Theses/Dissertations from 1979
Heinrich Manns Kurz-Erzaehlerisches Werk: Gruppierung, Textanalysen Und Betrachtungen Zur Novellenstruktur. (German Text)., Veronika Muller Cardono
A Case Study of Rural Development in Ecuador, an Analysis and Assessment of the Quero-Huachi-Pelileo Project., Pedro Vicente Carrasco
Ovipositional Site Preference of Aedes Sollicitans (Walker) for Select Marsh Plants., Michael Kenneth Carroll
Behavioral and Attitudinal Implications of Different Styles of Performance Evaluation: an Empirical Study., Paul Joseph Carruth
Prediction of Nutrient Retention in Foods Packaged in Retortable Pouches and Sterilized by Thermal Conduction., Pedro Francisco Castillo monteza
Ultraviolet Photoelectron Spectroscopic Studies of Dicarboxylic Acids and Phosphorus Compounds., Swapan Kumar Chattopadhyay
An Empirical Study of the Paradigmatic Status of Sociology., Chang-soo Chung
Changes in Circulating Plasma Levels of Cortisol and Serum Levels of Aldosterone in Lactating and Non-Lactating Dairy Cattle During the Estrous Cycle., Terry James Clement
Amateur Instrumental Music in America, 1765 to 1810., Benjamin Richard Compton
I. Emmanuel Chol (1835-1916), His Life and a Catalogue of His Musical Compositions. II. Symphony for Brass and Percussion, an Original Composition., John Robert Croom
Hawthorne's Conception of History: a Study of the Author's Response to Alienation From God and Man., Lloyd Moore Daigrepont
An American Odyssey: a Biography of Lucy Bakewell Audubon., Carolyn Elizabeth Delatte
A Study of the Relationships Between Span of Supervision and Leadership Directiveness in Fast-Food Restaurants., Foad Derakhshan
An Economic Analysis of Small Farms in Selected Areas of Louisiana., Samuel Lee Donald
Personality and Behavioral Characteristics of Physically Abused Children., James Alexander Duncan
Thyroid Hormones and Seasonality in the White-Throated Sparrow and Green Anole., Blaine Richard Ferrell
Investigations of in Vitro Culture of Hippeastrum as a Method of Rapid Propagation., William Maynard Fountain III
A Curriculum for Training Community Development Professionals., Coral Fredrick Francois
Actual and Ideal Role and Functions of Middle Management as Perceived by Their Publics., Don Edward Freiwald
A Study of the Relationships Between Student Achievement and Student Perception of Teacher Effectiveness., Yvonne Marie French
Studies of Purification Processes by Atomic Absorption and Studies of the Sputtering Phenomenon., Robert I. Garcia
Perceptions of Decision-Making in Rural Communities: a Study of Jackson and Clinton, Louisiana., Herman Gibson III
Physiological Rhythms in Laying Hens and in Hens Before a Forced Molt., Richard Philip Gildersleeve
Traditional and Emerging Patterns in the Social Organization of a Large Estate in the Cauca Valley, Colombia, South America., J. Jairo Gomez-angel
The Biochemical Effects of Bovine Serum Albumin on in Vitro Capacitation, Acrosome Reaction and Oocyte Fertilization of Beef Cattle., Lora Lana Goodeaux
Motility and Fertility of Stallion Spermatozoa Isolated in Bovine Serum Albumin., Stephen Dale Goodeaux
Attitudes and Personality Traits of Parents of Gifted Children., Ann Hendrickson Goodrich
An Assessment of the Attitudes of Principals in Louisiana Toward Vocational Education Programs in the Secondary School., Mary Burns ballou Gray
Cleanth Brooks and the Romantics., Huey S. Guagliardo
A Rhetorical Study of Selected Ceremonial Speeches of Charles Betts Galloway, 1893-1908., Charlene Jeanette Handford
Determinants of Race Consciousness and Class Consciousness Among Blacks of a Southern City., Kathleen Marie Handy
