Theses/Dissertations from 1976
A Study of Dogmatism, Machiavellianism, Anomia, Hostility, and Aggression., Steven R. Heyman
The Social Ecology Equity Change Quest: Process and Summative Review of a Sapient Intersystems Program., Timothy Thomas Ryan
A Psycholinguistic Analysis of Schizophrenic Language., Patricia Faith Wilcox
Theses/Dissertations from 1975
Personality Characteristics of Abusing and Neglecting Mothers., Linda Marie Floyd
Theses/Dissertations from 1974
Melanocyte-Stimulating Hormone: Some Behavioral Effects., George Lee Dempsey
An Exploration of Community Laboratory Learning Processes., Eric Jay Goldfeder
Multivariate Analyses of Social and Religious Attitudes., Roger Arnold Meyer
Theses/Dissertations from 1973
The Effects of the Response Demand Technique on Self-Directed Groups of Hospitalized Psychiatric Patients., Ocie Thomas Adams Jr
A Comparison of the Responses by Mothers of Blind, Partially Blind and Sighted Children to the Children's Behavioral Classification Project., Carol Ann Costelloe
Multivariate Prediction of Assaultiveness in a Male Inpatient Psychiatricpopulation., Michael Levine
The Efficacy of Laboratory Training as a Method of Retarding or Reversingthe Disengagement Process Among Senior Citizens., Darlyne Gaynor Nemeth
Some Effects of Marijuana on the Functional Integrity of the Central Nervous System., Arthur Lattz Schueneman
The Emotional Projection Test as an Instrument to Differentiate Affective Qualities of Personality Profiles and as a Measure of Affective Change in Four Different Therapy Groups., John Harvey Wagoner
Theses/Dissertations from 1972
An Extension of the Behavioral Classification Project Downward to Four, Five, and Six Year Olds., Robert Peyton Baker
Behavioral and Personality Patterns Associated With Reaction to Stress Inearly Childhood., Robert Gordon Cook
A Study of Persisting and Nonpersisting Catholic Clergymen., Thomas V. Gilbride
Staff and Patient Attitudes Toward Mental Illness., George L. Henderson Jr
A Pilot Study to Investigate the Procedures Used in the Selection and Evaluation of Missionaries., Pattye Weaver Kennedy
Cognitive Distortion and Locus-Of-Control in Depressive Psychiatric Patients., Terrence James Laughlin
Psychophysiological Parameters of Emotional Expression., Charles Curtis alan Sandman
Use of Personality and Interest Measures in Predicting Crisis Phone Counselor Effectiveness., James Charles Tanley
Theses/Dissertations from 1971
An Investigation of Hypothesized Item Content of the Group Personality Projective Test: a Validity Study., Ronald Felix Boudreaux
Empirical Selection and Individual Differences Multidimensional Scaling of Adjectives Denoting Feelings., Lynn Ellison Bush II
Change in Group Psychotherapy as a Function of Interaction Between Patient and Therapist Styles., Karen Sada Calhoun
The Perception and Expression of Metaphor as a Function of Intellectual Level and Cognitive Style., Joel Washington Chapman
The Relationship Between Trait and State Anxiety and a Projective Personality Test., Harold Byrd Coco
An Investigation of Interrater Reliability of the Behavior Classificationproject: a Comparison of the Response of Parents, Teachers, and Children to the Behavioral Classification Project (Bcp)., William Allen Gilkey Jr
Prediction of Behaviors Occurring in a Token Economy Using the Kahn Test of Symbol Arrangement and a Nomological Network., Wayne Allan Greenleaf
A Test of the 'State' Versus 'Non-State' Views of Hypnotic Behavior., Gus Nicolaos Hangiandreou
An Investigation of Changes in Anxiety Level Following Consideration of Death in Four Groups., Pamela Reynolds Hoblit
The Adjustment of Fourth Grade Children: a Primary Prevention Approach Inbehavioral Education., John Robert Kagey
