
Submissions from 2018


Biology and management of root-feeding beetles (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) in North American Conifer Forests and Plantations, T. D. Schowalter


Biology and management of the eastern lubber grasshopper (Orthoptera: Acrididae), T. D. Schowalter


Insect effects on ecosystem services—Introduction, T. D. Schowalter, J. A. Noriega, and T. Tscharntke


Multidimensional relationships of herbicides with insect-crop food webs, Anamika Sharma, Prashant Jha, and Gadi V.P. Reddy


Plant defense elicitors: Plant fitness versus wheat stem sawfly, Govinda Shrestha, Shabeg S. Briar, and Gadi V.P. Reddy


Field efficacy of Bacillus thuringiensis galleriae strain SDS-502 for the management of alfalfa weevil and its impact on Bathyplectes spp. parasitization rate, Govinda Shrestha, Gadi V.P. Reddy, and Stefan T. Jaronski

Changes in latitude: overwintering survival of two Lilioceris cheni (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) biotypes in Florida, Melissa C. Smith, William H. Overholt, Ellen C. Lake, Rodrigo Diaz, Veronica Manrique, Stephen Hight, Eric Rohrig, Carey R. Minteer, Gregory Wheeler, Min Rayamajhi, et al.

Preface to the special issue: Advances in insecticide mode of action, chemistry and resistance, David M. Soderlund and James A. Ottea

Host-Plant Resistance in Tomato, Michael J. Stout, Henok Kurabchew, and Germano Leão Demolin Leite


Managing the risks and rewards of death in eusocial insects, Qian Sun, Kenneth F. Haynes, and Xuguo Zhou


Development of an autodissemination strategy for the deployment of novel control agents targeting the common malaria mosquito, Anopheles quadrimaculatus say (Diptera: Culicidae), Daniel R. Swale, Zhilin Li, Jake Z. Kraft, Kristen Healy, Mei Liu, Connie M. David, Zhijun Liu, and Lane D. Foil


Metavirome sequencing of the termite gut reveals the presence of an unexplored bacteriophage community, Chinmay V. Tikhe and Claudia Husseneder


Whole-genome sequence of the novel Enterobacter bacteriophage Arya with an integrase pseudogene, isolated from the gut of the Formosan subterranean termite, Chinmay Vijay Tikhe, Chris R. Gissendanner, and Claudia Husseneder


Whole-genome sequence of the novel temperate Enterobacter bacteriophage Tyrion, isolated from the gut of the Formosan subterranean termite, Chinmay Vijay Tikhe, Chris R. Gissendanner, and Claudia Husseneder


Characterization of Resistance to Cephus cinctus (Hymenoptera: Cephidae) in Barley Germplasm, Andrea C. Varella, Luther E. Talbert, Buddhi B. Achhami, Nancy K. Blake, Megan L. Hofland, Jamie D. Sherman, Peggy F. Lamb, Gadi V.P. Reddy, and David K. Weaver

Enhancing the parasitism of insect herbivores through diversification of habitat in Philippine rice fields, Quynh Vu, Angelee F. Ramal, James M. Villegas, Alexandra Jamoralin, Carmencita C. Bernal, John M. Pasang, Maria Liberty P. Almazan, Daniel Ramp, Josef Settele, and Finbarr G. Horgan

Susceptibility and yield response to sugarcane borer (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) infestation among sugarcanes and sorghums with potential for bioethanol production, B. E. Wilson, M. T. VanWeelden, J. M. Beuzelin, and T. E. Reagan

Possibly similar genetic basis of resistance to Bacillus thuringiensis Cry1Ab protein in 3 resistant colonies of the sugarcane borer collected from Louisiana, USA, Fei Yang, Mao Chen, Anilkumar Gowda, David L. Kerns, and Fangneng Huang

F2 screen, inheritance and cross-resistance of field-derived Vip3A resistance in Spodoptera frugiperda (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) collected from Louisiana, USA, Fei Yang, Shannon Morsello, Graham P. Head, Chris Sansone, Fangneng Huang, Ryan T. Gilreath, and David L. Kerns


Using Hydrogen Stable Isotope Ratios to Trace the Geographic Origin of the Population of Bactrocera dorsalis (Diptera: Tephritidae) Trapped in Northern China, Zihua Zhao, Zhenglong Lu, Gadi V.P. Reddy, Shuo Zhao, Guanghui Lin, Jianyun Ding, Jiajiao Wu, and Zhihong Li

Plant cover associated with aboveground net primary productivity (ANPP) mediates insect community composition in steppes of Northwest China, Zihua Zhao, Gadi V.P. Reddy, Shuhua Wei, Mengmeng Zhu, Kaiyang Zhang, Hongqian Yu, Zhanjun Wang, Qi Jiang, and Rong Zhang


