandl, C. Epplen, J. T. Epplen, and M. Kaib

Intensive Versus Long-Term Sampling to Assess Lepidopteran Diversity in a Southern Mixed Mesophytic Forest, Deborah Landau, Dorothy Prowell, and Christopher E. Carlton

Lepidopteran pests in northeast Louisiana cotton during 1997-98: A summary of selected tests, B. R. Leonard, K. Torrey, J. H. Fife, J. Gore, S. Russell, and S. Hall

Status of bollworm, Helicoverpa zea, susceptibility to pyrethroids: IRAC-US 1998 update, S. H. Martin, R. D. Bagwell, M. L. Boyd, B. L. Freeman, G. A. Herzog, D. R. Johnson, M. B. Layton, B. R. Leonard, N. Liu, G. T. Payne, et al.


Late season beet armyworm 218-229 (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) infestations on cotton: Defoliation, fruit damage, and yield loss, V. J. Mascarenhas, D. Cook, B. R. Leonard, E. Burris, and J. B. Graves


Acute clinical disease in cats following infection with a pathogenic strain of Bartonella henselae (LSU16), Kathy L. O'Reilly, Rudy W. Bauer, Rebecca L. Freeland, Lane D. Foil, Keith J. Hughes, Kristen R. Rohde, Alma F. Roy, Rhett W. Stout, and Patricia C. Triche

Early season pest management in cotton with Roundup Ultra-insecticide combinations, J. H. Pankey, B. R. Leonard, J. L. Griffin, and R. W. Costello


Effects of heat-sensitive agents, soil type, moisture, and leaf surface on persistence of Anticarsia gemmatalis (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) nucleopolyhedrovirus, F. Peng, J. R. Fuxa, A. R. Richter, and S. J. Johnson

Arboreal invertebrate responses to varying levels and patterns of green-tree retention in Northwestern Forests, Robert A. Progar, Timothy D. Schowalter, and Timothy Work

Delayed flood for management of rice water weevil (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), W. C. Rice, T. P. Croughan, D. R. Ring, M. A. Muegge, and M. J. Stout

Cotton boll abscission influenced by tarnished plant bug feeding, J. S. Russell, B. R. Leonard, J. Gore, and G. E. Church

Throughfall volume and chemistry as affected by precipitation volume, sapling size, and defoliation intensity, T. D. Schowalter

Invertebrate communities in a tropical rain forest canopy in Puerto Rico following Hurricane Hugo, T. D. Schowalter and L. M. Ganio

Diversity of arthropod responses to host-plant water stress in a desert ecosystem in southern New Mexico, T. D. Schowalter, D. C. Lightfoot, and W. G. Whitford

Signal interactions in pathogen and insect attack: Systemic plant-mediated interactions between pathogens and herbivores of the tomato, Lycopersicon esculentum, M. J. Stout, A. L. Fidantsef, S. S. Duffey, and R. M. Bostock

Cotton yields and quality traits associated with late-season insect simulated defoliation, K. Torrey, H. Fife, and B. R. Leonard

Laboratory and field evaluations of Bacillus thuringiensis Berliner insecticides against tobacco budworm (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), C. A. White, B. R. Leonard, E. Burris, and J. B. Graves

Submissions from 1998

Larval Survival and Development of the Fall Armyworm (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) on Normal and Transgenic Cotton Expressing the Bacillus thuringiensis CryIA(c) ∂-endotoxin, J. J. Adamczyk, J. W. Holloway, G. E. Church, B. R. Leonard, and J. B. Graves

Cotton boll susceptibility to fall armyworm and beet armyworm injury, J. J.Jr Adamczyk, V. J. Mascarenhas, G. E. Church, B. R. Leonard, and J. B. Graves

Susceptibility of conventional and transgenic cotton bolls expressing the Bacillus thuringiensis CryIA(c) ∂-endotoxin to fall armyworm (lepidoptera: noctuidae) and beet armyworm (lepidoptera: noctuidae) injury, J. J. Adamczyk, V. J. Mascarenhas, G. E. Church, B. R. Leonard, and J. B. Graves

Diversity of litter-dwelling beetles in the Ouachita highlands of Arkansas, USA (Insecta: Coleoptera), C. E. Carlton and H. W. Robison

The endangered American burying beetle, Nicrophorus americanus Olivier, at the edge of its range in Arkansas (Coleoptera: Silphidae), C. E. Carlton and Frances Rothwein

A commentary on prime numbers and life cycles of periodical cicadas, Randel Tom Cox and C. E. Carlton

Experimental Infection of Domestic Cats with Bartonella henselae by Inoculation of Ctenocephalides felis (Siphonaptera: Pulicidae) Feces, Lane Foil, Earl Andress, Rebecca L. Freeland, Alma F. Roy, Roxanne Rutledge, Patricia C. Triche, and Kathy L. O'Reilly

The use of IVOMEC® (ivermectin) pour-on and permethrin ear tags for horn fly control, L. D. Foil, G. R. Strother, J. A. Hawkins, S. J. Gross, D. F. Coombs, S. M. Derouen, W. E. Wyatt, L. K. Kuykendall, and B. G. Spears