Form-Process Relationships at Laguna Percebu, Baja California, Mexico., Michael Kip Harris
Job Satisfaction Among Faculty Members in a Large Black Southern University., Murelle Guidry Harrison
Thurgood Marshall's Speeches on Equality and Justice Under the Law, 1965-1967., Erma Waddy Hines
Effect of Prior Performance Experience Before Audiences on a Dominant and Nondominant Motor Response., Nancy Lucinda Hollifield
The Relation of Man and Nature in Barataria Basin, Louisiana., Charles Savage Hopkinson Jr
Evaluation of Chemical Methods for Available Soil Phosphorus in Relation to Yield of Rice., Alias Bin Husin
Measurement of the Mechanical Impedance of Human Soft Tissue in Vivo., Hany Mohamed gamal-eldin Hussein
The Effects of Insect Damage on Nitrogen Fixation by Soybeans and Recovery of Rhizobium Japonicum, Strain 110, From Soybean Nodules., Robert L. Hutchinson
Effects of Various Levels of Fatigue on the Speed and Accuracy of Visual Recognition., Robert Lewis Johnson
The Vocal Principles of Garcia as Represented by His Pupils: Bataille, Marchesi, and Stockhausen., James Richard Joiner
Future Doctorates in Education: a Study of Supply and Demand in Louisiana., Sue Copeland Jones
An Experimental Assessment of Appearance, Behavior, and Role Taking in Reactions to Shoplifting., John Eugene Karlin
A Typological Analysis of Collective Political Violence., Das Gupta Kasturi
The Theatre in Mississippi From 1840 to 1870., Guy Herbert Keeton
A Study of the Relationship of Pupil Achievement to the Degree of Teacher Implementation of an Individualized Elementary Reading Program., Patience Weidt Keisler
Boisrobert's "Nouvelles Heroiques Et Amoureuses" and the "Histoire Indienne": His Prose Adaptations From the Spanish., Katherine S. King
Graphic Analyses of the Conducting Techniques for Irregular Meters and Nonmetrical Organizations Found in Selected Twentieth-Century Band Literature., John Wesley Knight
Analysis of Distillation Column Dynamics., Kurt W. Kominek
A Comparison of Contemporary Components Used in Selected Twentieth-Century Flute Etude Material., Constance Grambling Lane
Female Primary Characters in Several of Blasco's Valencian Novels., Carol Ann levert Langston
The Hero's Journey in the Novels of Caroline Gordon., Sandra M. Lavin
Evaluation of Ooencyrtus Submetallicus (Howard) and Trissolcus Basalis (Wollaston) as Egg Parasites of Nezara Viridula (Linnaeus)., Seung Chan Lee
A Study of Criminal Homicide Patterns and Selected Characteristics of Victims and Offenders in the City of New Orleans, 1971-73., Robert Charles Levie
The Spectroscopy of Azulenes., Jerry William Lewis
Mothers' and Fathers' Speech to Young Children., Thomas J. Lipscomb
Studies on a Population of Amnicola Peracuta (Prosobranchia: Hydrobiidae) and Its Association With a Community of Digenea in Louisiana., Jeffrey Major Lotz
A Rhetorical Study of Selected Speeches by Reinhold Niebuhr (1930-1960)., Bill R. Love
Morphological and Behavioral Polymorphism in Poecilia Latipinna Males (Pisces: Poeciliidae)., Carol Louise Luckner
Development of the Cervical Region of Chicken Embryos Studied via the Teratogenic Effects of Monocrotophos., Christina Irene Lusk
Nest Box and Natural Cavity Use by Wildlife in Mid-South Hardwoods as Related to Physical and Microclimatic Characteristics., William Curtis Mccomb
Helix-Coil Transitions of Homopolypeptides Induced by Salts and Detergents., Robert W. Mccord
The Celticism of James Stephens., Sylvia Rody Mclaurin
The Effect of Nitrogen on Productivity, Morphology, and Quality of Louisiana Green Velvet Okra (Abelmoschus Esculentus (L.) Moench)., Wayne Jefferson Mclaurin
