Theses/Dissertations from 1980
Stylistic Differences Between Preadolescents and Adolescents in the Expression of Effectance Motivation., Randell Leon Elkins Jr
Inheritance of Brown Leaf Spot of Rice Caused by Cochliobolus Miyabeanus and Varietal Reaction to Isolates of This Fungus., Peter Godwin Eruotor
Influence of Flooding, Soil Ph, Copper, and Zinc on Growth and Chemical Composition of Rice Plants., Moo Young Eun
The Effect of Attribution Training and Visual Response Cues on Persistence Following Failure., Renee Favret
Ameson Michaelis (Microsporida) in the Blue Crab, Callinectes Sapidus: Altered Host Cell and Isolated Parasite Metabolism., Anna Marie carmela Findley
The Unfleshed Eye: a Study of Intellectual Theism in the Poetry and Criticism of Yvor Winters., John Martin Finlay
Child Behavior in Venezuela and the U.S.: a Cross-Cultural Comparison., John Michael Fitch
Distribution and Taxonomy of the Ostracoda of the Paria-Trinidad-Orinoco Shelf (Volumes I and II)., Patricia Ann Fithian
A Systematic Study of Alloispermum (Asteraceae: Heliantheae), Carmen Flores de Fernandez
Agrarian Political Economy: the Order of Ends and Means., Andrew Warnie Foshee
Adult-Child Motor Performance Differences: a Developmental Perspective of Control Processing Deficits., Jere Dee Gallagher
An Exploratory Analysis of the Relationships Between Self-Images, Perceived-Risk, and Purchase Intention Horizons., Corbett Fay Gaulden Jr
Cyclometallated Compounds of Palladium(ii), Rhodium(iii), and Iridium(iii)., Michael Anthony Gutierrez
Genetic Study of Heat Tolerance; Size of Stigma, Style and Ovary in the Tomato, Lycopersicon Esculentum., Hanna Yacoub Hanna
A Curriculum for Training Extension Agents in the Field of Animal Science., Ronald Alvin Harrell
An Administrative Study of the Duchy of Cornwall, 1500-1650., Graham Haslam
An Externalities Approach to the Analysis of Federal Grants-In-Aid Emphasizing the Effect of Grants on Cooperation Among Local Units of Government., Charles Franklin Hawkins
A Film Analysis of Motor Pattern Development of Educable Mentally Retarded Children., Leonard Max Hill
Conflict Theory and Segregation Academies: Application and Refinement of Dahrendorf's Theory., Jerry Douglas Himelstein
The Piano Trio in London From 1791 to 1800., Howard Lee Irving
A Genetic Study of Early and Total Yield of the Tomato, Lycopersicon Esculentum., Charles Edward Johnson
Sex Typed Language., Margaret Estes Johnson
Selected Factors That Affect the Market for U. S. Rice., Curtis M. Jolly
Student Achievement in Biology in Terms of Cognitive Styles of Students and Teachers., Pauline E. Jolly
Effect of Management Systems on Performance and Parasite Infections of Finishing Lambs in the Gulf Coast Area, Annabel Louise Kellam
The Effects of Modes of Presentation and Assertiveness on Achievement., Mary Joan Kelly
Development and Applications of Gas Chromatography - Atomic Absorption Interface Instrumentation., Eric Leon Kiesel
A Quantitative Evaluation of Landsat for Monitoring Suspended Sediments in a Fluvial Channel., Soon Tae Kim
Hale Boggs: a Southern Spokesman for the Democratic Party., Dorothy Nelson Kirn
Para-Proxemic Attributions: an Investigation Into the Relationship Between Close-Up and Extreme Close-Up Camera Shots and Audience Response., David Mitchell Klein
The Chemistry and Biological Activity of Sesquiterpene Lactones of Heliantheae (Compositae)., June Walachy Klimash
A Constructive Proof of Luft's Theorem in Case Genus Two., Robert John Kramer
Cross-Validation of the Adolescent Behavioral Classification Project Instrument: a Factor Analytic Study., Katherine M. Krefft