Performance of Bt-susceptible and -heterozygous genotypes of Spodoptera frugiperda (J.E. Smith) possessing single- or dual-gene resistance alleles in sequential feedings of non-Bt and Cry1A.105/Cry2Ab2 maize leaf tissues, Yiwan Zhou, Ying Niu, Graham P. Head, Paula A. Price, and Fangneng Huang

Submissions from 2017


Fitness costs and inheritance of Cry2Ab2 resistance in Spodoptera frugiperda (J.E. Smith), Binod Acharya, Graham P. Head, Paula A. Price, and Fangneng Huang


Evaluation of trap crops for the management of wireworms in spring wheat in Montana, Ashish Adhikari and Gadi V.P. Reddy

Detection of Reduced Susceptibility to Chlorfenapyr-and Bifenthrin-Containing Products in Field Populations of the Bed Bug (Hemiptera: Cimicidae), Aaron R. Ashbrook, Michael E. Scharf, Gary W. Bennett, and Ameya D. Gondhalekar


Mechanism and DNA-based detection of field-evolved resistance to transgenic Bt corn in fall armyworm (Spodoptera frugiperda), Rahul Banerjee, James Hasler, Robert Meagher, Rodney Nagoshi, Lucas Hietala, Fangneng Huang, Kenneth Narva, and Juan Luis Jurat-Fuentes

Diversity and impact of herbivorous insects on Brazilian peppertree in Florida prior to release of exotic biological control agents, Ganesh P. Bhattarai, Rodrigo Diaz, Veronica Manrique, William W. Turechek, Lyle Buss, Bernardette Stange, and William A. Overholt

Development of Rice Stink Bug, Oebalus pugnax F.1, Nymphs on Rice Kernels and Effects of Nymphal Feeding on Rice Yields, Bryce D. Blackman and M. J. Stout


Comparative analysis of the genetic basis of Cry1F resistance in two strains of Spodoptera frugiperda originated from Puerto Rico and Florida, Ana M. Camargo, Pedro Castañera, Gema P. Farinós, and Fangneng Huang


Internode morphometrics and allometry of Tonkin Cane Pseudosasa amabilis, Liang Cheng, Cang Hui, Gadi V.P. Reddy, Yu Long Ding, and Pei Jian Shi

Occurrence of Amblyomma Americanum (Acari: Ixodidae) and human infection with ehrlichia chaffeensis in Wisconsin, 2008-2015, Megan Christenson, Xia Lee, Scott Larson, Diep Hoang Johnson, Julia Jensen, Megan Meller, Susan Paskewitz, and Lane Foil

Susceptibility of Culex quinquefasciatus (Diptera: Culicidae) in Southern Louisiana to Larval Insecticides, N. Delisi, J. Ottea, and K. Healy

The Rare North American Cerambycid Beetle Dryobius sexnotatus Shares a Novel Pyrrole Pheromone Component with Species in Asia and South America, Natalie M. Diesel, Yunfan Zou, Todd D. Johnson, Donald A. Diesel, Jocelyn G. Millar, Judith A. Mongold-Diers, and Lawrence M. Hanks


Microsatellite markers reveal a predominant sugarcane aphid (homoptera: Aphididae) clone is found on sorghum in seven states and one territory of the USA, Karen Harris-Shultz, Xinzhi Ni, Phillip A. Wadl, Xinwang Wang, Hongliang Wang, Fangneng Huang, Kathy Flanders, Nicholas Seiter, David Kerns, Robert Meagher, et al.


Effect of rickettsia felis strain variation on infection, transmission, and fitness in the cat flea (Siphonaptera: Pulicidae), Sean P. Healy, Lisa D. Brown, Melena R. Hagstrom, Lane D. Foil, and Kevin R. Macaluso

Effects of juvenile hormone analogue (methoprene) and 20-hydroxyecdysone on reproduction in Polygonia c-aureum (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) in relation to adult diapause, Satoshi Hiroyoshi, Gadi V.P. Reddy, and Jun Mitsuhashi


Effects of pre-overwintering conditions on eupyrene and apyrene spermatogenesis after overwintering in Polygonia c-aureum (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae), Satoshi Hiroyoshi, Jin Yoshimura, Kikuo Iwabuchi, Gadi V.P. Reddy, and Jun Mitsuhashi

Effects of bund crops and insecticide treatments on arthropod diversity and herbivore regulation in tropical rice fields, F. G. Horgan, A. F. Ramal, J. M. Villegas, A. Jamoralin, C. C. Bernal, M. O. Perez, J. M. Pasang, A. I. Naredo, and M. L.P. Almazan