A Theoretical and Empirical Analysis of the Relationship Between Fiscal Policy and the Money Supply., William Douglas Mcmillin
Psychological Androgyny and Autobiographical Forecast of One's Future., Anne-marie Meehan
Sigma-Compact Subsets of Hyperspaces., Mark Michael
Subject-Object Relations: the Romantic Version of an Epistemological Problem and Its Transformation in the Poetry of Dylan Thomas (Volumes I and II)., David Edward Middleton
An Experimental and Mechanistic Study of the High Temperature Thermal Decomposition of Methanol, David Leslie Miller
Circadian Neurotransmitter Activity Regulating Seasonal Conditions in Three Avian Species., Larry John Miller
Evaluation of a 1978 Wood Protection Campaign for Louisiana Homeowners., Robert Harley Mills
The Partido Liberacion Nacional of Costa Rica: a Case Study on Political Myth and Political Culture., John Charles Morgan
The Individual in the Family: a Critical Introduction to the Novels of Anne Tyler., Stella Ann Nesanovich
Characteristics of Dream Recall: the Dreamer and His Dreams., April Hogue Newlin
Competencies Needed by Secondary Teachers in Business and Office Education in Louisiana., Elizabeth Harmon Newsham
Thermoperiodic and Photoperiodic Interaction in the Annual Cycle of the Male Green Anole, Anolis Carolinensis., Teresa A. Noeske
Attitude Change From Forewarning -- Its Relationship to the Listener's Choice, and the Listener's Prior Attitude Toward the Topic., Clifford Wayne Nunn
Extrapituitary Regulation of the Circadian Rhythm of Plasma Corticosteroid Concentration in Rats., John Edward Ottenweller
The Biomechanics of the Carpometacarpal Joint of the Thumb., Chinjen A. Ou
Part I. Thiophene Dioxide Cycloaddition Reactions. Part II. A Probe of Substituent Effects on the Diels-Alder Reaction., Robert Thomas Patterson
Municipal Bond Ratings: a Multiple Discriminant Analysis., Kenneth Edward Peacock
Modern American Prizewinning Plays (1965-1975): Structural Analysis and Criticism., J. Michael Phillips
An Investigation of the Relationship Between an Individual's Responses to Modern Paintings and His "Psychological Type."., John Wiley Pickering
A Comparative Rorschach Study of Internalized Object Relations With Borderline Personalities and Neurotics., Sandra Kaye Pitts
A Systematic Analysis of the Endemic Avifauna of the Hawaiian Islands., Harold Douglas Pratt Jr
The Dislocated Self: Robert Lowell's "The Mills of the Kavanaughs."., Eugene Wyatt Prunty
El Personaje Femenino Existencial en Las Novelas De Clarice Lispector Y Julio Cortazar (Spanish Text)., Maria Cristina Quinonez-gauggel
A Dynamic Model for Allocating the Firm's Retail Outlet Building Resources Across Its Market Areas With a Special Application to the Gasoline Retailing Industry., Mustafa Hassan Razian
Pre-Employment Test Scores as Predictors in a Remedial Reading Program., Sarah Taylor Rentz
The Ironic Structure and Structures of Camilo Jose Cela's "Nuevas Andanzas Y Desventuras De Lazarillo De Tormes."., Priscilla Hunter Roach
A Study of the Compounds of Molybdenum(iv) With a Flavin Derivative and With Aromatic Dithioacids., Terry Glynn Roberie
Required Modification of German Language for Employment for Singing for American Students., Lavan Ray Robinson
Student Achievement in Mathematics in Terms of Class Scheduling., Paulette Richard Rodrigue
Palestrina's Use of Triple Meter in Four-Voice Counterpoint., Rachel Ratliff Rogers
Organometallic Reactions on Heterocyclic Compounds., Jerry Monroe Roper
A Study of Academic Achievement in Terms of Television Viewing Practices., Louis Boissac Roth Jr
A Prototype System for Cotton Boll Rot Control., Dearl Edward Sanders