Submissions from 2022
The hidden minority: Discrimination and mental health among international students in the US during the COVID-19 pandemic, Arati Maleku, Youn Kyoung Kim, Jaclyn Kirsch, Mee Young Um, Hanna Haran, and Mansoo Yu
The hidden minority: Discrimination and mental health among international students in the US during the COVID-19 pandemic, Arati Maleku, Youn Kyoung Kim, Jaclyn Kirsch, Mee Young Um, Hanna Haran, and Mansoo Yu
Negative schizotypy attenuates the effect of momentary stress on social dysfunction related to COVID-19 social distancing, Michael D. Masucci, Victoria Martin, Thanh P. Le, and Alex S. Cohen
Returning to School: Teachers' Occupational and COVID-19-Related Stress and Their Perceptions of School Climate, Georgette M. Metrailer and Kelly N. Clark
Global response of conservationists across mass media likely constrained bat persecution due to COVID-19, Veronica Nanni, Stefano Mammola, Nuria Macías-Hernández, Alessia Castrogiovanni, Ana L. Salgado, Enrico Lunghi, Gentile Francesco Ficetola, and Corrado Modica
The Double-Edged Sword of Safety Training for Safety Behavior: The Critical Role of Psychological Factors during COVID-19, Xin Ning, Jiwen Huang, Chunlin Wu, Tong Liu, and Chao Wang
Narrativas de vida espaciales en el contexto de la Covid-19: Reflexiones desde la ruralidad ecuatoriana, Estefania P. Palacios, Diana V. López, and Dayanara A. Delgado
A Smart CO2-Based Ventilation Control Framework to Minimize the Infection Risk of COVID-19 In Public Buildings, Zhihong Pang, Pingfan Hu, Xing Lu, Qingsheng Wang, and Zheng O'Neill
Teachers, Stress, and the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Qualitative Analysis, Luz E. Robinson, Alberto Valido, Anne Drescher, Ashley B. Woolweaver, Dorothy L. Espelage, Scott LoMurray, Anna C. Long, and Ashlen A. Wright
Place, Race, and Case: Examining Racialized Economic Segregation and COVID-19 in Louisiana, Jennifer L. Scott, Natasha M. Lee-Johnson, and Denise Danos
Place, Race, and Case: Examining Racialized Economic Segregation and COVID-19 in Louisiana, Jennifer L. Scott, Natasha M. Lee-Johnson, and Denise Danos
Enabling the Human Perception of a Working Camera In Web Conferences via Its Movement, Anish Shrestha
Impact of COVID-19 Stay-at-Home Orders on Health Behaviors and Anxiety in Black and White Americans, Joshua R. Sparks, Maryam Kebbe, Emily W. Flanagan, Robbie A. Beyl, Abby D. Altazan, Shengping Yang, and Leanne M. Redman
Planning for Emerging Infectious Disease Pandemics: Definitions, the Role of Planners, and Learning From the Avian Influenza Outbreak of 2004–2005, James Nguyen H. Spencer, David Marasco, and Michelle Eichinger
Application of digital PCR for public health-related water quality monitoring, Ananda Tiwari, Warish Ahmed, Wendy J. Smith, Suzanne Metcalfe, Mikayla Stephens, Amy V. Jennison, and Frederick A. Moore
Mask wearing and self-harming thoughts among international students in the United States during COVID-19: The moderating role of discrimination, Mee Young Um, Arati Maleku, Hanna Haran, Youn Kyoung Kim, Mansoo Yu, and Sung Seek Moon
Mask wearing and self-harming thoughts among international students in the United States during COVID-19: The moderating role of discrimination, Mee Young Um, Arati Maleku, Hanna Haran, Youn Kyoung Kim, Mansoo Yu, and Sung Seek Moon
Ozone exposure upregulates the expression of host susceptibility protein TMPRSS2 to SARS-CoV-2, Thao Vo, Kshitiz Paudel, Ishita Choudhary, Sonika Patial, and Yogesh Saini
Absence of antibody responses to SARS-CoV-2 N protein in COVID-19 vaccine breakthrough cases, Luan D. Vu, Shonta Wallace, Anh Tq Phan, Rebecca C. Christofferson, Erik Turner, Sean Parker, Karen Elkind-Hirsch, and Darrell Landry
