


Master of Science (MS)


Plant, Enviromental and Soil Sciences

Document Type



Nitrogen (N) is often the most yield limiting nutrient, particularly in corn (Zea mays L.) production systems. In the Mid-South, high N application rates have the potential to lead to high N loss. To minimize this loss, proper N management should focus on improving N use efficiency (NUE) while optimizing productivity. The potential to achieve both tasks can be met using enhanced efficiency N fertilizer (EENF). However, limited research has directly compared the active chemicals in EENFs for corn production in the Mid-South. A study was conducted in 2013 and 2014 at two locations in Louisiana to determine the effectiveness of EENFs on yield, grain N uptake, and NUE over varying N rates. Corn grain yield significantly increased when using EENFs compared to untreated urea (average of 1.54 Mg ha-1 Winnsboro, LA and 1.30 Mg ha-1 Saint Joseph, LA [P <0.0001]). Two stabilizers paired together (NBPT and DCD) in Super U™, improved yields by nearly 3.0 Mg ha-1 when applied at the recommended N rate. The rate of N transformation was observed in greenhouse experiments, to determine the effectiveness of EENFs over multiple durations of time based on NH4+ and NO3- content in the soil system. While NH4+ concentration declined within 7 days post-application, nitrification inhibitors particularly Instinct had high NH4+ concentration and low NO3- concentration in both trials. This slower transformation minimizes the potential of N fertilizer to be lost. These results suggest crop uptake of N fertilizer would increase with higher NUE. Utilizing EENFs has the potential to increase NUE through specified conditions and time periods.



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Student has submitted appropriate documentation to restrict access to LSU for 365 days after which the document will be released for worldwide access.

Committee Chair

Tubana, Brenda


