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Snacks are a staple of the American diet, contributing to approximately 20% of energy intake. Most U.S. adults consume one to three snacks/day, yet few reviews have focused on snacking among this population. This scoping review was conducted to characterize snacks and snacking occasions among U.S. adults to further inform healthy eating practices. The protocol was prepared following the PRISMA-Extension for Scoping Reviews. Three web databases were used to identify articles using snacking or eating occasions as primary or secondary outcomes among U.S. adults. A search strategy was developed using subject headings, truncation, and phrase searching in the title and abstract of articles published between 2010 and 2022. A two-stage, multi-step screening process identified 31 of 4795 publications as meeting the inclusion criteria. Findings included identification of snacking themes, e.g., cues and motivations; diet composition; and weight management. Food quality, time of consumption, and convenience emerged as characteristics of snacking; time of day was found to influence food choice. Snacks contribute to or detract from a healthy diet. Strategic selection of healthy snack options can improve diet quality. Applied to nutrition education, this information can help strengthen programs or policies, ultimately contributing to health and wellbeing.

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