Absence of antibody responses to SARS-CoV-2 N protein in COVID-19 vaccine breakthrough cases, Luan D. Vu, Shonta Wallace, Anh Tq Phan, Rebecca C. Christofferson, Erik Turner, Sean Parker, Karen Elkind-Hirsch, and Darrell Landry
Louisiana Children's Trust Fund Annual Report 2021-2022, Elizabeth Winchester, Jada Thomas-Smith, Harleen Sandhu, Aimee H. Moles, and Judith L. F. Rhodes
Dissertations from 2021
A Continuous Adjustment: The Impact of COVID-19 on International Graduate Students, Carla Albornoz Moraga
Mobility, Control, and the Pandemic Across the Americas: First Findings of a Transnational Collective Project, Soledad Alvarez Velasco
The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and governor mandated stay at home order on emergency department super utilizers, Shannon Alwood, Mandi W. Musso, Glenn N. Jones, Joel Mosley, Brittany Wippel, Lauren Theriot, and Diana Hamer
Rapid Exclusion of COVID Infection With the Artificial Intelligence Electrocardiogram, Zachi I. Attia, Suraj Kapa, Jennifer Dugan, Naveen Pereira, Peter A. Noseworthy, Francisco Lopez Jimenez, Jessica Cruz, Rickey E. Carter, Daniel C. DeSimone, John Signorino, et al.
Microglial Implications in SARS-CoV-2 Infection and COVID-19: Lessons From Viral RNA Neurotropism and Possible Relevance to Parkinson's Disease, Ifeoluwa O. Awogbindin, Benneth Ben-Azu, Babatunde A. Olusola, Elizabeth T. Akinluyi, Philip A. Adeniyi, T. Di Paolo, and Marie-Eve Tremblay
Online-Delivered Group and Personal Exercise Programs to Support Low Active Older Adults' Mental Health During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Randomized Controlled Trial, Mark R. Beauchamp, Ryan M. Hulteen, Geralyn R. Ruissen, Yan Liu, Ryan E. Rhodes, Colin M. Wierts, Katrina j. Waldhauser, Samantha H. Harden, and Eli Puterman
Online-Delivered Group And Personal Exercise Programs To Support Low Active Older Adults' Mental Health During The Covid-19 Pandemic: Randomized Controlled Trial, M R. Beauchamp, R M. Hulteen, G R. Ruissen, Y Liu, M R. Beauchamp, C M. Wierts, K J. Waldhauser, S H. Harden, and E Puterman
Parallel Coordinates-based Visualization of Covid-19 Data, Puja Bhandari
An Improved Earned Value Management Method Integrating Quality and Safety, Brian Briggs
Increases In Distress During Stay-At-Home Mandates During The Covid-19 Pandemic: A Longitudinal Study, J D. Buckner, C N. Abarno, E M. Lewis, M J. Zvolensky, and J D. Buckner
Reduced turnaround times through multi-sectoral community collaboration during the first surge of SARS-CoV-2 and associated effect on patient care and hospital operations, Rebecca C. Christofferson, Hollis R. O'Neal, Tonya Jagneaux, Catherine O'Neal, Christine S. Walsh, E Handly Mayton, Luan D. Vu, and Abigail I. Fish
Bats And Humans During Thesars-Cov-2Outbreak: The Case Of Bat-Coronaviruses From Mexico, P Colunga-Salas and G Hernandez-Canchola
The Impact of COVID-19 on the Use of Academic Library Resources, Ruth Connell, Lisa Wallis, and David Comeaux
S21RS SGR No. 30 (COVID Vaccinations), Everett Craddock
An Earth-Mass Planet In A Time Of Covid-19: Kmt-2020-Blg-0414Lb, Leandro De Almeida, Andrew Gould, Cheongho Han, Iona Kondo, Chung-Uk Lee, Shude Mao, Yossi Shvartzvald, Jennifer C. Yee, Weicheng Zang, and Xiangyu Zhang
Examining Intraindividual Variability as a Predictor of Cognitive and Functional Decline in Older Adulthood, Alyssa N. De Vito
Decreased availability of nitric oxide and hydrogen sulfide is a hallmark of COVID-19, Paari Dominic, Javaria Ahmad, Ruchi Bhandari, Sibile Pardue, Juan Solorzano, Keerthish Jaisingh, Megan Watts, Steven R. Bailey, A Wayne Orr, Christopher G. Kevil, et al.