An Investigation of Relationships Between Hypnotic Susceptibility, Manifest Dream Content and Personality Characteristics., Hollis Heaton King
The Relationship Between Fixed Ratio Schedules of Reinforcement and Aggression in Children., Gerald Leroy Peterson
The Effect of Prior Physical Abuse on the Expression of Overt and Fantasyaggressive Behavior in Children., Richard Hummel Rolston
Performance of Acute Paranoid and Non-Paranoid Schizophrenic Patients on the Halstead-Reitan Battery Using Two Levels of Symptomatology., James Thomas Stack
Theses/Dissertations from 1970
A Comparison of Three Methods of Recording Tat Protocols., Martha Aldridge Baty
Prediction of Post-Hospital Adjustment for Psychiatric Patients After an Instrumented Training Program., Robert Myron Buxner
Relationship of Hypnotic Susceptibility to Personality Variables as Shownby Mmpi and California Q-Set Scores., Zelda Faith Easton
The Role of Expectancy, Amnesia, and Hypnotic Induction in the Performance of Posthypnotic Behavior., Ronald Lawrence Gandolfo
Evaluation of Four Treatment Approaches for Drug Addiction., Fay Thrasher Guidroz
Biographical and Clinical Variables Related to Frequent vs. Infrequent Visits by Students to a University Counseling and Mental Health Service., Allen Elbert Hopper
Increase in Cognitive Complexity: a Comparison of Human Relations Training and Group Psychotherapy., Stephen R. Hotard
Mother-Infant Separation in the Java Monkey (Macaca Irus)., Robert Stanislaus Schlottmann
Theses/Dissertations from 1969
An Analysis of Patterns of Brain Dysfunction and Suspected Brain Dysfunction in School Aged Children., Francis Michael Crinella
Obesity, Race, Body-Cathexis and Self-Confrontation on Closed- Circuit Television., Melvyn Katz
The Effect of Pre-Therapy Information on Learning in Psychotherapy., John Joseph Parrino
The Relationship of Trait-Anxiety and State-Anxiety, Overall Fearfulness and Suggestibility to the Implosion of Fear of Rats., Myron Marshall Singer
Theses/Dissertations from 1968
Direct Experimental Manipulation of Time Perspective Through Verbal Operant Conditioning Techniques., Melvyn Alan Berke
An Investigation of the Relationship Between Cerebral Dominance and Intelligence., Allan Berman
Locus of Control, Social Class, and Risk-Taking in Negro Boys., Peter John Rothenberg
A Developmental Study of Freudian and Cultural Symbolism., Kenneth Samuel Solway
Cognitive Style and Judgmental Accuracy., Harold P. Weingold
The Use of the BIB in the Selection of College Seniors With Managerial Potential., Donna Jean nelson Wilson
Influence of Mother, Father, and Self-Conceptualizations on Choice of Mother, Father, and Self Cards on the Rorschach Test., Thomas Donald Yarnell
Theses/Dissertations from 1967
Prejudice, Perception, and Penal Judgments., John Lattimer Delk
Two Studies on the Social Function of Joking as an Outlet for Aggression., John W. Dresser
The Behavioral Motor Gestalt Associated With Specific Brain Lesions., Elton David Embree
Discriminating Characteristics in Life History Antecedents Between Readmissions and Non-Readmissions to Mental Hospitals., James R. Rawls
An Investigation Into the Universality of Sexual Symbolism., Roger Alan Richardson
A Clinical Investigation of Cognitive Processes in Schizophrenic Patients., Donald E. Schrag
Theses/Dissertations from 1966
Investigations in Psychotherapy and Verbal Conditioning With Conjugately Programmed Social Reinforcement., Tommy T. Stigall
Theses/Dissertations from 1965
The Effects of Reward, Race, Iq, and Socioeconomic Status on Creative Production of Preschool Children., Anthony Francis Savoca
An Objective Time-Dimensional Perception Measure Grouping Past, Present and Future Time Concepts; An Empirical Existentialist Index of Personality Differences., Raymond Arthur Ulmer
