Dissertations from 2024
Enhancement of Applied Rice Breeding Programs: Exploring Factors Impacting Genomic Selection Accuracy and Discovery of a Novel Gene for Grain Shape, Maria G. Montiel
Dissertations from 2022
Impact of New Technologies on Weed Control in Louisiana Rice Production, David C. Walker
Dissertations from 2019
Genetic Analysis of Drought Tolerance in Rice (Oryza sativa L.), Uttam Bhattarai
Silicon Fertilization in Rice and Wheat: Dynamics with Trace Elements and Effect of Silicate Slag Granular Size on the Release Pattern of Monosilicic Acid in Soil, Wooiklee S. Paye
Theses from 2017
Soil Properties' Response to Wheat and Corn Stubble Residue Management in Louisiana, Autumn Danielle Acree
Nealley's Sprangletop (Leptochloa nealleyi Vasey) Management and Interference in Rice Production, Eric Allen Bergeron
Molecular Genetics of Cold Tolerance at Germination and Seedling Stages in Rice, Anna Hissahe Borjas Artica
Improving Nitrogen Use Efficiency and Yield in Louisiana Sugarcane Production Systems, Daniel Ernesto Forestieri
Activity of benzobicyclon herbicide in common Louisiana rice production practices, Benjamin M. McKnight
Quizalofop-P-Ethyl Herbicide Interactions in Accase-Resistant Rice Production, Samer Y. Rustom Jr.
Effects of Silicon and Nitrogen Fertilization on Growth, Yield, and Leaf Rust Disease Development in Wheat, Maryamossadat Shahrtash
Ironstone and Red Mud as Soil Amendments to Increase Phosphorus Retention in a Sandy Soil, Samantha Karyn Smith
Dissertations from 2016
Evaluation of Absorption and Uptake of Soil- and Foliar-Applied Silicon in Rice and its Accumulation under Different Phosphorus Rates, Flávia Bastos Agostinho
Chemistry of Coastal Wetland Soil Organic Matter in the Atchafalaya and Barataria Basins, Weiyang Bi
Prickly Sida (Sida spinosa L.): Biology and In-Crop and Post-Harvest Management Programs, Josh Thomas Copes
Genetic Analyses of Male Sterility and Wide Compatibility in U.S. Hybrid Rice Breeding Lines, Christian Torres De Guzman
Characterization of Sulfur Chemistry in Louisiana Coastal Wetland Soils Using X-Ray Absorption Fine Structure (XAFS) Spectroscopy, Negar Dehghani Tafti
Molecular Genetics of Salinity Tolerance in Rice (Oryza sativa L.), Teresa Bermejo De Leon
Development of Functional Markers for Resistance to Leaf Scald in Sugarcane, Andres Felipe Gutierrez Viveros
Studies on Development of End Rot in Sweetpotato, Ratchanee Pattaravayo
Silicon Fertilization in Rice:Establishment of Critical Silicon Level and Its Impact on Availability of Nutrients in Soils of Louisiana, Wooiklee Sundayboy Paye
Evaluation of Winter Cover Crops on Nutrient Cycling, Soil Quality and Yield for Production Systems in the Mid-South, Ina Iris Sanchez
Combining Forage and Cover Crop Benefits from Cool-season Annuals in the Southeastern United States, Dustin John Smith
An Integrated Approach to Ambrosia Beetle Management in Ornamental Tree Nurseries: Biology of and Control Measures for Exotic Xyleborina, christopher werle
Determining Seasonal Emergence, Growth Characteristics, and Control Programs for Henbit (Lamium amplexicaule L.), Brandi C. Woolam
Dissertations from 2015
Calibration and Categorization of Plant Available Silicon in Louisiana Soils, Tapasya Babu
Impact of Reduced Rates of Hormonal Herbicides aon Sweetpotato (Ipomoea batatas Lam.) Growth and Development, Thomas Michael Batts
The Response of Gossypium spp. to Biotic and Abiotic Stresses in Louisiana and the Modeling of Yarn Performance, Bikash Bhandari
Identification of Quantitative Trait Loci (QTL) for Resistance to Stripe Rust in Wheat Variety TERRAL LA841, Alejandro Castro Aviles