The Effectiveness Of Image Augmentation In Deep Learning Networks For Detecting Covid-19: A Geometric Transformation Perspective, M Elgendi, M U. Nasir, Q F. Tang, D Smith, M Elgendi, C Batte, B Spieler, W D. Leslie, C Menon, R R. Fletcher, et al.
Telehealth And Autism Prior To And In The Age Of Covid-19: A Systematic And Critical Review Of The Last Decade, K S. Ellison, J Guidry, P Picou, P Adenuga, and K S. Ellison
Pandemia y autonomía indígena: Territorialización del cuidado en la Amazonia ecuatoriana, Julián García Labrador
Susceptibility of sheep to experimental co-infection with the ancestral lineage of SARS-CoV-2 and its alpha variant, Natasha N. Gaudreault, Konner Cool, Jessie D. Trujillo, Igor Morozov, David A. Meekins, Chester McDowell, Dashzeveg Bold, Mariano Carossino, Velmurugan Balaraman, Dana Mitzel, et al.
Experimental Re-Infected Cats Do Not Transmit Sars-Cov-2, N N. Gaudreault, M Carossino, I Morozov, J D. Trujillo, N N. Gaudreault, D W. Madden, K Cool, B L. Artiaga, C McDowell, D Bold, et al.
Calamity and Resiliency: Reflections on the Past Two Years and Library Responses, Martin Halbert
Evaluation of Food Safety Practices at Louisiana Summer Feeding Sites and Food Safety Communication via Social Media During Crises, Peyton E. Haynes
Top1 Inhibition Therapy Protects Against Sars-Cov-2-Induced Lethal Inflammation, J S. Ho, B W. Mok, L Campisi, T Jordan, J S. Ho, S Parameswaran, J A. Wayman, N N. Gaudreault, D A. Meekins, S V. Indran, et al.
Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19): The Value of Chest Radiography for Patients Greater Than Age 50 Years at an Earlier Timepoint of Symptoms Compared With Younger Patients, Mae Igi, Molly Lieux, Joe Park, Catherine Batte, and Bradley Spieler
Developing Student Agency in the Choral Classroom: A Case Study, Danielle E. Laird
Clothing Consumption During The Covid-19 Pandemic: Evidence From Mining Tweets, C A. Liu, S B. Xia, and C M. Lang
COVID-19 Pandemic: A Mixed-Methods Study Investigation of a Health Science System Faculty's Adaptations to an Online (Non-Traditional) Teaching Environment for Health Professional Students, Daryl Philip Lofaso
The Young Age And Plant-Based Diet Hypothesis For Low Sars-Cov-2 Infection And Covid-19 Pandemic In Sub-Saharan Africa, J N. Losso, M N. Losso, M Toc, J N. Inungu, and J N. Losso
Modeled changes in source contributions of particulate matter during the COVID-19 pandemic in the Yangtze River Delta, China, Jinlong Ma, Juanyong Shen, Peng Wang, Shengqiang Zhu, Yu Wang, Pengfei Wang, Gehui Wang, Jianmin Chen, and Hongliang Zhang
Btk/Itk Dual Inhibitors: Modulating Immunopathology And Lymphopenia For Covid-19 Therapy, M C. McGee, A August, and W S. Huang
Physical Education Teachers' Experiences With Remote Instruction During The Initial Phase Of The Covid-19 Pandemic, K Mercier, E Centeio, A Garn, H Erwin, K Mercier, and J Foley
Marginal warming associated with a COVID-19 quarantine and the implications for disease transmission, P. W. Miller, C. Reesman, M. K. Grossman, S. A. Nelson, V. Liu, and P. Wang
Death in the Air: An EcoGothic Reading of Nineteenth-Century British Literature, Jiwon Min
