Theses/Dissertations from 1999
Volumes Three and Four of Jozsef Soproni's "Note Pages": A Stylistic Study., Maria Horvath
Effects of Substituent Substitution on a Bimetallic Hydroformylation Catalyst Based on a Tetraphosphine Ligand., Donna Kae Howell
The Perceptions of Members of Boards of Directors for State Associations Serving Community-Based Development Organizations Regarding *Policy and Governance., Ernie Troy Hughes
Political Liberalization in Post -Communist Central Asia: a Comparative Study., Muhammad Islam
Mechanisms of First Language Forgetting., Ludmila Isurin
Dark Phoenix: The Representation of Black Woman in Je Suis Martiniquais by Mayotte Capecia and Mon Examen De Blanc by Jacqueline Manicom, Sybil Shevron Jackson
Dark Phoenix: The Representation of Black Woman in "Je Suis Martiniquaise" by Mayotte Capecia and "Mon Examen De Blanc" by Jacqueline Manicom., Sybil Shevron Jackson
Precursors for Chemical and Photochemical Vapor Deposition of Copper Metal., Alicia Marie James
Studies on Cyclooxygenase-2 Expression in Lipopolysaccharide-Stimulated Macrophages., Byeong Churl Jang
Factors Influencing Effectiveness of Exhibit Displays on Family Learning in a Public Aquarium., Kodi Rae Jeffery
Development of Efficient Rice DNA Transformation Methods and Rapid Evaluation of Transgenic Lines., Junda Jiang
African-American Garden Culture: A Study of Tradition and Translation, Sally Akers Joachim
College Choice: Psychological Factors Influencing *Postsecondary Aspirations and Expectations of Ninth-Grade Students., Stuart Earle Johnson
Predictors of Practice Role Commitment and Practice Role Value for Doctorally Prepared Nursing Faculty., Anna Karin walker Jones
How the Villanelle's Form Got Fixed., Julie Ellen Kane
Ultrathin Iron Oxide Films on Cu(100)., Jeevananda Karunamuni
Interactions on Minerals and Organic Materials Along the Salinity Gradient in Barataria Basin, Louisiana., Jessica Anne Kastler
To Thine Own Self (And Thine Associates) Be True: the Strategic Management of Competing Identities Among Academic Women., Shirley A. Keeton
State-Mandated Site-Based Management: Exploring the Level of Implementation in Texas High Schools., Elizabeth Annette Kemper
Studies on Shrink -Wrapping and Low-Oxygen Storage of 'Beauregard' Sweet Potatoes (Ipomoea Batatas (L.) Lam.)., Anthony Wathome Kilili
Increased Nutritional Value and Oxidative Stability of Restructured Beef Roasts With Purified Extracts From Rice Bran., Joo-shin Kim
Women's Voices in Education: Two Jamaican Life Histories., Ethel L. King-mckenzie
The Influence of Interpersonal Communication Variables on Group Attraction and Group Communication Satisfaction., Michelle Diane Kirtley
"Playboy"'s First Year: a Rhetorical Construction of Masculine Sexuality., David John Lambkin
Lithic Utilization Strategies at the Hoover Site, 16TA5, Tangipahoa Parish, Louisiana, Josetta A. LeBoeuf
Hyperdeprivation and Race -Specific Homicide, 1980--1990., Matthew Raleigh Lee
Capability of Recombinant Insect Viruses for Environmental Persistence and Transport., Yihua Lee
You Can't Imagine This Life. Diaries and Letters of a Southern-Jewish Grande Dame, Josephine Joel Heyman, 1901-1993., Cynthia Betty Levy
Determination of Consolidation Characteristics in Fine Soils Evaluated by Piezocone Tests., Beyongseock Lim
The Effects of Type of Web Support and Instructional Mode on the Knowledge and Discrimination of Musical Texture Among Undergraduate Elementary Education Majors., Kenneth Lee Liske
Asphalt Pavement Fatigue Cracking Modeling., Yongqi Li
Tragicomedy: an Attempt at Classification., Jeri Laureen Lowe
General Riemann Integrals and Their Computation via Domain., Bin Lu
