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The Louisiana Graduate Network in Applied Evolution (hereinafter; LAGNiAppE) was funded by a grant awarded through the National Science Foundation (NSF 22-506), as part of the Research and Mentoring for Postbaccalaureates in Biological Sciences (RaMP) grant program. The LAGNiAppE program provides training and mentorship to cohorts of recent college graduates from underrepresented groups interested in advancing their knowledge and research skills in evolutionary biology. Social Research and Evaluation Center (SREC) at Louisiana State University conducted the evaluation of LAGNiAppE, assessing program implementation and impact. The evaluation team at SREC employed a mixed methods design that included online surveys for scholars and mentors, and a focus group for scholars. The first cohort of ten Scholars (June 1, 2023 – June 30, 2024) participated in three surveys and one focus group. Scholars were assigned Mentors and Co-Mentors, who participated in two surveys.The inaugural year of the LAGNiAppE program demonstrated many positive outcomes, as Scholars reported growth in skills, belongingness, and career ambitions. While Scholar and mentor feedback underscored the program's positive impact, it also identified opportunities for improvement, particularly in mentor training, co-mentor engagement, Individual Development Plan (IDP) processes, and overall program structure. These insights indicate a strong foundation and offer valuable guidance for further enhancing Scholars' professional and personal development and overall satisfaction.
