Theses/Dissertations from 1999
Risk Management of Aflatoxin Through Mutagenic Potential Modification and Toxin Formation by Intrinsic Components in Food., Syed Shahid Ali
Restructuring Object -Oriented Designs Using a Metric-Driven Approach., Ghassan Salim Alkadi
Enhancing the Process of Testing Object -Oriented Systems., Ihssan Salim Alkadi
Quantitative Modeling and Information System Support for Just -In -Time Partnership., Faisal Badi Al-khateeb
Analysis of Non-Linear Formation Fracture Resistance Tests Obtained During Oil Well Drilling Operations., Gursat Altun
College Biology Students' Conceptions Related to the Nature of Biological Knowledge: Implications for Conceptual Change., Gloria Millie apio Ameny
Life Events, Social Support, and Blood Pressure Control in Low -Income Hypertensive Patients., Steven Christopher Ames
Picosecond Resonance Raman Studies of Interligand Electron Transfer Rates of Ruthenium Polypyridal Complexes., Danny Ray Anderson
An Introduction to Joaquin Nin (1879-1949) and His "Veinte Cantos Populares Espanoles"., Gina Lottinger Anthon
Understanding Congressional Responsiveness., Phillip Jude Ardoin
Toward an Understanding of Instructor-Student Interactions: A Study of Videoconferencing in the Postsecondary Distance Learning Classroom., Thomas R. Atkinson Jr
Customers' Perceptions of the Service They Receive: the Influence of Employee Extra -Role Job Behaviors., Robert Carlton Baker IV
Design of Work-Rest Schedules for VDT Operators., Rana Balci
Analysis of Self -Directed Learning in Secondary Business Educators., James Ernest Bartlett II
Looking for Leadership: Searching in a Middle School for Reactions to Stimuli in Social Environments., Lucy Gremillion Begnaud
Avoidance-Avoidance Conflict, Situational Formality, and Personality as Causes of Interpersonal Equivocation., Richard Steven Bello
Effect of an Individualized Treatment Protocol on Competency Restoration in Pretrial Forensic Inpatients., Lisa Jo Bertman
A View from the Pacific: Archaeological Analysis of Materials from Nicaragua's Sixteenth Century Spanish Town of Leon Viejo, Kira Blaisdell-Sloan
Single and Combined Effects of Nematode Communities and Pythium Arrhenomanes on the Growth and Yield of Sugarcane in Louisiana., Jason Payton Bond
Convergent and Divergent Validity of the Learning Transfer Questionnaire., Annette Irving Bookter
Sediment and Particulate Organic Carbon Transport Dynamics in the Barataria Basin, Louisiana., John Gregory Booth
Heinrich Von Herzogenberg's "Zwei Biblische Scenen": a Conductor's Study., John Elbert Boozer
Georges Henein, Poete Des Marges., Evelyne M. Bornier
Parental Participation in a Title I Family Literacy Program: Results From a Mixed -Model Study., Karen Boudreaux
Systematics of the Common Garter Snake, Thamnophis Sirtalis., John Jeffrey Boundy
Powerless Speech: the Effects of Gender, Gendered Intensifiers, and Attitudes Toward Women on Speaker Credibility., Frances E. Brandau-brown
Folk Housing in Northeastern Mexico: a Key to Culturogeographic Regionalization., Scott Stuart Brown
Apples and Regional Change: Life and Economy in Tsugaru, Japan., Ann D. Brucklacher
Production of Transgenic Eastern Oysters., John Terrell Buchanan
Barium in Water and Foraminiferal Shells: Indicator of Oceanographic Conditions in the Gulf of Mexico Since the Late Pleistocene., Thomas Peter Buerkert
Selective Processing of Sexual, Violent, and Neutral Information: a Study Comparing Individuals With and Without a History of Sexual Trauma., Stephanie Irene Bush
Synthesis, Thermodynamic Behavior, and Enzymatic Properties of Oligonucleotides Containing Nucleoside Analogs., Melissa Anne Cameron
An Empirical Examination of Maximum Entropy Estimation., Randall Charles Campbell
Analysis of *Policy Alternatives in the Implementation of a Coastal Nonpoint Pollution Control Program for Agriculture., Hugo Cardona castillo