Ecological engineering with high diversity vegetation patches enhances bird activity and ecosystem services in Philippine rice fields, Finbarr G. Horgan, Angelee F. Ramal, James M. Villegas, Maria Liberty P. Almazan, Carmencita C. Bernal, Alexandra Jamoralin, John Michael Pasang, Gregorio Orboc, Virginia Agreda, and Corazon Arroyo


Bacteria associated with Piezodorus guildinii (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae), with special reference to those transmitted by feeding, Claudia Husseneder, Jong Seok Park, Andrea Howells, Chinmay V. Tikhe, and Jeffrey A. Davis

Development of Microsatellites for Population Genetic Analyses of the Granulate Ambrosia Beetle (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), Claudia Husseneder, Jong Seok Park, Christopher T. Werle, and John J. Adamczyk


The stadium effect: rodent damage patterns in rice fields explored using giving-up densities, Clare R. Jones, Renee P. Lorica, James M. Villegas, Angelee F. Ramal, Finbarr G. Horgan, Grant R. Singleton, and Alexander M. Stuart

Volcanic ash decreases mating effort in the field cricket Gryllus bimaculatus (Orthoptera: Gryllidae), Takashi Kuriwada and Gadi V.P. Reddy

Impact of Thiamethoxam Seed Treatment on Growth and Yield of Rice, Oryza sativa, S. K. Lanka, S. Senthil-Nathan, D. J. Blouin, and M. J. Stout

Comparative evaluation of development and reproductive capacity of two biotypes of lilioceris cheni (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae), biological control agents of air potato (Dioscorea Bulbifera) in Florida, Veronica Manrique, Ellen C. Lake, Melissa C. Smith, Rodrigo Diaz, Carly Franko, Paul D. Pratt, Min B. Rayamajhi, and William A. Overholt


Erratum to: Rapid transcriptional plasticity of duplicated gene clusters enables a clonally reproducing aphid to colonise diverse plant species. [Genome Biol. 18 (2017)(27)] DOI: 10.1186/s13059-016-1145-3, Thomas C. Mathers, Yazhou Chen, Gemy Kaithakottil, Fabrice Legeai, Sam T. Mugford, Patrice Baa-Puyoulet, Anthony Bretaudeau, Bernardo Clavijo, Stefano Colella, Olivier Collin, et al.


Rapid transcriptional plasticity of duplicated gene clusters enables a clonally reproducing aphid to colonise diverse plant species, Thomas C. Mathers, Yazhou Chen, Gemy Kaithakottil, Fabrice Legeai, Sam T. Mugford, Patrice Baa-Puyoulet, Anthony Bretaudeau, Bernardo Clavijo, Stefano Colella, Olivier Collin, et al.


Diversity of arthropods in farmed wetlands in the Gulf of Mexico coastal plain and effects of detrital subsidies, Nathan Mercer, Michael D. Kaller, and Michael J. Stout


Inexpensive artisanal traps for mass trapping fruit flies (Diptera: Tephritidae) in Haiti, Fractyl Mertilus, Jorge Peña, Dennis Ring, and Timothy Schowalter

(2E,6Z,9Z)-2,6,9-Pentadecatrienal as a Male-Produced Aggregation-Sex Pheromone of the Cerambycid Beetle Elaphidion mucronatum, Jocelyn G. Millar, Robert F. Mitchell, Linnea R. Meier, Todd D. Johnson, Judith A. Mongold-Diers, and Lawrence M. Hanks


Arthropod development’s response to temperature: A review and new software for modeling, Mohammad Ali Mirhosseini, Yaghoub Fathipour, and Gadi V.P. Reddy


A preliminary investigation of the interactions between the brood parasite Chalcoela iphitalis and its polistinewasp hosts, Scott Nacko and Gregg Henderson

A New Species of Pseudactium Casey (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Pselaphinae) from Tennessee, USA, Brittany E. Owens and Christopher E. Carlton

Clarification of the Status of the Subgenus Planityphlus Park (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Pselaphinae), Brittany E. Owens and Christopher E. Carlton

Seven new species of Bibloplectus Reitter (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Pselaphinae) from Eastern United States with notes on distributions of previously described species, Brittany E. Owens and Christopher E. Carlton


Empirical model with excellent statistical properties for describing temperature-dependent developmental rates of insects and mites, David A. Ratkowsky and Gadi V.P. Reddy

Integrated management of insect pests on canola and other brassica oilseed crops, Gadi V.P. Reddy