The Effect of Electroconvulsive Shock Upon an Ongoing, Somesthetic Response., Arthur James Van cara
The Development of a Semantic Scale for the Description of the Physical Environment., Joyce Ardell Vielhauer
Theses/Dissertations from 1964
Deviant Response Pattern in the Identification of Command Pilots in the Usaf., Thomas J. Foley Jr
A Study of Selected Physical Parameters in the Spiral Aftereffect Perceived by Brain-Damaged and Normal Subjects., Deva Prasad sen Mazumdar
Confidence Ratings and Conformity Behavior., Allen Wayne Ratcliffe
Theses/Dissertations from 1963
An Attempt to Establish a Placebo Effect in Rats With Psychopharmacological Agents., Charles Jackson Black Jr
The Modification of Rigidity in Geriatric Patients Through Operant Conditioning., Kyle Kay Coleman
Theses/Dissertations from 1962
Behavioral Analysis of Psychoanalytically Derived Interpretations Presented on Operant Schedules of Reinforcement., Joel Robert Butler
Differential Reinforcement of Empathic and Ego Classes of Pronouns Among Children., James Lamar Harris
Experimental Analysis of Psychoanalytic Character Types Through the Operant Conditioning of Verbal Responses., Charles Donald Noblin
A Study of Some Parameters of the Q-Sort Technique in a Homogeneous Population of Normal Subjects., Gene Francis Ostrom
The Relationship of Deviant Responses to Academic Achievement., John Carl Roitzsch
Partial Reinforcement and Vicarious Learning With Different Age Groups Using 0 Percent, 33-1/3 Percent, and 100 Percent Reinforcement., James Edward Stary
Drive Level and Semantic Generalization in Neurotics and Schizophrenics., Walter Esmond Turovh
Relative Serial Position Effects as a Parameter of Verbal Learning: a Test of the McCrary-Hunter Hypothesis., James Wallace Wetherford
Theses/Dissertations from 1961
Response Sets as Indicators of Senescence and of Psychopathology in Old Age., D. Geraldine Boozer
Dogmatism and Anxiety in the Conditioning of Verbal Behavior., Dorothy Nell Moore
The Effects of Prefrontal Lobotomy on Performance of Delayed Response Problems in Human Psychotic Patients., Arthur Newton
The Dimension of Masculinity-Femininity as Related to Psychopathological Groups., Alan Richard Phillips
Theses/Dissertations from 1960
Deviant Responses as a Function of Mental Deficiency., Linda Dukate gorenflo gibbons Cieutat
The Effect of Consistent Reinforcement and Consistent Nonreinforcement Cues on Discrimination Learning., Donald Roy Gannon
Autonomic Response Specificity and Anxiety., Rafael A. Garcia-palmieri
Deviant Responses, Response Variability, and Paired-Associate Learning., William Andrew Hawkins
Deviant Response Patterns as a Function of Chronological Age., Sidney Otho Hesterly
Response Bias as a Measure of Emotional Disturbance in Children., Charles Wesley House
Attitudes, Attitude Change and Group Conformity in the Psychopathic Personality., Patricia Kaye Morgan
An Experimental Study of the Relationship Between Aggression and Satiation in Nursery School Children., Hardis Hargrove Saunders
Theses/Dissertations from 1959
An Examination of the Relationship Between Several Therapist - Patient Variables and the Adequacy of the Therapeutic Relationship., Thomas Eugene Butcher
Response Set of Pulmonary Tuberculosis Patients., Eugene Paul Engen
A Longitudinal Study of Some Factors Influencing the Performance of Adolescents on the Wechsler Bellevue Intelligence Scale I., James Alan Long
The Effect of Examiners' Anxiety on the Verbalizations of Clients., Deldon Anne Mcneely
Retroactive Inhibition in Slow and Fast Learners as a Function of Temporal Position of the Interpolated Task., Ronald Stanley Pryer
A Study of Hallucinations and the Sense Modality Used in Learning., Arthur Rogers