Solidarity Trumps Fear: Cuba is a Model for Global Health in the 21st Century
Abstract / Resumen / Resumo
In the height of the COVID-19 pandemic Cuba offered its own health care workers to countries struggling to cope with enormous health care demands. While Cuba has a long-standing history of sending health workers to countries in the Americas, for the COVID-19 pandemic, Cuba offered its resources to affluent countries such as Italy and Spain. This article discusses how, and why, Cuba is so well positioned to offer medical cooperation to other countries in times of pandemics, and why it offers a compelling model of cooperation and solidarity in times of pandemics.
Recommended Citation
Huish, Robert
"Solidarity Trumps Fear: Cuba is a Model for Global Health in the 21st Century,"
Journal of Latin American Geography
19(3): 296-301.
DOI: 10.1353/lag.2020.0052
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