Magnetism of Magnets: the Impact of High School Magnet Programs on Desegregation and School Improvement in East Baton Rouge Parish., Alonzo Ray Luce
Diallel Analysis and Molecular Genetics of Ten Influential Upland Cotton Cultivars., Huangjun Lu
Executive Compensation, Performance, Board and Ownership Structure: a Simultaneous Equations Approach., Ayalew A. Lulseged
College Students' Understanding of Stereochemistry: Difficulties in Learning and Critical Junctures., Gary Lester Lyon
The Effect of Accurate/Inaccurate Teacher Instruction, High/Low Teacher Delivery, and on - /Off -Task Student Behavior on Musicians' Evaluation of Teacher Effectiveness., Melissa Katia Madsen
Practicing Freedom With Care: The Development of Warrior-Caregiving in Contemporary Literature From the Americas., Joanna Barszewska Marshall
Flexural Creep Analysis of Recycled Polymeric Structural Elements., Jose Noe Martinez-guerrero
Weierstrass Pairs and Minimum Distance of Goppa Codes., Gretchen L. Matthews
In Situ NMR and FT-IR Studies on a Bimetallic Hydroformylation Catalyst., Rhonda Carter Matthews
Holocene Environmental Change in Mainland Southeast Asia: Pollen and Charcoal Records From Cambodia., Andrew Lee Maxwell
Unrestrained Women and Decadent Old Aristocrats: the Nineteenth-Century Middle Class Struggle for Cultural Hegemony., Ronald Hamilton May
Null Codon-Based Models of Synonymous and Nonsynonymous Substitution From a Phylogenetic Perspective., David A. Mcclellan
Effects of 4 X 4 Block Scheduling on Student Discipline, Faculty Collegiality, and Obstacles to Teaching in Louisiana High Schools., Mary Helen smith Mccoy
Systematics, Ecology, and Social Biology of the Musk Duck (Biziura Lobata) of Australia., Kevin Grant Mccracken
Design Recovery and Data Mining: A Methodology That Identifies Data-Cohesive Subsystems Based on Mining Association Rules., Carlos Montes de oca
Women's Health Issues in Baccalaureate Nursing Curricula., Karen Basham Moody
Chromosomal Location of Genes for Leafiness (Lfy1) and Susceptibility to Nicosulfuron (Nsf1) in Maize Genome., Orlando Jose Moreno
Curriculum and the Holocaust: Competing Sites of Memory and *Representation., Marla Beth Morris
Improving Searches for Gravitational Wave Bursts., Carroll Andrew Morse
Perceptions of Technical Education Professionals Regarding the Purposes of Technical Education Programs in Zimbabwe's Secondary Schools., Davison Muchemwa Mupinga
The NAMES Project AIDS Memorial Quilt: A Novelistic Approach to Decoding the Layers of Meaning in the "Pieced" Social Drama., Louis Edward Myers
Metals Release From Freshwater and Estuarine Sediments in Thin-Disk Leaching Columns., Tommy Eldridge Myers
Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition of Silicon Nitride and Oxynitride Films Using Disilane as Silicon Source., Giridhar Nallapati
The Potential of High Oryzanol Rice Bran Oil as an Antioxidant in Whole Milk Powder., Jackin Njagi Nanua
An Empirical Test of a Structural Model of the Dispositional Antecedents of Motivation to Improve Work Through Learning., Sharon Smith Naquin
The Solo Vocabulary of Jazz Bassist Jimmie Blanton., Robert Nash
Situational Frequency and Retrieval: The Effect of Revelation on the Judgments for Occurrence of Events., Craig Barton Neely
Incomplete Acquisitions: the Valuation and Performance Effects of Changes in Control., Karyn Lynn Neuhauser
Classification of Text Documents Using a Logical Analysis Approach., Salvador Nieto sanchez
Isolation of Antimutagenic Compounds in Corn and Cottonseed., Henry Njapau