A Validity Study of the Construct "Most Highly Valued Representational System" in Human Auditory and Visual Perceptions., David E. Lange
Charismatic Communication and Faith Healers: a Critical Study of Rhetorical Behavior., Todd Vernon Lewis
Music Criticism in the New York Times and the New York Tribune, 1851-1876., Mark Curtis Mcknight
Studies on the Physiology of a Cellulolytic Strain of Aspergillus Terreus Under Conditions of Batch and Continuous Cultivation., Thomas Ferrell Miller
Characteristics and Opinions of Traditional and Non-Traditional College Students., Micheal Randolph Moffett
Steady State Inviscid Flow Around Semi-Infinite Axisymmetric Bodies, Louay N. Mohammad
Effects of Ration Energy Level on Organoleptic and Chemical Characteristics of Beef., Richard Eugene Montgomery
Jack London's South Sea Narratives., David Allison Moreland
Estimation of Physiological and Genetic Parameters Related to Dystocia in Beef Cattle., David Gene Morrison
With Ground Teeth: a Study of Flannery O'CONNOR'S Women., Mary Lambert Morton
Investigation of Effects of Hypnosis, Relaxation, and Mental Rehearsal on Performance Scores of Golfers and Runners., Julie Nelson
Listening Ability and Manual Dexterity of Stenography Students., Annette Vincent Nunez
The Structure Elucidation of Germacranolide Sesquiterpene Lactones of the Genus Melampodium by Chemical and Spectral Methods., Errol Joseph Olivier
An Exploratory Investigation of Post Purchase Consumer Satisfaction Within a Cognitive Process Framework., David Joseph Ortinau
The Influence of Gouge and Shape on Pitch and Tone Quality of the Oboe., Mark Stephen Ostoich
Group Influence and Cognitive Consistency as Determinants of Value Change: a Methodological Analysis of Self-Confrontation Theory., Mark L. Paris
Management Practices of Members of the Louisiana Quarter Horse Breeders' Association, 1979., John Mcgeary Perkins Jr
The Relationship of Biorhythms to Academic Performance in Reading., Natalia Lavonne brackin Peveto
A Rhetorical Analysis of the Speaking of Barry Morris Goldwater, 1969-1974., Sharon Bowers Porter
Ontogeny and Ultrastructure of the Leaf of Magnolia Grandiflora L., Michael Thomas Postek Jr
The Development and Use of an Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay (Elisa) for the Quantitative Assessment of Predation of Nezara Viridula (L.) Within a Soybean Agroecosystem., David Willard Ragsdale
The Occurrence of Alliinase in Selected Bacterial Strains., Lawrence A. Reily
Speciation of Environmental Pollutants by Gc-Aa and by Esca. Purification of Water at Ultratrace Levels of Heavy Metals and Complexation Studies by Electrochemical Methods., Ileana Aurea-leon Rhodes
Genetic Variance, Heritability and Correlation for Genetic Characters of the Sweet Potato, Ipomoea Batatas, L., Florencio Ando Saladaga
Experimental Cobalt Cardiomyopathy in the Dog., George Earl Sandusky Jr
The Enzymology of Methylation and Primary Structural Analysis of Selected Phenylalanine Transfer-Rnas., James Joseph Schnabel
Exploration of Generalization Effects of Social Skills Training in Children., Catherine Alice Seiler
An Empirical Analysis of Brain Damage and Minimal Brain Dysfunction in School Age Children., Gregory Blaine Sisk
Effects of Selected Pinching Dates and Lighting Regimes on Several Aspects of Poinsettia Quality., Carlos Alton Smith Jr
Hydroisomerization of Pentane and Hexane Mixtures on Zeolite Catalysts., James Jerome Spivey
The Impact of the Structural Parameters of Age and Race Upon Residents' Evaluations of Community., Gary Martin Stokley Sr
The Biology of Beggiatoa., William Roy Strohl