Evaluation of Ammonia, Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Characterization of Different Particulate Matter During Sugarcane Production in Southern Louisiana, Sanku Dattamudi
Genetics of Resistance to Aflatoxin Accumulation in Corn (Zea mays), Ramesh Dhakal
Integrating Soil Nitrate Level in Refining Nitrogen Fertilizer Management in Louisiana Corn Production Systems, Payton Dupree
Genetic Analyses of Rice Grain Quality, Male Sterility and Wide Compatibility in Louisiana Hybrids, Manuel Quiqni Esguerra
Factors Affecting Within-plant Variation of Cotton Fiber Quality and Yield, Matthew Oliver Indest
Evaluation of Enhanced Efficiency Nitrogen Fertilizers on Corn Production Systems in the Mid-South, Shanice M. Jones
The Production of Marketable Vegetable Transplants Using Sustainable Locally Sourced Soilless Media Amendments, Amber Dawn Parker
Influence of Atrazine Formulation and Irrigation Incorporation of Off-site Transport in a Centipedegrass Home Lawn, Kimberly Joy Pope
Identification of the Causal Agent of Leaf and Crown Rot of Liriope in Louisiana, Carla Milena Proano
Development of Disease Resistant Rice Using Whole Genome Sequencing and Standard Breeding Methods, Yamid Sanabria Gongora
Stress Tolerance Enhancement of Rice by Genetic Manipulation of a bHLH-Myc2 Transcription Factor, Luis Eduardo Sanchez Timm
Evaluating the Effects of Silicon and Nitrogen Fertilization on Wheat Production, Brandon White
Investigation of Potentially Hazardous Particulate Matter in Homes: Designing a Particle Filtration System, John Scott Young
Theses from 2014
Transport and Retention of Cadmium, Copper, and Lead in Soils: Miscible Displacement Experiments, Nazanin Akrami
Effect of cultivar, storage, cooking method and tissue type on the ascorbic acid, thiamin, riboflavin and vitamin B6 content of sweetpotato [Ipomoea batatas (L.)] Lam, Wilmer Anibal Barrera
Evaluation of Volatility and Physical Drift of 2,4-D, Dicamba, and Triclopyr Formulations, Matthew John Bauerle
A comparison of calcium and magnesium ratios in soilless media for optimum vegetable production irrigated with alkaline pH water, Sarah E. Bertrand
Interactions of Herbicide Mixtures in Imidazolinone-resistant Rice, John Caleb Fish
Assessment of bermudagrass (Cynodon dactylon) biotypes and bermudagrass interference with sugarcane (Saccharum spp. hybrids, Dexter Paul Fontenot
Residual Effect of Herbicides Used in Pastures on Clover Establishment and Productivity, Angela Suzanne Laird
Control Options for Rhizome Johnsongrass (Sorghum halepense L. Pers.) in Glufosinate-Resistant Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) and Soybean (Glycine max L. Merr.), Randall Lee Landry
Understanding Skinning Resistance Inheritance and Differential Gene Expression in Sweetpotato [Ipomea batatas (L.) Lam.], Reeve Daniel Legendre
Screening for Halosulfuron Tolerance and Identifying Ethylene Response Genes in Sweetpotato[Ipomoea Batatas (Lam) L.], Michael Polozola
Herbicide Tolerance of Native Perennial Grasses During Vegetative Establishment in Disturbed Urban Sites in Louisiana, Jason Walter Stagg
Influence Of Sprigging and Nitrogen Rates On 'Celebration' Bermudagrass Establishment, Matthew Turner
Dissertations from 2013
Sustainable natural resource management in regional ecosystems : case studies in semi-arid and humid regions, Noura Bakr
Development of production practices and populations for coastal and urban use of sea oats (Uniola paniculata L.), Kaitlin Barrios
Transport and adsorption-desorption of heavy metals in different soils, Tamer A. Elbana
Evaluation of pyroxasulfone in corn (Zea mays L.) and soybean (Glycine max L. Merr.) weed management programs, Jon Marshall Hardwick
Development of an efficient sea oats breeding program for coastal restoration, Pheonah Nabukalu
