Theses from 2013
Multi-informant investigation of college student drinking behaviors and social anxiety : the role of perceived descriptive and injunctive norms, Anthony H. Ecker
Improving routines : self-monitoring by adolescents diagnosed with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, Meghan Ann Geary
An examination of induced anxiety and its interaction with trait anxiety on executive functioning tasks, Joseph Harris
Community violence exposure among underprivileged adolescents : what are the buffering effects of family qualities on negative outcomes?, Katherine Marie Harrison
The Baby and Infant Screen for Children with aUtIsm Traits: Age-based Scoring Procedures, Max Horovitz
Exploration of comorbid psychopathology symptoms in infants and toddlers with autism spectrum disorders, Matthew Jason Konst
Challenging behaviors in autism spectrum disorders : differences across childhood and the relationship with autism symptomatology, Alison Marie Kozlowski
Influencing the confirmation bias on a matchmaker task through manipulation of the feeling of rightness, Patrick Clinton Ledet
Treatment integrity failures matched to behavioral function, Joanna Elizabeth Lomas Mevers
An examination of the stimuli used in and the theories behind the cross-modal Stroop task, Danielle A. Lutfi-Proctor
Schizotypy: the dynamic relationship between trait and state processes, Rebecca K. MacAulay
Memory for elements of a complex scene : binding and the influence of attention, Stephanie L. Martin
The Effects of Parent Factors on Children's Separation Anxiety, Anna Catherine May
Generalizabiity and dependability of brief behavior rating scales for social skills, Lisa L. Minor
Detecting malingered ADHD using the personality assessment inventory : an exploratory analysis in college students, Mandi Wilkes Musso
An examination of the relationship between measurement methods of treatment integrity using the Good Behavior Game classroom intervention, Kristen Colleen O'Leary
Examining the differential effects of the Mystery Motivator intervention using chosen versus unknown reinforcers, Natalie Marie Robichaux
Socially oriented negative self-referent cognition : the development and validation of a measure, Brittany Moree Rudy
Academic Self-Monitoring in College Students with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, Mindy C. Scheithauer
Creating an SLI performance profile with load, Christy Marie Seidel
What you attend to is what you remember : investigating the unit of representation in visual working memory, Amanda Elaine van Lamsweerde
Effects of a Brief Mindfulness Intervention on Negative Affect and Urge to Drink Among College Student Drinkers, Christine Vinci
Evaluating the effectiveness of a classwide social skills intervention with preschoolers and kindergarteners, Haley E. York
Dissertations from 2012
The effect of video self-monitoring on teaching ABA paraprofessionals, Kristen Nicole Abbondante
Predictors of positive adjustment in children exposed to the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill and Hurricane Katrina, Jamarri Raimon Aikins
Comparing extinction and noncontingent reinforcement under challenging conditions: the discriminative effects of reinforcement delivery, Jessica Pearl Alvarez
Measurement of pain, pain disability, and pain beliefs of morbidly obese adults, Brooke Louise Barbera
Using behavior screening data to predict scores on statewide assessments, Jeffrey Steven Chenier
Evaluating the differential effects of parental involvement on check in/check out in children with externalizing behavior problems, Aaron Jason Fischer
Parental involvement in improving academic success for students with ADHD: a comparison of daily behavior report cards and homework self-monitoring, Stephanie M. Grant
Evaluation of the check in/check out (CICO) intervention for students with internalizing behavior problems, Katherine K. Hunter
The occurrence and effectiveness of deinstitutionalization of the mentally ill in the pre-antipsychotic era, Joni Maria Lee Pow
Food cravings and food cue responding across the menstrual cycle, Megan Apperson McVay
A comparison of response-contingent and noncontingent pairing in the conditioning of a reinforcer, Sarah Joanne Miller
The role of atypical semantic activation in schizotypy: implications for odd speech and creativity, Kyle S. Minor
The moderating effects of perceived intentionality: exploring the relationships between ideas of reference, paranoia, and social anxiety in schizotypy, Sean Cameron Morrison
Hierarchical Linear Modeling versus visual analysis of single subject design data, Elizabeth Godbold Nelson
Examining reliability and validity of the RoadSign Perception Test, Justin Hull Ory
School-wide screening of student involvement in relational aggression, Emily F. Patty
Intra-individual variability in adult ADHD: an exploration of the viability of distinct purely inattentive condition, Daniel Proto
The moderating effect of autism symptomology on the relationship of cognitive and adaptive functioning with anxiety symptoms in infants and toddlers, Robert D. Rieske
Teaching phoneme segmentation and blending: a comparison of two methods, Michael John Schafer
Extending job embeddedness theory to the family domain: development of a construct and measure for family embeddedness and integration through a work-family balance perspective, Tatiana H. Toumbeva
Putting family back in work-family conflict: the moderating effect of family life stage on the work-family interface, Rachel C. Trout
An examination of the relationship between autism spectrum disorder, intellectual functioning, and social skills in children, Kimberly Tureck
Examination of the relationship between specific classes of social skill behaviors and academic competence on the social skills improvement system rating-scales, Michael James Vance