How Does Undergraduate College Biology Students' Level of Understanding, in Regard to the Role of the Seed Plant Root System, Relate to Their Level of Understanding of Photosynthesis?, James Gicheha Njeng'ere
Parental Alcoholism and Children's Social Skills., Marsha Dean Norton
Executive Compensation and the Investment Opportunity Sets of Initial Public Offerings., Tanya S. Nowlin
Another New South: Patterns of Continuity in the Southern Naval Stores Industry., Robert Boone Outland III
Holding Back the Waters: Land Development and the Origins of Levees on the Mississippi, 1720-1845., Jeffrey Alan Owens
Cryopreservation of Gametes and Larvae of the Eastern Oyster Crassostrea Virginica., Carmen G. Paniagua-chavez
Development of Monoclonal Antibody and Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent for Detection of Off -Flavor Compound 2-Methylisoborneol., Eun Sung Park
Chicken Pax Atomica: the Impact of Nuclear Weapons on Conflict Between Interstate Dyads., James Franklin Pasley
Intervention Implementation and Intervention Outcomes for Teenage Mothers in School -Based Treatment for Social and Academic Problems., Cherri Edenfield Penton
Quaternary Benthic Foraminiferal Distribution in the Ross Sea, Antarctica, and Its Relationship to Oceanography., Pamela Jo Perry
The Estimation of Premorbid Intelligence: a Comparison of Approaches., Peter Anthony Petito
Soil Phosphorus Characteristics of Natural and Created Wetlands in the Atchafalaya Delta, Louisiana., Matthew Emerson Poach
The Characterization of Oligonucleotides and Nucleic Acids Using Ribonuclease H and Mass Spectrometry., Lenore Marie Polo
The Role of Financial Aid Counseling in Students' Understanding of Student Loan Management., Julia Young Porter
The Search for Senefiance: Contraires Allegories in the "Roman De La Rose", Camilla Rachal Pugh
Diets of White-Tailed Deer at Avery Island, Louisiana, Nathan D. Rains
Effects of Low-Oxygen Atmosphere on the Growth and Development of Arabidopsis Thaliana (L.) Heynh., Katrina Maria Ramonell
Reduction of Endogenous Bacteria Associated With Catfish (Ictalurus Punctatus) Fillets Using the Grovac Process., Milton Ruben Ramos
Pine-Polyethylene (Wood -Polymer) Composites: Synthesis and Mechanical Behavior Characterization., Parviz S. Razi
Land -Cover Change Detection for the Tropics Using Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Systems., Jane M. Read
An Evaluation of Noncontingent Reinforcement Effects as a Function of Baseline Reinforcement Schedules., Joel Eric Ringdahl
Characterization of Pavement Layer Interfaces., Stefan Anton Romanoschi
The Applications of the Method of Quasi Reversibility to Some Ill-Posed Problems for the Heat Equation., Xueping Ru
"A Perfect War": Politics and Parties in Louisiana, 1824--1861., John Michael Sacher
Religious Art: Reflectors of Change in the Catholic Church in New Mexico, 1830--1910., Shirley Jean Sands
Spectrum of Solar Neutrinos Above 6.5 MeV., Robert Ellis Sanford Jr
Psychometric and Historical Predictors of Behavior in Incarcerated Female Juvenile Offenders: a Longitudinal Analysis., Michael P. Santa maria
Synthesis, Thermodynamic Stability and Enzymic Behavior of Oligonucleotides Containing Pyrazole Nucleobase Analogs., Andrea Sapp Saurage
Discriminative Validity of the Wide-Range Assessment of Memory and Learning (WRAML) With Children With and Without Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)., Heather Brewis Scheffler
Natalie Vivian Scott: The Origins, People and Times of the French Quarter Renaissance (1920-1930)., John Wyeth Scott II
A Critical Analysis of Gender and the Role of the Research Assistantship in Development of Higher Education Faculty., Stephen Charles Scott