
Submissions from 1974

Identification of 2-hydroxy fatty acids in complex mixtures of fatty acid methyl esters by Mass chromatography., R.A. Laine, N.D. Young, J.N. Gerber, and C.C. Sweeley

Glycosphingolipids covalently linked to agarose gel or glass beads. Use of the compounds for purification of antibodies directed against globoside and hematoside., Laine RA, Yoggeswaran G, and Hakorori S

Ceramide di- and trihexosides of wheat flour., Laine RA and Renkonen O

Mechanism of cell contact dependent glycolipid synthesis: further studies with glycolipid glass complex, G. Yogeeswaran, R.A. Laine, and S. Hakomori

Submissions from 1973

Incorporation of exogenous glycosphingolipids in plasma membranes of cultured hamster cells and concurrent change of growth behavior, R.A. Laine and S. Hakomori

O-methyl oximes of sugars. Analysis as O-trimethylsilyl derivatives by gas-liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry, R.A. Laine and C.C. Sweeley

Submissions from 1972

[62] UDP-glucose: β-sitosterol glucosyltransferase of developing cotton seeds, W.T. Forsee, R.A. Laine, J.P. Chambers, and A.D. Elbein

[10] Gas-liquid chromatography of carbohydrates, R.A. Laine, W.J. Esselman, and C.C. Sweeley

Monoglucosyloxyoctadecenoic acid--a glycolipid from Aspergillus niger., R.A. Laine, P.F. Griffin, C.C. Sweeley, and P.J. Brennan

On the structure of cytolipin R, a ceramide tetrahexoside hapten from rat lymphosarcoma, R. Laine, C.C. Sweeley, Y.T. Li, A. Kisic, and M.M. Rapport

Submissions from 1971

Steryl glucosides in phaseolus aureus. Use of gas-liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry for structural identification, R.A. Laine and A.D. Elbein

Analysis of trimethylsilyl O-methyloximes of carbohydrates by combined gas-liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry, R.A. Laine and C.C. Sweeley

Steryl glucosides in Phaseolus aureus. Use of gas-liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry for structural identification., Laine RA and Elbein AD

Submissions from 1970

A simplified method for purification of yeast "renaturable" leucine transfer RNA: The nucleotide sequence of fragments obtained by pancreatic ribonuclease digestion, Simon H. Chang, Claire Harmon, Karl Munninger, and Nancy Miller