An Investigation of Opinions of Public Officials and the General Public Concerning Solid Waste Issues With Implications for Extension Programming., William A. Carney Jr
The Formation of Short Period Binary Star Systems From Stable, Self-Gravitating, Gaseous Bars., John E. Cazes Jr
Extratropical Storms of the Gulf of Mexico and Their Effects Along the Northern Coast of a Barrier Island: West Ship Island, Mississippi., Phillip Lynn Chaney
Large Magnitude Sinusoidal Voltammetry for Reversible Electrochemical Reactions., Yide Chang
Phase Equilibria of Ethylene Copolymers in Sub- And Supercritical Fluids., Ka Chun Chan
Probabilistic and Deterministic Algorithms for Information and Dynamic Systems., Xinjia Chen
Helium and Heavy Ion Measurements With the CRRES Satellite., Edmund Gary Clayton
Reflections of Science and Technology in American Drama From 1913 to 1941., Charles Keith Cockrell
On the Numerical Solution of the Cylindrical Poisson Equation for Isolated Self -Gravitating Systems., Howard Saul Cohl
Organizing the *South: Railroads, Plantations, and War., Steven Gedson Collins
Bromoxynil and Pyrithiobac Weed Control Systems in Transgenic BXN Cotton., Christopher Brett Corkern
A Critical Edition of the Passion and Advent Chapters of the Pre-Caxtonian "Gilte Legende"., Rosary Jackman Crain
Expecting Women: Constructing the Pregnant Woman in Twentieth Century United States and British Dramatic Representation., Amelia Lynn Cuomo
German Opera and Operetta at the New Orleans National Theatre, 1866--1878., H. Edward Dacus Jr
Ernest Renan and the Question of Race., Jane Victoria Dagon
Crossing Over: an Oral History of the Desegregation Experience of Public School Personnel in East Baton Rouge Parish, Louisiana., Douglas Raymond Davis
On Biodata Construct Validity, Criterion-Related Validity, and Adverse Impact., Michelle Ann Dean
Comprehensive Income and Its Relation to Firm Value and Transitory Earnings., Carol Callaway Dee
A Rate Dependent Anisotropic Damage Model for Metal Matrix Composites at Elevated Temperatures., Babur Deliktas
Reawakening Sleeping Beauty: Fairy -Tale Revision and the Mid -Victorian Metaphysical Crisis., Cynthia Lynn Demarcus
Sediment-Air Partitioning of Hydrophobic Organic Chemicals., Guilhem De seze
Preschool Children's Negotiation of Intersubjectivity During Rough -And -Tumble Play., Donna Michele Dewolf
The Role of Trait and State Anxiety in Semantic Network Organization of Information Related to Current Concerns., Gretchen Joan Diefenbach
Increasing Accuracy in Children's Verbal Self -Report of Reinforcers., Gina Michelle Digiovanni
Perceptions of Louisiana High School Students Toward Selected University Types: Predominately White Institutions and Historically Black Institutions of Higher Education., Dennis Wayne Dillon
Impact of Shrimp Imports on the United States' Southeastern Shrimp Processing Industry and Processed Shrimp Market., Hamady Diop
Community Structure and the Effects of Experimental Fires on Hardwood Shrub Species in Southeastern Longleaf Pine Savannas., Paul Boguslaw Drewa
Preparing New Teachers to Use Technology: a Comparative Study of Preservice Teacher Education Programs., Patricia Ann Duhon
Progressive Civic Development and Political Conflict: Regular Democrats and Reformers in New Orleans, 1896-1912., Robert Louis Dupont
Interpretative Planning for a Neglected Historic Site in Istabul, Turkey, Ulvi Erhan Erol
Application of Barton Esters in Polymer Modification., Timothy S. Evenson
Scaling Simulations of Reconfigurable Meshes., Jose Alberto Fernandez zepeda
The Life History of Southern Flounder (Paralichthys Lethostigma) in Louisiana Waters, Andrew James Fischer
The Life History of Southern Flounder (Paralichthys Lethostigma) in Louisiana Waters, Andrew James Fisher
