Early season pest management in cotton with Roundup Ultra-insecticide combinations

Document Type

Conference Proceeding

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Studies were conducted to evaluate Roundup Ultra-insecticide tank mixtures for insect and weed control in cotton. Based on total control of immature and adult thrips 7 days after treatment (DAT), addition of Roundup Ultra at 0.75 lb ai/A to the insecticides Orthene, Karate, Vydate, Regent, Bidrin, Dimethoate, or Provado was not antagonistic. However, thrips control was enhanced when Dimethoate or Provado were co-applied with Roundup Ultra. For only hemp sesbania did the addition of insecticides affect weed control. At 28 DAT, combinations of Regent or Karate with Roundup Ultra reduced hemp sesbania control whereas the combination with Dimethoate increased control. Regardless, hemp sesbania control was no more than 74%.

Publication Source (Journal or Book title)

Proceedings of the 1999 Beltwide Cotton Conference, January 1999, Orlando, Florida, USA

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