The truth about lying: the memorial effects of deliberately producing misinformation, Kathleen M. Vieira
Predictors of resiliency in women affected by Hurricane Katrina, Valerie L. Walls
Development and validation of the Adolescent Thought Control Questionnaire (TCQ-A), Reanna (Sara) Elise Whiting
Comparing symptoms of Autism Spectrum Disorders using the current DSM-IV-TR diagnostic criteria and the proposed DSM-V diagnostic criteria, Julie A. Worley
Dissertations from 2011
Effects of mindfulness on body image, affect, and smoking in women, Claire E. Adams
The relationship between ethnic identity, disordered eating and body image among Chinese and Caucasian students, Lauren E. Baillie
Simulated subaverage performance on the Block Span task of the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scales-Fifth Edition, Alyse Ann Barker
Comparing mand-training efficiency with selection-based and topography-based communication systems, Kathryn E. Barlow
Family supportive organization perceptions, work role overload, and burnout: crossover effects of burnout on recovery, Suzanne Marie Booth
Growth after the storm: cognitive processing and social support as mediators of the relation between religious coping and posttraumatic growth in hurricane-affected women, Julia Vigna Bosson
The relationship between visual attention and prospective memory, Noelle L. Brown
Test-driving interventions to increase treatment integrity and student outcomes, Evan Henry Dart
Symptom profiles and rates of diagnosis in autistic and other atypically developing infants and toddlers, Timothy Michael Dempsey
The emergence of challenging behaviors in at-risk toddlers with and without Autism Spectrum Disorder: a cross-sectional and risk factor study, Jill Cherie Fodstad
Assessing social support in children: development and initial validation of the social support questionnaire for children, Arlene Tayag Gordon
Differences across racial groups in caregiver ratings of symptoms in children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorders, Cindy Terlonge Graham
The religiosity and spirituality scale for youth: development and initial validation, Brittany C. Hernandez
Assessing attentional bias and cerebral laterality in specific phobia using a dichotic listening paradigm, Whitney Shay Jenkins
Effects of student mobility on the academic achievement of mobile and nonmobile students, Rosa Maria Knox
Brief interventions for heavy college drinkers: randomized clinical trial to investigate comparable efficacy of two active conditions, Magdalena Kulesza
Dyadic meta-accuracy in leader-member exchanges: an examination of antecedents and relational outcomes, Jared A. LeDoux
The baby and infant screen for children with Autism Traits: a proposed critical item algorithm, Santino Vincent LoVullo
The role of task-appropriate processing, context, and attention allocation in prospective memory: a multinomial modeling approach, Benjamin Anderson Martin, II
Using curriculum-based measures to predict math performance on a statewide assessment, Keri F. Menesses
An analysis of the methodological and human error within momentary time sampling data collection, Joslyn Cynkus Mintz
Simulated subnormal performance on the Stanford Binet-V: an exploratory investigation of the Stanford Binet rarely missed items index, Mandi Wilkes Musso
Relationships among the Behavioral Inhibition System, response inhibition, heart rate variability, and anxiety sensitivity between older adolescents with and without significant anxiety, Erin Tarcza Reuther
Effect of labeling bias on ratings of ADHD symptoms, Jessica Lynne Rodriguez
A computer-based instructional program to teach braille reading to sighted individuals, Mindy Scheithauer
Predicting posttraumatic growth: coping, social support, and posttraumatic stress in children and adolescents after Hurricane Katrina, Mark Allen Schexnaildre
Difficulty disengaging attention from appearance words among women with high social anxiety, Jose Silgado
Smoking topography and smoking-related outcome expectancies in smokers with schizotypy, Diana Williams Stewart
The effect of perceived spatial distance on the decision to relocate for graduate education, Claire Frances Taylor
The Long-term Effect of a Brief Motivational Alcohol Intervention for Heavy Drinking Mandated College Students, Meredith Ashley Terlecki
Comorbid psychopathology in children with Autism Spectrum Disorders - cut-off scores for the Autism Specturm Disorders-comorbidity for children (ASD-CC), Ryan Thomas Thorson
Teaching tactual discrimination of braille characters to beginning braille readers, Karen A. Toussaint
Theses from 2010
Maternal variables as predictors of parenting practices post-disaster, Leah M. Adams
A comparison of public and private positive peer reporting in general education classrooms, Carolyn Barahona
Examination of the relationship between academic achievement and traumatic stress following Hurricane Katrina, Audrey Baumeister
A taxometric analysis of Autism Spectrum Disorders in toddlers, Jessica Ann Boisjoli
Individual Differences and Memory Aging Concerns of Older Adults, Emily Olinde Boudreaux
Emotion recognition in schizotypy, Laura Brown
A treatment components analysis in positive peer reporting for socially withdrawn children, Jeffrey S. Chenier
Ageism and psychological well-being in older adults, Jenny Denver
The development of primary and secondary memory and their relationship to fluid intelligence, Sharon Diane Eaves
Development and preliminary validation of the adolescent homework inventory, Meghan Burns Geary
Communication deficits in babies with autism and Pervasive Developmental Disorder - not otherwise specified (PDD-NOS), Max Horovitz