Submissions from 1998
Consequences of the 1993 mississippi river flood in the gulf of mexico, N.N. Rabalais, R. Eugene Turner, W.J. Wiseman Jr, and Q. Dortch
The Gulf of Mexico mid-tropospheric response to El Niño and La Niña forcing, Robert Rohli
Upper-level steering flow and continental anticyclones on the central Gulf Coast of the United States, Robert Rohli
Submissions from 1997
Abundance And Vertical Flux Of Pseudo-Nitzschia In The Northern Gulf Of Mexico, Q Dortch, R Robichaux, S Pool, D Milsted, Q Dortch, N N. Rabalais, T M. Soniat, G A. Fryxell, R. Eugene Turner, and M L. Parsons
Time series measurements of chlorophyll fluorescence in the oceanic bottom boundary layer with a multisensor fiber-optic fluorometer, E.J. D'Sa, S.E. Lohrenz, V.L. Asper, and R.A. Walters
Impacts Of Climate Change On Net Productivity Of Coastal Waters: Implications For Carbon Budgets And Hypoxia, D Justic, N N. Rabalais, and R. Eugene Turner
Winter anticyclone changes on the central Gulf Coast of the USA, Robert Rohli
Protozoans isolated from Louisiana shelf sediments subject to hypoxia/anoxia with emphasis on freshwater amoebae and marine flagellates, T.K. Sawyer, T.A. Nerad, N.N. Rabalais, and S.M. McLaughlin
Wetland Loss in the Northern Gulf of Mexico: Multiple Working Hypotheses, R. Eugene Turner
Seasonal and interannual variability within the Louisiana coastal current: Stratification and hypoxia, W.J. Wiseman, N.N. Rabalais, R.E. Turner, S.P. Dinnel, and A. Macnaughton
Submissions from 1996
Effects Of Climate Change On Hypoxia In Coastal Waters: A Doubled Co2 Scenario For The Northern Gulf Of Mexico, D Justic, N N. Rabalais, and R. Eugene Turner
Effects of climate change on hypoxia in coastal waters: A doubled CO2 scenario for the northern Gulf of Mexico, Dubravko Justic, Nancy N. Rabalais, and R. Eugene Turner
Nutrient Changes in the Mississippi River and System Responses on the Adjacent Continental Shelf, Nancy N. Rabalais, R. Eugene Turner, Dubravko Justic, Quay Dortch, William J. Wiseman, and Barun Sen Gupta
Meiofauna and sediment chloroplastic pigments on the continental shelf off Louisiana, U.S.A., T. Radziejewska, J.W. Fleeger, N.N. Rabalais, and K.R. Carman
Seasonal oxygen depletion in continental-shelf waters of Louisiana: Historical record of benthic foraminifers, B.K. Sen Gupta, R.E. Turner, and N.N. Rabalais
Hydrologic Restoration of Coastal Wetlands, R. Eugene Turner and R. R. Lewiss III
Submissions from 1995
Stoichiometric nutrient balance and origin of coastal eutrophication, D. Justić, N.N. Rabalais, and R.E. Turner
Changes in nutrient structure of river-dominated coastal waters: Stoichiometric nutrient balance and its consequences, D. Justić, N.N. Rabalais, R.E. Turner, and Q. Dortch
Comparison of Monthly and Intramonthly. Indices for the Pacific/North American Teleconnection Pattern, Robert Rohli
Long-term trends of precipitation and runoff in Louisiana, USA, Robert Rohli
Submissions from 1994
A Preliminary Mass Balance Model of Primary Productivity and Dissolved Oxygen in the Mississippi River Plume/Inner Gulf Shelf Region, Victor J. Bierman Jr., Scott C. Hinz, William J. Wiseman Jr., Nancy N. Rabalais, and R. Eugene Turner
Respiration rates and hypoxia on the Louisiana shelf, Q. Dortch, N.N. Rabalais, R.E. Turner, and G.T. Rowe
A multi-sensor in situ fiber optic fluorometer, E.J. D'Sa, S.E. Lohrenz, V.L. Asper, R.A. Walters, M.J. Morris, and C. Rathbun
The Value of Salt Marsh Edge vs Interior as a Habitat for Fish and Decapod Crustaceans in a Louisiana Tidal Marsh, G. W. Peterson and R. Eugene Turner
Comparison of Continuous Records of Near-Bottom Dissolved Oxygen from the Hypoxia Zone along the Louisiana Coast, Nancy N. Rabalais, William J. Wiseman, and R. Eugene Turner
Backfilling Canals to Restore Wetlands: Empirical Results in Coastal Louisiana, R. Eugene Turner, James M. Lee, and Christopher Neill
Coastal Eutrophication near the Mississippi River Delta, R. Eugene Turner and Nancy Rabalais
A Rationale for Coastal Wetland Restoration through Spoil Bank Management in Louisiana, USA, R. Eugene Turner, E. M. Swenson, and J. M. Lee
Submissions from 1993
Seasonal coupling between riverborne nutrients, net productivity and hypoxia, D. Justić, N.N. Rabalais, R. Eugene Turner, and W.J. Wiseman Jr.
