Efficacy of Insect Growth Regulators and Diamide Insecticides for Control of Stem Borers (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) in Sugarcane

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Field experiments assessed control of the stem borers, Diatraea saccharalis (F.) and Eoreuma loftini (Dyar), in sugarcane (Saccharum spp.) with selected insect growth regulators and diamide insecticides. Tebufenozide, novaluron, chlorantraniliprole, and flubendiamide were evaluated for D. saccharalis control in four field experiments in Louisiana between 2009 and 2014. Aerial application of the same insecticides was evaluated for control of E. loftini in commercial sugarcane fields in southern Texas in 2012 and 2015. Stalk injury from D. saccharalis in nontreated plots ranged from 7.4-28.1% bored internodes across the four experiments. All insecticides reduced D. saccharalis injury compared with nontreated plots (39.1-99.4% reduction). Better control was achieved with novaluron, flubendiamide, and chlorantraniliprole than with tebufenozide. Pheromone trapassisted scouting for E. loftini in Texas sugarcane helped to time insecticide applications. Reduced E. loftini injury was observed in diamide-treated plots (3.6-4.7% bored internodes) compared with nontreated controls (13.1%), but not in novaluron- (6.0%) or tebufenozide-treated (8.3%) plots in the 2012 experiment. Significant E. loftini injury was present prior to the aerial insecticide application in 2015, and differences in overall injury were not detected among treatments. However, chlorantraniliprole reduced injury to the top portion of sugarcane stalks. None of the insecticides improved sugar yields in 2012 or 2015. Results suggest insect growth regulators and diamide insecticides fit well in D. saccharalis management programs in Louisiana sugarcane. These chemistries also have potential to improve control of E. loftini, but more research into application strategies is needed to achieve consistent efficacy.

Publication Source (Journal or Book title)

Journal of Economic Entomology

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