Soil organic carbon determination for Louisiana soils via portable x-ray fluorescence spectroscopy, Sara Kathryn Nuss
Measuring soluble salts in soils via portable x-ray fluorescence spectrometry, Samantha Lynn Swanhart
Poultry litter ash as a phosphorus source for greenhouse crop production, Daniel Evan Wells
Silver Transport and Adsorption-Desorption in Soils: Influence of Zinc, Liyun Zhang
Theses from 2012
Effects of seeding rates of perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) on sediment loading and nutrient transport via surface runoff, Jason Robert Anderson
Development and utilization of molecular markers to study genetic diversity of smooth cordgrass and cold tolerance sugarcane, Lina Bernaola Alvarado
Overexpression of a Plasma Membrane Protein Gene, SaPMP3, from Spartina alterniflora L. Enhances Salinity Tolerance in Rice (Oryza sativa L.), Hanamareddy Biradar
Understanding phosphorus dynamics of two alluvial soils grown with corn at different phosphorus rates, Marilyn Sebial Dalen
Creating a horticultural curriculum addressing environmental concerns, Carly Gillett
Soil climate and pedology of the Transylvanian Plain, Romania, Beatrix Haggard
Improving nitrogen management in sugarcane production of the mid-South using remote sensing technology, Joshua Lofton
Use of Expanded Shales, Clays and Slates-Light Weight Aggregate for Erosion Control and Grass Establishment on Un-vegetated Embankments, Murilo de Santana Martins
Visible near-infrared diffuse reflectance spectroscopy and portable X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy for rapid compost analysis, Amanda Lynne McWhirt
Sugarcane growth, sucrose content, and yield response to the ripeners glyphosate and trinexapac-ethyl, Albert Joseph Orgeron
Application of genetic and statistical tools for improvement of Louisiana rice, James Silva Garcia
Optimal Cultural Practices for Processed Sweetpotato Products, Cody Derek Smith
Genomic approaches to understand sweetpotato root development in relation to abiotic factors, Julio Solis Sarmiento
Use of Effluent Volumes to Control Leaching in Nursery Container Crops With Tipping Bucket Sensors, Maureen Thiessen
Dissertations from 2011
Influence of turfgrass coverage on nutrient and pesticide transport as affected by water and sediment displacement during surface runoff, Steven Michael Borst
Use of harvest aid in soybean: application timing, economics and interactions in IPM programs, Joseph Michael Boudreaux
Rapid identification of oil contaminated soils using visible near infrared diffuse reflectance spectroscopy, Somsubhra Chakraborty
Evaluation of Superfund Research Program websites in a research translation context, Sarah Gabrielle Emmich
Stage specific cotton water use crop coefficients in northeast Louisiana, Vipan Kumar
Influence of sand topdressing on bermudagrass thatch decomposition, Dustin S. Parker
Dissertations from 2010
Characterization of quantitative traits using association genetics tetraploid and genetic linkage mapping in diploid cotton (Gossypium spp.), Ashok Badigannavar
Acute responses of freshwater and marine species to ethinyl estradiol and fluoxetine, Julia Kaye Daigle
Texasweed (Caperonia palustris (L.) St. Hil.) interference and management in drill-seeded rice, Rakesh K. Godara
Spatial and temporal variabilities on soils in St. Landry Parish, Louisiana, Stephanie Lynn Johnson
Analysis of genetic improvement for soybean from 1950-2000, Charanjit Singh Kahlon
Retention and transport of mercury and nickel in soils, Lixia Liao
EPTC in sugarcane (Saccharum spp. hybrids): incorporation methods, weed control, and crop tolerance, José Rodolfo Mite Cáceres