Submissions from 2022
Is turnover intention static or dynamic? The impacts of inter‐role conflicts and psychological workplace strain on turnover intention trajectories, Shinhee Jeong and Yunsoo Lee
The Effects of Team Surface-level Diversity on Creativity & innovation, Roman Mitchell
The link between HRD professionals' social capital and career adaptability: a moderated mediation analysis of social network, Jihye Oh, Shinhee Jeong, Seung Won Yoon, and Daeyeon Cho
Books from 2021
Developing Human Resources in Southeast Asia: A Holistic Framework for the ASEAN Community, Oliver S. Crocco
Varying reactions to feedback and their effects on observer accuracy and feedback omission, Nicholas Matey, Andressa Sleiman, Jessica Nastasi, Erin Richard, and Nicole Gravina
Antecedents and outcomes of employee engagement in sport for development, Per G. Svensson, Shinhee Jeong, Brad Shuck, and Marcella G. Otto
Editorial overview: mentoring for professional development, Nathan R. Templeton, Shinhee Jeong, and Elisabeth Pugliese
Editorial overview: becoming a good, effective mentor in academia, Nathan R. Templeton, Shinhee Jeong, Elisabeth Pugliese, and Elsa Villarreal
Submissions from 2020
Under Pressure: Time Management, Self-Leadership, and the Nurse Manager, Elizabeth Goldsby, Michael Goldsby, Christopher B. Neck, and Christopher P. Neck
The Adult Learner: The Definitive Classic in Adult Education and Human Resource Development, Elwood F. Holton III and Petra A. Robinson
Cyberaggression in Work-Related Email: Nomological Network and Links to Victims’ Counterproductive Work Behavior, Erin M. Richard, Stephen F. Young, Julianna J. Walsh, and Gary W. Giumetti
The Critical Literacies Advancement Model (CLAM): A Framework for Promoting Positive Social Change, Petra A. Robinson
Transformational leadership and knowledge creation practices in Korean and US schools: knowledge assets as mediators, Sangok Yoo, Shinhee Jeong, Ji Hoon Song, and Sanghoon Bae
Submissions from 2019
Consequences of Not Conducting Measurement Invariance Tests in Cross-Cultural Studies: A Review of Current Research Practices and Recommendations, Shinhee Jeong and Yunsoo Lee
Global Perspectives on Issues and Solutions in Urban Education, Petra A. Robinson
Submissions from 2018
Mentoring in underrepresented populations of color, Beverly J. Irby, Jennifer Boswell, and Shinhee Jeong
Mentoring with underrepresented populations and diverse groups, Beverly J. Irby, Jennifer Boswell, and Shinhee Jeong
Integrative Literature Review on Informal Learning: Antecedents, Conceptualizations, and Future Directions, Shinhee Jeong, Soo Jeoung Han, Jin Lee, Suravee Sunalai, and Seung Won Yoon
Testing multi-group measurement invariance of data from the knowledge creation practice inventory, Shinhee Jeong, Jihoon Song, and Yu-Yu Hsiao
Submissions from 2017
The moderating role of non-controlling supervision and organizational learning culture on employee creativity, Shinhee Jeong, Gary N. McLean, Laird D. McLean, Sangok Yoo, and Kenneth Bartlett
Preventing Sexual Violence on Campus: Challenging Traditional Approaches Through Program Innovation, Sara Carrigan Wooten
How empathic concern helps leaders in providing negative feedback: A two-study examination, Stephen F. Young, Erin M. Richard, Rana G. Moukarzel, Lisa A. Steelman, and William A. Gentry
Submissions from 2016
The Moderating Role of Transformational Leadership on Work Engagement: The Influences of Professionalism and Openness to Change, Shinhee Jeong, Yu-Yu Hsiao, Ji Hoon Song, Junhee Kim, and Sang Hoon Bae
Supervisor empathy moderates the negative effects of customer injustice, E.M. Richard, C.P. Bupp, and R.G. Alzaidalsharief
An examination of within-person variance in contextual display rules and deviation from display rules, E.M. Richard and P.D. Converse
Saving Face: Reactions to Cultural Norm Violations in Business Request Emails, E.M. Richard and M. McFadden
Submissions from 2015
Cross-cultural competence: The role of emotion regulation ability and optimism, B.C. Trejo, E.M. Richard, M. van Driel, and D.P. McDonald
Submissions from 2011
Self-regulation during a single performance episode: Mood-as-information in the absence of formal feedback, E.M. Richard and J.M. Diefendorff
Submissions from 2008
Not all emotional display rules are created equal: Distinguishing between prescriptive and contextual display rules, J.M. Diefendorff and E.M. Richard
Linking emotion regulation strategies to affective events and negative emotions at work, J.M. Diefendorff, E.M. Richard, and J. Yang
Submissions from 2006
Examination of situational and attitudinal moderators of the hesitation and performance relation, J.M. Diefendorff, E.M. Richard, and R.H. Gosserand
Revisiting the within-person self-efficacy and performance relation, E.M. Richard, J.M. Diefendorff, and J.H. Martin
Comparing the efficacy of policy-capturing weights and direct estimates for predicting job choice, J.E. Slaughter, E.M. Richard, and J.H. Martin
Submissions from 2003
Antecedents and consequences of emotional display rule perceptions, J.M. Diefendorff and E.M. Richard