The influence of open-mindedness and knowledge on attitudes toward teen pregnancy among family and consumer sciences teachers

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The purpose of this study was to determine the influence of knowledge about teenage pregnancy/parenting and open-mindedness on the attitudes offamily and consumer sciences (FCS) teachers toward teenage pregnancy/parenting. A simple random sample of 200 FCS teachers in Louisiana was selected from the population. Data were collected by mailed questionnaire. Multiple regression analysis was used to identify a model that explained 26.4% of the variance in teachers’ attitudes. Variables that contributed significantly to the model included open-mindedness! dogmatism, number of pregnant teens taught, number of in-service programs attended, age, whether teacher was married, and whether teacher was widowed. The hypotheses that teachers with higher knowledge scores and higher levels of open-mindedness would have more positive attitudes were supported. Conclusions serve to validate FCS programs. Recommendations for improvement of programs andforfuture research are identified. © 1997 American Association of Family and Consumer Sciences.

Publication Source (Journal or Book title)

Family and Consumer Sciences Research Journal

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