Theory and Performance of Narrative Ambiguity in Selected Novels by John Hawkes., Carole Ellsworth Tallant
The "Southern Review": an Episode in Southern Intellectual History, 1935-1942., Ronda Cabot Tentarelli
The History of the National Basketball Tournaments for Black High Schools., Charles Herbert Thompson
Sir Thomas More, Humanist and Hero: a Man for All Ages., Noel Joseph Toups
The Economic Position of the United States and Louisiana in the World Market for Soybeans and the Future Outlook., Julio Cesar Varela
On the Classification of Families: Dimensions of Family Functioning Descriptions., Maria Vidos
Academic Achievement and Acceptance of Home and School Responsibilities by Elementary School Students., Elizabeth Thomas Walsh
Soot Formation From Toluene., Ten-see Wang
Perceiving the Causes of Cigarette Smoking: a Study of Children and Adolescents., Rebecca Marie Watson
Techniques of Atomic Absorption: Direct Determination of Cadmium in Biological Materials and Metal Speciation by Differential Atomization., Susan Deborah Weiss
Endosymbiosis in the Caecum of the Southern Green Stink Bug, Nezara Viridula (L.)., Robert Paul West
Theses/Dissertations from 1979
Factors Influencing Blood Steroid Hormone Levels in Relation to Egg Shell Quality., Ramli Bin Abdullah
Nonenzymatic Browning Reactions in Breaded Fried Chicken and in Model Food Systems., Mohd Yusop bin Abu
Selected Influences on Attrition Rates From Vocational Agriculture in Louisiana., Larry David Allen
Aluminum and Manganese in the Etiology of Grass Tetany., Vivien Gore Allen
Convergence Theorems for Linear Evolution Equations., Mary Jorgensen Anderson
Melville and the Art of Satire: Perspective Through Parody and Caricature., Shannon Louise Antoine
An Investigation of the Applicability of Maslow's Need Hierarchy Theory and the Porter-Lawler Model of Motivation., Karen Kathryn Arnold
A Comparative Study of the Effects of Personal Value Structures on Decision Making Between Egyptian and American Graduate Students., Hamed Ahmad r Badr
A Status Study of Educational Media Services in the Public Four-Year Institutions of Higher Education in Louisiana., Susan Hall Bannon
Prediction of Time-Temperature Relationships and Thiamine Retention During Thermal Processing of Canned Model Systems Heated by Natural Convection., Jose Antonio Barreiro-mendez
Developmental Changes in the Use of Intra-Word Units in Reading of Young Deaf and Hearing Impaired Readers., Charlene Barker-ward Bishop
Nutrition Studies With Southern Peas (Vigna Sinensis) on an Olivier Soil., James Eloi Boudreaux
A Study of the Academic Success of College Freshmen in Terms of Jungian Psychological Types., Bonnie Jean Bourg
Some Factors Affecting the Germination of Okra Abelmoschus Esculentus (L.) Moench., Wayne John Bourgeois
Symphony No. 1., William R. Boyd
An Educational Framework From Which to View Extension Programs for Small-Farm Families in Southern Illinois., Francis Lyle Brewer
The Relationship Between Self-Disclosure and Various Aspects of Mental Health as a Function of the Interpersonal Situation in Which Disclosure Occurs., Wesley Joseph Brockhoeft
The Primary Structure of Euglena Gracilis Cytoplasmic Phenylalanine Transfer Rna., Charles Kasriel Brum
Ornithogeography of the Southern Bahamas., Donald W. Buden
Margaret Thatcher, Britain's Spokesman for a New Conservatism: a Rhetorical Analysis of the Party Conference Speeches (1975-1978) (Volumes I and II)., Teresa Hicks Bunetta
Phase II in the Experimental Evaluation of the Oliva/Capdevielle Cusp Catastrophe Model of Collective Bargaining., Christel Mary Capdevielle