A spreadsheet-based cost model for sugarcane harvesting systems
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A spreadsheet-based model has been developed to estimate equipment requirements and costs associated with the mechanical harvesting and hauling of sugarcane. This article describes the model structure, input data requirements, and summary reports generated by the model. The model is capable of estimating equipment requirements and costs for one-row and two-row wholestalk sugarcane harvesters as well as for combine, or billet, sugarcane harvesters. Costs of hauling harvested sugarcane to mills are estimated for both direct haul systems (tractor and wagons) and transfer haul systems (trucks and trailers). The cost model is written as a multipage spreadsheet model and is operated on a PC in a windows environment. A macro is included in the model which produces menus through which the user may enter information, view spreadsheet pages and print output tables.
Publication Source (Journal or Book title)
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture
First Page
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Recommended Citation
Salassi, M., & Champagne, L. (1998). A spreadsheet-based cost model for sugarcane harvesting systems. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 215-227. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0168-1699(98)00019-2