
Submissions from 2000

Cost analysis for integrating cryopreservation into an existing fish hatchery, Rex H. Caffey and Terrence R. Tiersch

Submissions from 1999

Assessing the impact of influential observations on multiple regression analysis in human resource research, Reid A. Bates, Elwood F. Holton, and Michael F. Burnett

Readers' views regarding the electronic journal of extension: Results of subscriber surveys, Satish Verma, Michael Lambur, and James Lemon

Submissions from 1998

Factors Affecting Motivation to Transfer Training, Dian L. Seyler, Elwood F. Holton, Reid A. Bates, Michael F. Burnett, and Manuel A. Carvalho

Submissions from 1997

The influence of open-mindedness and knowledge on attitudes toward teen pregnancy among family and consumer sciences teachers, Peggy C. Rolling and Michael E. Burnett

Submissions from 1996

Cutting evaluation costs by reducing sample size, Satish Verma and Michael F. Burnett

Cutting evaluation costs by reducing sample size, Satish Verma and Michael F. Burnett

Conducting evaluations through collaborative efforts, Satish Verma and Alvin C. Burns

Submissions from 1977

Testing Consumers for Knowledge of Beef Concepts, Satish Verma, Duane Tucker, and Edward W. Gassie

Submissions from 1973

Educational Participation and Dietary Changes of EFNEP Homemakers in Louisiana, Satish Verma and J. H. Jones