Varietal preferences and within-orchard and tree distribution of newly recorded gall midges, dasineura amaramanjarae and procontarinia mangiferae (diptera: Cecidomyiidae), from commercial mango cultivars in Pakistan, H. M. Rehman, R. Mahmood, M. Razaq, R. Saeed, M. Jamil, and G. V.P. Reddy

Limited impacts of truck-based ultra-low-volume applications of mosquito adulticides on mortality in honey bees (Apis mellifera), F. D. Rinkevich, J. W. Margotta, V. Pokhrel, T. W. Walker, R. H. Vaeth, W. C. Hoffman, B. K. Fritz, R. G. Danka, T. E. Rinderer, R. L. Aldridge, et al.


Influence of varroa mite (Varroa destructor) management practices on insecticide sensitivity in the honey bee (Apis mellifera), Frank D. Rinkevich, Robert G. Danka, and Kristen B. Healy

Surveys in Argentina and Uruguay reveal Cyrtobagous salviniae (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) populations adapted to survive temperate climates in southeastern USA, Alana Russell, Seth Johnson, Ximena Cibils, Fernando McKay, Lori Moshman, Paul Madeira, Zizah Blair, and Rodrigo Diaz


Long-term entomological research on canopy arthropods in a tropical rainforest in Puerto Rico, T. D. Schowalter


Biology and management of the buck moth, Hemileuca maia (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae), T. D. Schowalter and D. R. Ring


Biology and management of the fall webworm, Hyphantria cunea (Lepidoptera: Erebidae), T. D. Schowalter and D. R. Ring


Biology and management of the Texas leafcutting ant (Hymenoptera: Formicidae), T. D. Schowalter and D. R. Ring


Post-hurricane successional dynamics in abundance and diversity of canopy arthropods in a tropical rainforest, T. D. Schowalter, M. R. Willig, and S. J. Presley


Arthropod diversity and functional importance in old-growth forests of north america, Timothy Schowalter


Biology and management of the forest tent caterpillar (Lepidoptera: Lasiocampidae), Timothy D. Schowalter


Timing of cherry tree blooming: Contrasting effects of rising winter low temperatures and early spring temperatures, Peijian Shi, Zhenghong Chen, Gadi V.P. Reddy, Cang Hui, Jianguo Huang, and Mei Xiao


Comparison of thermal performance equations in describing temperature-dependent developmental rates of insects: (III) phenological applications, Pei Jian Shi, Mei Ling Fan, and Gadi V.P. Reddy


Comparison of five methods for parameter estimation under Taylor's power law, Peijian Shi, David A. Ratkowsky, Ningtao Wang, Yang Li, Lei Zhao, Gadi V.P. Reddy, and Bai Lian Li

Comparison of thermal performance equations in describing temperature-dependent developmental rates of insects: (II) two thermodynamic models, Pei Jian Shi, Gadi V.P. Reddy, Lei Chen, and Feng Ge

Susceptibility of larvae and pupae of the aphid parasitoid Aphelinus abdominalis (hymenoptera: Aphelinidae) to the entomopathogenic fungus Beauveria bassiana, Govinda Shrestha, Annie Enkegaard, Gadi V.P. Reddy, Henrik Skovgård, and Tove Steenberg

Impact of genetically modified herbicide-resistant oilseed rape on non-target organisms: Natural enemies of oilseed rape pests, Govinda Shrestha, Prashant Jha, and Gadi V.P. Reddy


Role of the aphid species and their feeding locations in parasitization behavior of Aphelinus abdominalis, a parasitoid of the lettuce aphid Nasonovia ribisnigri, Govinda Shrestha, Henrik Skovgård, Gadi V.P. Reddy, Tove Steenberg, and Annie Enkegaard

Anillinus alleni Sokolov and Carlton (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Trechinae: Bembidiini), a New Species from the Ozark Interior Highlands of Arkansas, USA, Igor M. Sokolov, Christopher E. Carlton, Larry E. Watrous, and Henry W. Robison

Influence of host quality and temperature on the biology of diaeretiella rapae (hymenoptera: Braconidae, aphidiinae), M. F. Souza, L. F.A. Veloso, M. V. Sampaio, and J. A. Davis


Sex-specific inhibition and stimulation of worker-reproductive transition in a termite, Qian Sun, Kenneth F. Haynes, Jordan D. Hampton, and Xuguo Zhou


Dynamic changes in death cues modulate risks and rewards of corpse management in a social insect, Qian Sun, Kenneth F. Haynes, and Xuguo Zhou