Global Sex Disparity Of Covid-19: A Descriptive Review Of Sex Hormones And Consideration For The Potential Therapeutic Use Of Hormone Replacement Therapy In Older Adults, S C. Okpechi, J T. Fong, S S. Gill, J C. Harman, S C. Okpechi, Q C. Chukwurah, I O. Onor, and S K. Alahari
Modeling Cumulative Risk During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Psychosocial and Socioeconomic Factors for Older Minority Adults, James F. Osborne IV
How Work From Home Has Affected the Occupant’s Well-Being in the Residential Built Environment: An International Survey Amid the Covid-19 Pandemic, Zhihong Pang, Burcin Becerik-Gerber, Simi Hoque, Zheng O’Neill, Giulia Pedrielli, Jin Wen, and Teresa Wu
Investigation of the Impacts of COVID-19 on the Electricity Consumption of a University Dormitory Using Weather Normalization, Zhihong Pang, Fan Feng, and Zheng O'Neill
Multistate Assessment of Roadway Travel, Social Separation, and COVID-19 Cases, Scott Parr, Brian Wolshon, Pamela Murray-Tuite, and Tim Lomax
The Impact Of Covid-19 On Consumer Food Wastejel Codes, B E. Roe, K Bender, and D Y. Qi
The Relationship between Emotion Regulation and Substance Use Treatment Attrition, Melanie Ruth Roys
Many-objective simulation-based optimization of an air separation unit, Santiago D. Salas, Dany de Cecchis, Bryan V. Piguave, and José A. Romagnoli
An Evaluation of the Break up with Salt Community-Based Hypertension Education Program, Helena L. Salgado
Prognostic value of cardiac biomarkers in COVID-19 infection, Aakash Sheth, Malak Modi, Desiree' Dawson, and Paari Dominic
Impact of an Emergent Reading Skills Intervention on Letter Recognition and Phoneme Identification in Pre-Kindergarten Children, Laura K. Simmons
The Interplay Between Environmental Exposures And Covid-19 Risks In The Health Of Children, P D. Sly, B A. Trottier, C M. Bulka, S A. Cormier, P D. Sly, R C. Fry, K W. Kim, S Kleeberger, P Kumar, P J. Landrigan, et al.
Communications, Decision-Making, and Interactions of a Multi-Agent Autonomous Vehicle System, Daniel Davis Smith
A landscape planning agenda for global health security: Learning from the history of HIV/AIDS and pandemic influenza, James Nguyen H. Spencer
Predictive Modeling of FMOL Health System Utilization Using Machine Learning Algorithms and Retrospective Study of COVID Tested Patients, RamyaKrishna Tummala
Using Wi-Fi Position System for Developing a Privacy-Preserving Contact Tracing System in University Campuses, Sorena Vosoughkhosravi and Amirhosein Jafari
Enhanced atmospheric oxidation capacity and associated ozone increases during COVID-19 lockdown in the Yangtze River Delta, Yu Wang, Shengqiang Zhu, Jinlong Ma, Juanyong Shen, Pengfei Wang, Peng Wang, and Hongliang Zhang
"The Rest is Lagniappe": The Female Secondary Band Director Experience in Louisiana, Margaret M. Webb
Gastrointestinal Microenvironment and the Gut-Lung Axis in the Immune Responses of Severe COVID-19, Yun Yang, Weishan Huang, Yubo Fan, and Guo-Qiang Chen
An Earth-mass planet in a time of COVID-19: KMT-2020-BLG-0414Lb, Weicheng Zang, Cheongho Han, Iona Kondo, Jennifer C. Yee, Chung Uk Lee, Andrew Gould, Shude Mao, Leandro de Almeida, Yossi Shvartzvald, Xiangyu Zhang, et al.
