Submissions from 1996
In-row plant spacing affects growth and yield of pepperoncini pepper, Carl E. Motsenbocker
Heritability of resistance to bacterial streak in winter wheat, B. L. Tillman and S. A. Harrison
Genetic variation among sweetpotatoes propagated through nodal and adventitious sprouts, Arthur Q. Villordon and Don R. LaBonte
Bentazon degradation in soil: Influence of tillage and history of bentazon application, Stephen C. Wagner, Robert M. Zablotowicz, Lewis A. Gaston, Martin A. Locke, and Jim Kinsella
Wheat embryogenesis and haploid production in wheat x maize hybrids, J. Zhang, B. Friebe, W. J. Raupp, S. A. Harrison, and B. S. Gill
Submissions from 1995
Fluometuron sorption and transport in Dundee soil, L. A. Gaston and M. A. Locke
Fluorometric determination of nitric oxide, Allen M. Miles, Yan Chen, Michael W. Owens, and Matthew B. Grisham
Sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas) clones differ in response to ethyl-metribuzin, C. E. Motsenbocker and T. J. Monaco
Chlorimuron Ethyl Sorption and Desorption Kinetics in Soils and Herbicide-Desiccated Cover Crop Residues, Krishna N. Reddy, Martin A. Locke, Stephen C. Wagner, Robert M. Zablotowicz, Lewis A. Gaston, and Reid J. Smeda
Nitrogen isotope geochemistry of organic matter and minerals during diagenesis and hydrocarbon migration, Lynda B. Williams, Ray E. Ferrell, Ian Hutcheon, Allen J. Bakel, Maud M. Walsh, and H. Roy Krouse
Submissions from 1994
Predicting alachlor mobility using batch sorption kinetic data, Lewis A. Gaston and Martin A. Locke
Effect of sorption isotherm type on predictions of solute mobility in soil, C. Hinz, L. A. Gaston, and H. M. Selim
Metribuzin mobility and degradation in undisturbed soil columns, Martin A. Locke, Sidney S. Harper, and Lewis A. Gaston
Soil sampling procedures for monitoring potassium distribution in grazed pastures, B. W. Mathews, L. E. Sollenberger, P. Nkedi-Kizza, L. A. Gaston, and H. D. Hornsby
Extrinsic spatial variability of selected macronutrients in a sandy soil, P. Nkedi-Kizza, L. A. Gaston, and H. M. Selim
A simplified turfgrass height-measuring device, R. L. Parish, E. W. Bush, and D. P. Shepard
Management effects on yield and yield components of late-planted wheat, S. A. Shah, S. A. Harrison, D. J. Boquet, P. D. Colyer, and S. H. Moore
Genetic analysis of yield and its component traits in Indian mustard (Brassica juncea) x Ethiopian mustard (B.carinata) interspecific crosses, P. K. Subudhi and R. N. Raut
Variation in resistance to leaf-blight caused by Alternaria brassicae in interspecific crosses of Brassica varieties, P. K. Subudhi and R. N. Raut
Quackgrass control in established alfalfa with sethoxydim, E. K. Twidwell, K. D. Kephart, and S. A. Clay
Surface areas of sweet potatoes using shrink-wrap, M. E. Wright and D. R. LaBonte
Submissions from 1993
Oat companion crop management in alfalfa establishment, B. S. Curran, K. D. Kephart, and E. K. Twidwell
Predicting cation transport in smectitic soils, L. A. Gaston, H. M. Selim, and P. M. Walthall
Episodic whole plant growth patterns in Ligustrum, Jeff S. Kuehny and Mary C. Halbrooks
In situ remediation of EDC contaminated vadose soil: a toxicological assessment, Ralph J. Portier, Barbara S. Shane, Maud M. Walsh, and Millie B. Williams
White rust resistance and its association with parental species type and leaf waxiness in Brassica juncea L. Czern & Coss × Brassica napus L. crosses under the action of EDTA and gamma-ray, Prasanta Kumar Subudhi and Ram Narayan Raut
Submissions from 1992
Predicting removal of major soil cations and anions during acid infiltration: model evaluation, L. A. Gaston, R. S. Mansell, and H. M. Selim
Microfossils and possible microfossils from the early archean onverwacht group, Barberton mountain land, South Africa, Maud W. Walsh
Submissions from 1991
Predicting cation mobility in kaolinitic media based on exchange selectivities of kaolinite, L. A. Gaston and H. M. Selim
Nutrient dilution by starch in CO2-enriched chrysanthemum, Jeff S. Kuehny, Mary M. Peet, Paul V. Nelson, and Dan H. Willits
Computer-simulated evaluation of possible mechanisms for quenching heavy metal ion activity in plant vacuoles: I. Cadmium, Jian Wang, Bill P. Evangelou, Mark T. Nielsen, and George J. Wagner
Submissions from 1990
Predicting cation mobility in montmorillonitic media based on exchange selectivities of montmorillonite, L. A. Gaston and H. M. Selim
Transport of exchangeable cations in an aggregated clay soil, L. A. Gaston and H. M. Selim
Spatial variability of morphological properties at a Florida flatwoods site, L. Gaston, P. Nkedi-Kizza, G. Sawka, and P. S.C. Rao
Comparison of ion-selective electrode methods for determining potassium Q/I relationships, Jian Wang, R. E. Farrell, and A. D. Scott
Submissions from 1988
Submissions from 1986
Stromatolites from the 3,300-3,500-Myr Swaziland supergroup, Barberton Mountain land, South Africa, Gary R. Byerly, Donald R. Lower, and Maud M. Walsh
Influence of Storage Duration and Temperature on Sweet Potato Sugar Content and Chip Color, DAVID H. PICHA
Sugar Content of Baked Sweet Potatoes from Different Cultivars and Lengths of Storage, DAVID H. PICHA
Submissions from 1985
Crude Protein, Minerals, and Total Carotenoids in Sweet Potatoes, DAVID H. PICHA
HPLC Determination of Sugars in Raw and Baked Sweet Potatoes, DAVID H. PICHA
Organic Acid Determination in Sweet Potatoes by HPLC, David H. Picha
Filamentous microfossils from the 3,500-Myr-old Onverwacht Group, Barberton Mountain Land, South Africa, Maud M. Walsh and Donald R. Lowe