This collection includes open access journal articles, preprints, and other publications about COVID-19 by LSU faculty and researchers.


Submissions from 2020


Potential link between compromised air quality and transmission of the novel corona virus (SARS-CoV-2) in affected areas, M. G. Manoj, M. K. Satheesh Kumar, K. T. Valsaraj, C. Sivan, and Soumya K. Vijayan


¿Cercanos o distantes? Cuba frente al SARSCoV-2 en el escenario del Caribe Insular, Anagret Mederos Anido and Bárbara R. Mariño Franco


Susceptibility of swine cells and domestic pigs to SARS-CoV-2, David A. Meekins, Igor Morozov, Jessie D. Trujillo, Natasha N. Gaudreault, Dashzeveg Bold, Mariano Carossino, Bianca L. Artiaga, Sabarish V. Indran, Taeyong Kwon, Velmurugan Balaraman, et al.


As organizações religiosas brasileiras frente à pandemia de Covid-19, Christian Dennys Monteiro de Oliveira, Fabrício A. Ribeiro, Ivo L. Oliveira Silva, Luis R. Teixeira Silva, José A. Xavier de Souza, Gerlaine C. Franco, Marcos da Silva Rocha, Maryvone M. Gomes, and Camila Benatti


The anti-HIV drug nelfinavir mesylate (Viracept) is a potent inhibitor of cell fusion caused by the SARSCoV-2 spike (S) glycoprotein warranting further evaluation as an antiviral against COVID-19 infections, Farhana Musarrat, Vladimir Chouljenko, Achyut Dahal, Rafiq Nabi, Tamara Chouljenko, Seetharama D. Jois, and Konstantin G. Kousoulas

The anti-HIV drug nelfinavir mesylate (Viracept) is a potent inhibitor of cell fusion caused by the SARSCoV-2 spike (S) glycoprotein warranting further evaluation as an antiviral against COVID-19 infections, Farhana Musarrat, Vladimir Chouljenko, Achyut Dahal, Rafiq Nabi, Tamara Chouljenko, Seetharama D. Jois, and Konstantin G. Kousoulas

Unmasked, Hye Yeon Nam, Iyleah Hernandez, and Brendan Harmon


Demographic, jurisdictional, and spatial effects on social distancing in the United States during the COVID-19 pandemic, Rajesh P. Narayanan, James Nordlund, r. Kelley Pace, and Dimuthu Ratnadiwakara


Traffic Impacts of the COVID-19 Pandemic: Statewide Analysis of Social Separation and Activity Restriction, Scott Parr, Brian Wolshon, John Renne, Pamela Murray-Tuite, and Karl Kim


Air quality improvement during triple-lockdown in the coastal city of Kannur, Kerala to combat Covid-19 transmission, C. T. Resmi, T. Nishanth, M. K. Satheesh Kumar, M. G. Manoj, M. Balachandramohan, and K. T. Valsaraj


Una Aproximación (Geo)Politológica A La Crisis De La Covid-19 En América Latina, Jeronimo Ríos Sierra


Framework For A Community Health Observing System For The Gulf Of Mexico Region: Preparing For Future Disasters, P Sandifer, L Knapp, M Lichtveld, R Manley, P Sandifer, R Caffey, D Cochran, T Collier, K Ebi, L Engel, et al.


Necromobilidade durante a pandemia da Covid-19, Vinicius Santos Almeida


Who’s afraid of Ebola? Epidemic fires and locative fears in the Information Age, W. Shrum, J. Aggrey, A. Campos, J. Pamplona da Costa, J. Joseph, P. Kreimer, R. Kroeger, L. Medina, P. Miller, A. Palackal, et al.


Asylum and Mass Detention at the U.S.-Mexico Border during Covid-19, Jeremy Slack and Josiah Heyman


Effect Of Mitigation Measures On The Spreading Of Covid-19 In Hard-Hit States In The Us, K M. Tam, N Walker, and J Moreno


Racial Disparities in Air Pollution Burden and COVID-19 Deaths in Louisiana, USA, in the Context of Long-Term Changes in Fine Particulate Pollution, Kimberly A. Terrell and Wesley James


Severe Air Pollution Events Not Avoided By Reduced Anthropogenic Activities During Covid-19 Outbreak, P F. Wang, K Y. Chen, S Q. Zhu, P Wang, and P F. Wang


COVID-19 diagnostic process in mainland China: The math beyond pneumonia, Feng Wu and Weishan Huang


Creating Collaborative Subject Guides for Multi-Insitutional Digital Collection: A Case Study from the Louisiana Digital Library, SL Ziegler and Leah Powell


Psychological, addictive, and health behavior implications of the COVID-19 pandemic, Michael J. Zvolensky, Lorra Garey, Andrew H. Rogers, Norman B. Schmidt, Anka .. Vujanovic, Eric A. Storch, Julia D. Buckner, Daniel J. Paulus, Candice Alfano, Jasper A. J. Smits, et al.