Current and proposed technologies for bark beetle management, Richard A. Goyer, Michael R. Wagner, and Timothy D. Schowalter

Subterranean termite (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae) attack on ground monitors around an apartment complex in fixed pattern placements versus conducive placements, Gregg Henderson, Kathy Sharpe-Mccollum, and Chris Dunaway

Insecticide resistance and synergism of pyrethroid toxicity in the tarnished plant bug, Lygus lineolaris, J. W. Holloway, B. R. Leonard, J. A. Ottea, J. H. Pankey, J. B. Graves, and G. Snodgrass

Influence of induced plant defenses in cotton and tomato on the efficacy of baculoviruses on noctuid larvae, Kelli Hoover, Michael J. Stout, Susan A. Alaniz, Bruce D. Hammock, and Sean S. Duffey

Variation between and within colonies in the termite: Morphology, genomic DNA, and behaviour, C. Husseneder, R. Brandl, C. Epplen, J. T. Epplen, and M. Kaib

Integrating control tactics for managing cabbage looper (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) and diamondback moth (Lepidoptera: Yponomeutidae) on cabbage, Paul W. Ivey and Seth J. Johnson

Evaluation of transgenic Bt cotton lines against heliothines in northeast Louisiana, B. R. Leonard, J. H. Fife, K. Torrey, E. Burris, and J. B. Graves


Feeding Habits and Gut Fauna of Zootermopsis angusticollis (Isoptera: Termopsidae) in Response to Wood Species and Fungal Associates, M. E. Mankowski, T. D. Schowalter, J. J. Morrell, and B. Lyons


Resistance Monitoring to Bacillus thuringiensis Insecticides for Soybean Loopers (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) Collected from Soybean and Transgenic Bt-Cotton, R. N. Mascarenhas, D. J. Boethel, B. R. Leonard, M. L. Boyd, and C. G. Clemens

Dosage-mortality responses of third instars of beet armyworm (lepidoptera: noctuidae) to selected insecticides, V. J. Mascarenhas, J. B. Graves, B. R. Leonard, and E. Burris


Susceptibility of Field Populations of Beet Armyworm (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) to Commercial and Experimental Insecticides, V. J. Mascarenhas, J. B. Graves, B. R. Leonard, and E. Burris

An investigation on the influence of feline flea allergy on the fecundity of the cat flea, Beth J. Mcdonald, Carol S. Foil, and Lane D. Foil

New state record for the hairy maggot blow fly Chrysomya rufifacies (Macquart), C. L. Meek, C. Puskarich-May, and C. E. Carlton

New records of Japygoidea (Hexapoda: Diplura) from Louisiana, with notes on behavior, Mark A. Muegge and Christopher E. Carlton

Target-site resistance to pyrethroids in heliothis virescens (F.) and Helicoverpa zea (Boddie), J. A. Ottea and J. W. Holloway

Zoophthora radicansInfection Inhibits the Response to and Production of Sex Pheromone in the Diamondback Moth, G. V.P. Reddy, Michael J. Furlong, Judith K. Pell, and Guy M. Poppy

Vertical and seasonal variation in canopy arthropod communities in an old-growth conifer forest in southwestern Washington, USA, T. D. Schowalter and L. M. Ganio

Effect of nitrogen avilability on expression of constitutive and inducible chemical defenses in tomato, Lycopersicon esculentum, Michael J. Stout, Raymond A. Brovont, and Sean S. Duffey

Stimulation and attenuation of induced resistance by elicitors and inhibitors of chemical induction in tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) foliage, Michael J. Stout, Kathi V. Workman, Richard M. Bostock, and Sean S. Duffey


Egg parasitoids of Homalodisca coagulata (Homoptera: Cicadellidae), Serguei V. Triapitsyn, Russell F. Mizell, Janice L. Bossart, and Christopher E. Carlton

Sugar-Feeding Strategy of Adult Velvetbean Caterpillar (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), Xikui Wei, Seth J. Johnson, and Abner M. Hammond


Effect of Naphthalene, Butylated Hydroxytoluene, Dioctyl Phthalate, and Adipic Dioctyl Ester, Chemicals Found in the Nests of the Formosan Subterranean Termite (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae) on a Saprophytic Mucor sp. (Zygomycetes: Mucorales), Beverly A. Wiltz, Gregg Henderson, and Jian Chen

Submissions from 1997

Susceptibility of fall armyworm collected from different plant hosts to selected insecticides and transgenic Bt cotton, John J. Adamczyk, Jonathan W. Holloway, Billy R. Leonard, and Jerry B. Graves

Heliothis damage thresholds in relation to cotton boll weight, F. Bordelon, G. Myers, and B. R. Leonard

Stoneville BXN/Bt with Bollgard: efficacy trials conducted at the northeast research station, E. Burris, B. R. Leonard, D. R. Cook, and J. B. Graves

