


Master of Science (MS)


Plant, Environmental Management and Soil Sciences

Document Type



There are so many people who have helped me throughout my graduate studies and for whom I am grateful. I would like to take this opportunity to first and foremost thank God for his always guidance throughout my life and giving me the wisdom and the patience I needed to finish my thesis. I would like to thank Dr. Brenda Tubana for taking me in and providing me with guidance and knowledge. I also would like to thank my committee members, Prof. Brian D. LeBlanc who guided me, encouraged me and provided me with knowledge about sustainable agriculture and Dr. Paul Price for his encouraging words and kind assistance in this project. I would like to thank Prof. David Blouin for providing me with assistance and knowledge in designing the statistical model and conducting statistical analyses. I thank Ms. Emily Frank for her kind assistance in Middleton library. I would like to thank soil fertility group for all the times they have helped me in completing this project. Thank you Prof. Lawrence Datnoff for all of yours words of encouragement. I thank Prof. Maud Walsh for her kind guidance. I thank STPAL laboratory for their always assistance in running our experiment. My acknowledgement would be incomplete without thanking the biggest sources of my strength, my father, my mother, and my brothers who always inspires me by their fervent support, kindness, prayers and blessings. I would finally like to thank all of my friends who, I feel fortunate to write, are too numerous to name. You gave me the will to go on, and you made me motivated when I needed to.



Document Availability at the Time of Submission

Release the entire work immediately for access worldwide.

Committee Chair

Tubana, Brenda