Nonaxisymmetric Equilibrium Models for Gaseous Galaxy Disks., Paul Fisher
The Effect of Exercise on Immune Function in Equids., Robert William Folsom
Molecular Genetics and Functions of Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1 (HSV-1) Glycoprotein K (gK) in the Morphogenesis of Infectious Virion Particles., Timothy Paul Foster
Effects of Winter Burning and Structural Marsh Management on Bird and Plant Communities of the Gulf Coast Chenier Plain., Steven Walter Gabrey
NMR Relaxation Studies of Cements Used in Waste Disposal and Solid-State Deuterium NMR Study of the Molecular Motion in Rhodium Olefin Complexes., Greta Lynn Garner
Experimental Mammalian Predator Removal and Other Factors Affecting Dabbling Duck Reproduction in North Dakota., Pamela Renee Garrettson
Clarinet Concertos by Post World War II Generation Norwegian Composers: Bjorn Kruse, Olav Berg, and Rolf Wallin., Beverly Ann Gibson
Toxicity of Neem-Based Insecticides on Aquatic Animals and Cell Lines., Ipek Goktepe
Performing Dracula: a Critical Examination of a Popular Text in Three Sites of Performance., Jonathan Matthew Gray
Gaps in College Biology Students' Understanding of Photosynthesis: Implications for Human Constructivist Learning Theory and College Classroom Practice., Phyllis Baudoin Griffard
A Troublesome Commerce: The Interstate Slave Trade, 1808-1840., Robert Harold Gudmestad
In Vivo and in Vitro Stimulation of Murine Splenocytes With Brevetoxin-2 Immunogenic Conjugates for the Preparation of Monoclonal Antibodies Against Ciguatoxin-Related Compounds., Sonia Edith Guzman perez
High School Biology Students' Participation in a Year-Long Sequence of Analogical Activities: The Relationship of Development of Analogical Thought to Student Learning and Classroom Interactions., Marcella Wichser Hackney
The Flute Pedagogy and Educational Philosophy of Everett Timm., Judith Elaine adams Hand
The Influence of Climate for Belief in the Overseas Mission on Cross-Cultural Training Effectiveness., Charles Andrew Handler
Ideomotor Apraxia and Lesion Location: Analysis of Error Types, Motor Function, and Task Demands., Brenda Hanna-pladdy
Synthesis, Characterization, and Applications of Chiral Polymeric Surfactants in Micellar Capillary Electrophoresis., Crystal Williams Harrell
Tourism and Place in Treasure Beach, Jamaica: Imagining Paradise and the Alternative., Michael J. Hawkins
Inequalities Between Pythagoras Numbers and Algebraic Ranks in Witt Rings of Fields., Sidney Taylor Hawkins
Development of Pseudostationary Phases for Separations in Electrokinetic Chromatography., Judson Leroy Haynes III
Beyond Black and White: the Civil Rights Movement in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, 1945--1972., Mary Jacqueline Hebert
Characterization of the Microsomal Mixed -Function Oxidase System of Several Species of Sea Anemones (Phylum: Cnidaria)., Linda Marie Heffernan
The American Career of Maria Ouspenskaya (1887-1949): Actress and Teacher., Pamela Sue Heilman
The Effect of *Modeling and Tempo Gradations as Practice Techniques on the Performance of High School Instrumentalists., Paul Thomas Henley
Phylogeography of Two Loligo Squid (Cephalopoda: Myopsida) in the Gulf of Mexico and the Northwestern Atlantic Ocean., Scott William Herke
Relating Process Philosophy to the Classroom: an Exploration of Alfred North Whitehead's Educational Vision., Janis Pardue Hill
Detecting Simulated Memory Impairment After Closed Head Injury: Validation of the Word Completion Memory Test (WCMT)., Robin Colleen Hilsabeck
Stories, Ann Castellana Holley
The Evolution of the Red River Valley Settlement System, 1714--1860., Keumsoo Hong
Input Manipulations, Working Memory, and Word Learning Abilities of Children., Janice Elisabeth Horohov
Family Portraits: Contemporary Women Novelists and the Nuclear Family., Tamra Lynn Horton