Species composition of heliothinae captured in cone traps baited with synthetic bollworm or tobacco budworm pheromones, J. B. Chapin, D. R. Ganaway, B. R. Leonard, S. Micinski, E. Burris, and J. B. Graves

Tunnel and shelter tube convergence of formosan subterranean termites (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae) in the laboratory, Jian Chen and Gregg Henderson

Residual efficacy of at-planting soil applied insecticides on seedling thrips populations in northeast Louisiana, D. R. Cook, E. Burris, B. R. Leonard, and J. B. Graves

Drought stress in tomatoes: Changes in plant chemistry and potential nonlinear consequences for insect herbivores, Gregory English-Loeb, Michael J. Stout, and Sean S. Duffey

Premortality Effects ofZoophthora radicansInfection inPlutella xylostella, Michael J. Furlong, Judith K. Pell, and G. V.P. Reddy

Toxicological significance of enzyme activities in profenofos-resistant tobacco budworms, Heliothis virescens (F.), John A. Harold and James A. Ottea

Baseline Susceptibility and Changes in Susceptibility to Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. kurstaki under Selection Pressure in European Corn Borer (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae), Fangneng Huang, Randall A. Higgins, and Lawrent L. Buschman


Efficacy of Bacillus thuringiensis and cabbage cultivar resistance to diamondback moth (Lepidoptera: Yponomeutidae), Paul W. Ivey and Seth J. Johnson

Helicoverpa/Heliothis management in NuCOTN and conventional cotton cultivars in Louisiana, B. R. Leonard, H. Fife, K. Torrey, J. B. Graves, and J. Holloway

Effects of Selected Synergists on Insecticide Toxicity in Tobacco Budworm (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) in Laboratory and Field Studies, S. H. Martin, J. A. Ottea, B. R. Leonard, J. B. Graves, E. Burris, S. Micinski, and G. E. Church

Susceptibility of Anticarsia gemmatalis (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), Reared on Four Host Plants, to a Nuclear Polyhedrosis Virus, F. Peng, J. R. Fuxa, S. J. Johnson, and A. R. Richter

Annotated checklist of the Mecoptera (Scorpionflies) of Arkansas, Henry W. Robison, George W. Byers, and Christopher A. Carlton

Biological Activity of Pyrethroid Analogs in Pyrethroid-Susceptible and -Resistant Tobacco Budworms, Heliothis virescens (F.), Guomin Shan, Robert P. Hammer, and James A. Ottea

Specificity of induced resistance in the tomato, Lycopersicon esculentum, Michael J. Stout, Kathi V. Workman, Richard M. Bostock, and Sean S. Duffey

Managing cone and seed insects, Yanli Zhang and Timothy D. Schowalter

Submissions from 1996

New species, distributional notes and systematics of Eutrichites (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Pselaphinae), C. E. Carlton and R. A.B. Leschen

Distribution of Speyeria diana (lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) in the highlands of Arkansas, Missouri and Oklahoma, with comments on conservation, C. E. Carlton and Lori Spencer Nobles

Notes on Mayetia pearsei Schuster, Marsh and Park, with a revised key to Eastern Mayetia species (Staphylinidae: Pselaphinae), C. E. Carlton and H. W. Robison

Determination of feeding preference of Formosan subterranean termite (Coptotermes formosanus Shiraki) for some amino acid additives, Jian Chen and Gregg Henderson

Antinutritive and Toxic Components of Plant Defense Against Insects, Sean S. Duffey and Michael J. Stout

Differential response of formosan subterranean termite castes (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae) to selected termiticides, Sridevi S. Gatti and Gregg Henderson

Stability of equine infectious anemia virus in Aedes aegypti (Diptera: Culicidae), Stomoxys calcitrans (Diptera: Muscidae), and Tabanus fuscicostatus (Diptera: Tabanidae) stored at -70°C, B. E. Green, L. D. Foil, S. D. Hagius, and C. J. Issel

Alate Production, Flight Phenology, and Sex-Ratio in Coptotermes formosanus Shiraki, an Introduced Subterranean Termite in New Orleans, Louisiana, Gregg Henderson

Kin-biased foraging in a termite, M. Kaib, C. Husseneder, C. Epplen, J. T. Epplen, and R. Brandl

Slime-production in mycophagous nitidulidae (coleoptera) including a new species of eusphaerius, R. A.B. Leschen and C. E. Carlton

New distribution record for the hairy maggot blow fly Chrysomya rufifacies, C. S. Martin, C. E. Carlton, and C. L. Meek

Susceptibility status of boll weevils from Louisiana to eleven insecticides, S. H. Martin, J. B. Graves, B. R. Leonard, E. Burris, S. Micinski, J. D. Powell, and J. Roberson

Beet armyworm (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) control on cotton in Louisiana, V. J. Mascarenhas, B. R. Leonard, E. Burris, and J. B. Graves

Studies on the sex pheromone of the diamondback moth Plutella xylostella (Lepidoptera: Yponomeutidae) in India, G. V.P. Reddy and K. C.D. Urs