Carbon, Nitrogen, And Phosphorus Leaching Rates From Spartina-Alterniflora Salt Marshes, R E. TURNER
Carbon, Nitrogen, and Phosphorus Leaching Rates from Spartina alterniflora Salt Marshes, R. Eugene Turner
Submissions from 1991
Effects of hypoxia on continental shelf benthos: Comparisons between the New York Bight and the Northern Gulf of Mexico, D.F. Boesch and N.N. Rabalais
Effects of hypoxia on continental shelf benthos: comparisons between the New York Bight and the northern Gulf of Mexico, D.F. Boesch and N.N. Rabalais
A brief summary of hypoxia on the northern Gulf of Mexico continental shelf: 1985-1988, N.N. Rabalais, R.E. Turner, W.J. Wiseman Jr., and D.F. Boesch
A brief summary of hypoxia on the northern Gulf of Mexico continental shelf: 1985-1988, N.N. Rabalais, R.E. Turner, W.J. Wiseman Jr, and D.F. Boesch
Florida Citrus Freezes and Polar Anticyclones in the Great Plains, Robert Rohli
Tide Gauge Records, Water Level Rise, and Subsidence in the Northern Gulf of Mexico, R. Eugene Turner
Submissions from 1990
Phytoplankton biomass, production and growth limitations on the Huanghe (Yellow River) continental shelf, R. Eugene Turner, N.N. Rabalais, and Zhang Zhi Nan
Estimation of Primary Production using Five Different Methods in a Spartina alterniflora Salt Marsh, Richardus F. Kaswadji, James G. Gosselink, and R. Eugene Turner
Biological communities of the south Texas continental shelf, N.N. Rabalais
Landscape Development and Coastal Wetland Losses in the Northern Gulf of Mexico, R. Eugene Turner
Relationships Between Wetland Fragmentation and Recent Hydrologic Changes in a Deltaic Coast, R. Eugene Turner and Yeleswarapu S. Rao
Submissions from 1989
Accretion and Canal Impacts in a Rapidly Subsiding Wetland II. Feldspar Marker Horizon Technique, Donald R. Cahoon and R. Eugene Turner
Design of an in-water optical radiometer, Elgar Desa, Ehrlich Desa, and Eurico D'Sa
Ultrasonic image analysis: Implications for inwater imaging, Eurico J. D'Sa, P. Krause, and K.R. Ramakrishnan
Defect detection in ultrasonic images, Eurico J. D'Sa, K.R. Ramakrishnan, and P. Krause
Submissions from 1988
Modeling Wetland Loss in Coastal Louisiana: Geology, Geography, and Human Modifications, James H. Cowan Jr. and R. Eugene Turner
Marsh Management Plans in Practice: Do they work in coastal Louisiana, USA?, James H. Cowan Jr., R. Eugene Turner, and Donald R. Cahoon
Submissions from 1987
Backfilling Canals to Mitigate Wetland Dredging in Louisiana Coastal Marshes, Christopher Neill and R. Eugene Turner
Spoil Banks: Effects on a Coastal Marsh Water-Level Regime, Erick M. Swenson and R. Eugene Turner
Submissions from 1986
A Geological Data Logger, R.G.P. Desai, E.J. D'sa, and E.S. de Sa
Design of a microcomputer-based flow measuring instrument., A. Joseph, E. Desa, D. Rodriques, E.J. D'Sa, and R.Y.P. Desai
Submissions from 1984
Dependence of Fishery Species on Salt Marshes: The Role of Food and Refuge, Donald F. Boesch and R. Eugune Turner
Submissions from 1983
Coastal Louisiana Recent Land Loss and Canal Impacts, William W. Scaife, R. Eugune Turner, and Robert Constanza
Submissions from 1981
Gulf of Mexico shrimp production: a food web hypothesis( Penaeus aztecus)., R.W. Flint and N.N. Rabalais
Submissions from 1980
Changes in the Submerged Macrophytes of Lake Pontchartrain (Louisiana): 1954-1973, R. Eugene Turner, Rezneat M. Darnell, and Judy Bond
Submissions from 1979
Land Loss in Coastal Louisiana (U.S.A.), N. J. Craig, R. Eugene Turner, and J. W. Day Jr.
Submissions from 1978
Community Plankton Respiration In A Salt-Marsh Estuary And Importance Of Macrophytic Leachates, R E. TURNER
Variability of the Reverse-Flow Concentration Technique of Measuring Plankton Respiration, R. Eugene Turner