***Taboo’s Editors in Chief have changed as of 7/1/2023. Please visit https://www.caddogap.com to find out more information about Taboo.***
Taboo: The Journal of Culture and Education is now housed at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas.
Go to Taboo: The Journal of Culture and Education @ UNLV to go to the new site and to submit an article.
If you have previously submitted an article for consideration we are working on moving those submissions to the new platform. If you have any questions please contact Kenneth Varner, David Lee Carlson, or Andromeda Hightower.
See the Aims and Scope for a complete coverage of the journal.
Current Issue: Volume 18, Issue 1 (2019) Breaking the Silence: Telling Our Stories as an Act of Resistance
Breaking the Silence: Telling Our Stories as an Act of Resistance
Dawn Hicks Tafari and LaWanda M. Simpkins
Black Women’s Sharing in Resistance Within the Academy
ReAnna S. Roby and Elizabeth B. Cook
Overcoming Imposter Syndrome and Stereotype Threat: Reconceptualizing the Definition of a Scholar
Callie Womble Edwards
Tales from the Ivory Tower: Women of Color’s Resistance to Whiteness in Academia
Cheryl Matias, Danielle Walker, and Mariana del Hierro
On Being an Academic Side Chick: Tales of Two Adjunct Faculty in the Academy That Trained Them
LaWanda M. Simpkins and Dawn Hicks Tafari
A Seat At The Table: Womanist Narratives of Black Mothers in Doctoral Programs
Juhanna Rogers, Alexis McLean, and Marcelle Mentor
Seeing It for Wearing It: Autoethnography as Black Feminist Methodology
Layla D. Brown-Vincent
Un réquiem para la lucha Afro-Boricua: Honoring Moments of Decolonization and Resistance to White Supremacy in Academia
Ann Aviles and Erica Davila
Deprogramming Deficit: A Narrative of a Developing Black Critical STEM Education Researcher
Monica L. Ridgeway
Taboo 18:1 - Full Issue
Taboo Journal