Effect of moisture and two nitrogen sources on nest site choice by alates and dealates of Coptotermes formosanus in the laboratory (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae)

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We examined the effect of moisture and two chemical additives, urea and L-glutamic acid on the nest site choice of alates and dealates of Coptotermes formosanus Shiraki in the laboratory. Nest-founding C. formosanus preferred sites with high moisture availability to sites lacking moisture. Only 4% of adults were collected in sites lacking moisture, whereas, 96% chose moist sites. The additive urea did not significantly increase nest site preference of alates and dealates compared to the control. L-glutamic acid appears to have an inhibitory effect on nest site choice by alates and dealates. We conclude that moisture is a precondition for infestation initiated by potential queens and kings. However, nitrogenous compounds, in particular urea and L-glutamic acid, in the substrate did not appear to increase nest site preference.

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