Essay on Manager Uncertainty and the Cross-Section of Stock Returns, Tengfei Zhang
Cognitive Disorders Associated With Hospitalization Of Covid-19: Results From An Observational Cohort Study, J Q. Zhou, C Liu, Y T. Sun, W S. Huang, and J Q. Zhou
Submissions from 2020
Women Leaders and Policy Compliance during a Public Health Crisis, Nichole M. Bauer, Jeong Hyun Kim, and Yesola Kweon
Dialysis, COVID-19, Poverty, and Race in Greater Chicago: An Ecological Analysis, Siddharth Bhayani, Ranit Sengupta, Talar Markossian, Samie Tootooni, Amy Luke, David Shoham, Richard Cooper, and Holly Kramer
The Persistence Of High Energy Burdens: A Bibliometric Analysis Of Vulnerability, Poverty, And Exclusion In The United States, M A. Brown, A Soni, A D. Doshi, C King, and M A. Brown
“First, do no harm”: Tread carefully where oral history, trauma, and current crises intersect, Jennifer A. Cramer
Prognostic value of Cardiac Biomarkers in COVID-19 Infection: A Meta-analysis, Desiree Dawson, Paari Dominic, Aakash Sheth, and Malak Modi
#coloniavirus, cambio climático y colonialismo: la construcción colonial de la precariedad en Puerto Rico, Juan Declet-Barreto
Glycyrrhetinic acid and its derivatives as potential alternative medicine to relieve symptoms in nonhospitalized COVID-19 patients, Hong Ding, Wenjun Deng, Lingling Ding, Xiaoqun Ye, Shanye Yin, and Weishan Huang
Covid-19 in Latin America, Johnny Finn, Cynthia Pope-Portelinha, and Yulia Garcia Sarduy
Covid-19 and Tourism Risk in the Americas, Christopher Gaffney and Bruno Eeckels
Sars-Cov-2 Infection, Disease And Transmission In Domestic Cats, N N. Gaudreault, J D. Trujillo, M Carossino, D A. Meekins, N N. Gaudreault, D W. Madden, S V. Indran, D Bold, V Balaraman, T Kwon, et al.
Volunteered Geographic Information Generates New Spatial Understandings of Covid-19 in Fortaleza, Adryane Gorayeb, Jader de Oliveira Santos, Hércules G. Nascimento da Cunha, Regina Balbino da Silv, Wallason Farias, Romullo D. Pereira Mesquita, Lucas da Silva Libério, Francisco D. de Sousa Silva, Sarah L. Maia do Nascimento, Christian Martins Mota, Paulo R. Gorayeb, and Narcélio de Sá Pereira Filho
First Person: The Pandemic'S Silver Lining: Real Talk For Future Teachers, J Hipp
First Person: The Pandemic'S Silver Lining: Real Talk For Future Teachers, J Hipp
A Metacognitive Approach to Reconsidering Risk Perceptions and Uncertainty: Understand Information Seeking During COVID-19, Yan Huang and Chun Yang
Solidarity Trumps Fear: Cuba is a Model for Global Health in the 21st Century, Robert Huish
The COVID-19 Pandemic in Colombia’s Borderlands and the Western Hemisphere: Adding Instability to the Existing “Double Crisis”, Annette Idler and Markus Hochmüller
Artificial Intelligence And Covid-19: Deep Learning Approaches For Diagnosis And Treatment, M. B. Jamshidi, A. Lalbakhsh, J. Talla, Z. Peroutka, F. Hadjilooei, P Lalbakhsh, M. Jamshidi, L. La Spada, M. Mirmozafari, M. Dehghani, et al.
Bayesian-based predictions of COVID-19 evolution in Texas using multispecies mixture-theoretic continuum models, Prashant K. Jha, Lianghao Cao, and J. Tinsley Oden
The case for re-examining glycosylation inhibitors, mimetics, primers and glycosylation decoys as antivirals and anti-inflammatories in covid19, Roger A. Laine
Perceived vulnerability to COVID-19 infection from event attendance: results from Louisiana, USA, two weeks preceding the national emergency declaration, Ran Li, Bingcheng Yang, Jerrod Penn, Bailey Houghtaling, Juan Chen, Witoon Prinyawiwatkul, Brian E. Roe, and Danyi Qi
2020 Louisiana Summary: Agriculture & Natural Resources, LSU AgCenter