Role of inward rectifier potassium channels in salivary gland function and sugar feeding of the fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster, Daniel R. Swale, Zhilin Li, Felix Guerrero, Adalberto A. Pérez De León, and Lane D. Foil

Isolation and assessment of gut bacteria from the Formosan subterranean termite, Coptotermes formosanus (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae), for paratransgenesis research and application, Chinmay V. Tikhe, Amit Sethi, Jennifer Delatte, and Claudia Husseneder

Oviposition preference and survival of the Mexican rice borer (lepidoptera: Crambidae) in bioenergy and conventional sugarcane and sorghum, M. T. VanWeelden, B. E. Wilson, J. M. Beuzelin, T. E. Reagan, and M. O. Way


Integrating soil silicon amendment into management programs for insect pests of drill-seeded rice, James M. Villegas, Michael O. Way, Rebecca A. Pearson, and Michael J. Stout

Monitoring Mexican Rice Borer (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) Populations in Sugarcane and Rice with Conventional and Electronic Pheromone Traps, B. E. Wilson, J. M. Beuzelin, M. T. Vanweelden, T. E. Reagan, and M. O. Way

Efficacy of Insect Growth Regulators and Diamide Insecticides for Control of Stem Borers (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) in Sugarcane, B. E. Wilson, M. T. VanWeelden, J. M. Beuzelin, T. E. Reagan, and J. A. Prado

Population distribution and range expansion of the invasive Mexican rice borer (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) in Louisiana, Blake E. Wilson, Julien M. Beuzelin, and Thomas E. Reagan

Pollen contamination in seed mixture increases the dominance of resistance to Bt maize in Spodoptera frugiperda (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), Fei Yang, David L. Kerns, Sebe Brown, Graham P. Head, and Fangneng Huang


Susceptibility of Cry1F-maize resistant, heterozygous, and susceptible Spodoptera frugiperda to Bt proteins used in the transgenic cotton, Fei Yang, David L. Kerns, Graham Head, Sebe Brown, and Fangneng Huang

Cross-resistance to purified Bt proteins, Bt corn and Bt cotton in a Cry2Ab2-corn resistant strain of Spodoptera frugiperda, Fei Yang, David L. Kerns, Graham P. Head, Paula Price, and Fangneng Huang


Performance of Cry1Ab-susceptible and -heterozygous resistant populations of sugarcane borer in sequential feedings on non-Bt and Bt maize plant tissue, Guoqing Yang, Ying Niu, Graham P. Head, Paula A. Price, and Fangneng Huang

Integrated management of insect pests of rapeseed (Canola) in China, Zi Hua Zhao, Leyun Wang, and Gadi V.P. Reddy

Submissions from 2016


Efficacy of Entomopathogenic Nematodes and Sprayable Polymer Gel Against Crucifer Flea Beetle (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) on Canola, Frank B. Antwi and Gadi V.P. Reddy


Biology and management of the Mexican rice borer (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) in rice in the United States, J. M. Beuzelin, B. E. Wilson, M. T. VanWeelden, A. Mészáros, M. O. Way, M. J. Stout, and T. E. Reagan

Horizontal Transfer of Spinosad in Coptotermes formosanus (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae), D. Bhatta and G. Henderson

Toxicity and nonrepellency of spinosad and spinetoram on formosan subterranean termites (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae), D. Bhatta, G. Henderson, and B. K. Gautam


Transmission mechanisms of an emerging insect-borne rickettsial pathogen, Lisa D. Brown, Kaikhushroo H. Banajee, Lane D. Foil, and Kevin R. Macaluso


Revisiting Coptotermes (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae): A global taxonomic road map for species validity and distribution of an economically important subterranean termite genus, Thomas Chouvenc, Hou Feng Li, James Austin, Christian Bordereau, Thomas Bourguignon, Stephen L. Cameron, Eliana M. Cancello, Reginaldo Constantino, Ana Maria Costa-Leonardo, Paul Eggleton, et al.


A fungal endophyte helps plants to tolerate root herbivory through changes in gibberellin and jasmonate signaling, Marco Cosme, Jing Lu, Matthias Erb, Michael Joseph Stout, Philipp Franken, and Susanne Wurst


Gene family expansions in aphids maintained by endosymbiotic and nonsymbiotic traits, Rebecca P. Duncan, Honglin Feng, Douglas M. Nguyen, and Alex C.C. Wilson

Delayed senescence in Soybean: Terminology, research update, and survey results from growers, C. J. Harbach, T. W. Allen, C. R. Bowen, J. A. Davis, C. B. Hill, M. Leitman, B. R. Leonard, D. S. Mueller, G. B. Padgett, X. A. Phillips, et al.