
Submissions from 2020

Dark-Field Hyperspectral Imaging (DF-HSI) Modalities for Characterization of Single Molecule and Cellular Processes, Nishir Mehta, Sushant Sahu, Shahensha Shaik, Ram Devireddy, and Manas Ranjan Gartia

Multimodal Label-free Monitoring of Adipogenic Stem Cell Differentiation using Endogenous Optical Biomarkers, Nishir Mehta, Shahensha Shaik, Alisha Prasad, Ardalan Chaichi, Sushant P. Sahu, Syed Mohammad Abid Hasan, Fabrizio Donnarumma, Kermit K. Murray, Ram Devireddy, and Manas Ranjan Gartia


Development and application of interatomic potentials to study the stability and shear strength of Ti/TiN and Cu/TiN interfaces, Abu Shama Mohammad Miraz, Nisha Dhariwal, W. J. Meng, Bala R. Ramachandran, and Collin D. Wick


Improvement of Ti/TiN interfacial shear strength by doping – A first principles density functional theory study, Abu Shama Mohammad Miraz, Eboni Williams, W. J. Meng, Bala R. Ramachandran, and Collin D. Wick

A simple route to synthesize zirconia antistatic thin films on glass substrates and their application to polymer-based composites, Armaghan Naderi, Abolghasem Dolati, Abdollah Afshar, and Genevieve Palardy

Memory-based reinforcement learning of inspect/correct tasks, Hoda Nasereddin and Gerald M. Knapp

Optimal decision-making for a single-stage manufacturing system with rework options, Amir Hossein Nobil, Erfan Nobil, and Bhaba R. Sarker

Intravenous infusion of kisspeptin increased serum luteinizing hormone acutely and decreased serum follicle stimulating hormone chronically in prepubertal bull calves, Samantha L. Northup, Elizabeth A. Coffman, Lew G. Strickland, Ky G. Pohler, Jay A. Daniel, and Brian K. Whitlock

Evaluation of an indirect heating method for self-healing in shape memory fiber-reinforced polymer composite using high intensity focused ultrasound, O. Nwokonkwo, G. Li, P. Mensah, and S. Ibekwe


Investigation of deformation induced micro to macro scale surface roughness, Ayotunde Olayinka, William J. Emblom, Scott W. Wagner, Michael Khonsari, and Ali Haghshenas

Ripple mediated surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy on graphene, Alisha Prasad, Ardalan Chaichi, Amirreza Mahigir, Sushant P. Sahu, Deepak Ganta, Georgios Veronis, and Manas Ranjan Gartia

Optical Identification of Middle Ear Infection, Alisha Prasad, Syed Mohammad Abid Hasan, and Manas Ranjan Gartia

Nanomaterial-Based CO2 Sensors, Marwan Y. Rezk, Jyotsna Sharma, and Manas Ranjan Gartia

An identity derived by a 90 turn of a classical fluid-mechanics problem, Salar Saadatian and Harris Wong

Smart expandable fiber additive to prevent formation of microannuli, L. Santos, A.D. Taleghani, and G. Li

System and method for focusing color Schlieren diagnostics, Ingmar Schoegl

Non-toxic freezing media to retain the stem cell reserves in adipose tissues, Shahensha Shaik, Xiying Wu, Jeffrey M. Gimble, and Ram Devireddy

A continuum mechanics approach to the healing efficiency of extrinsic self-healing polymers, Amir Shojaei and Guoqiang Li

Magnetically Actuated Soft Capsule Endoscope for Fine-Needle Biopsy, Donghoon Son, Hunter Gilbert, and Metin Sitti

Mixed-scale fluidic system for point-of-care testing, Steven A. Soper, Michael C. Murphy, and Sunggook Park

Shape memory alloy reinforced vitrimer composite for healing wide-opened cracks, H. Suslu, J. Fan, S. Ibekwe, D. Jerro, P. Mensah, and G. Li

In-situ synthesized binder-free flocculent TiO2-x film as anode for lithium-ion batteries, Wei Tao, Minkang Wang, Bin Zhu, Weirong Huo, Ruiquan Yang, Huajing Xiong, Hui Tang, Zhaohuan Wei, and Ying Wang

State-of-the-art operation and maintenance cost minimization strategies for offshore wind farms, Md Imran Hasan Tusar and Bhaba Ranjan Sarker

A Surgical Simulator for Tympanostomy Tube Insertion Incorporating Capacitive Sensing Technology to Track Instrument Placement, Vilija J. Vaitaitis, Michael E. Dunham, Yong-Chan Kwon, Wyatt C. Mayer, Adele K. Evans, Amari J. Baker, Kyla D. Walker, Gabriel D. Cespedes, Abishek Stanley, and Michelle Opiri

Development of an additively manufactured liquid swirl combustor with ammonia addition for soot reduction, Varun Viswamithra and Shyam Menon

A 3D Printed Jet Mixer for Centrifugal Microfluidic Platforms, Yunxia Wang, Yong Zhang, Zheng Qiao, and Wanjun Wang

Mechanistic models for additive manufacturing of metallic components, H. L. Wei, T. Mukherjee, W. Zhang, J. S. Zuback, G. L. Knapp, A. De, and T. DebRoy

Ultrasonic consolidation of dry carbon fiber and polyphenylene sulfide film, S. Williams and G. Palardy

An identity derived by a 90° turn of a classical fluid-mechanics problem, Harris Wong

Feasibility of employing the restarting process to evaluate the self-starting ability for hypersonic inlets, Wenzhong Xie, Yi Jin, Yan Ge, Shuzi Yang, Cheng Zeng, and Shengmin Guo

Prediction of self-starting limit of two-dimensional supersonic inlets considering viscous effects, Wen-Zhong Xie, Wei Yang, Yi Jin, Shuzi Yang, Cheng Zeng, and Shengmin Guo

A mechanism-based four-chain constitutive model for enthalpy-driven thermoset shape memory polymers with finite deformation, C. Yan and G. Li

A phenomenological constitutive model for semicrystalline two-way shape memory polymers, C. Yan, Q. Yang, and G. Li

On enhancing surface wear resistance via rotating grains during selective laser melting, Y. Yang, X. Li, M. M. Khonsari, Y. Zhu, and H. Yang

Laser nitriding of titanium surfaces for biomedical applications, Congyuan Zeng, Hao Wen, Ali Hemmasian Ettefagh, Bin Zhang, Juan Gao, Ali Haghshenas, Jonathan R. Raush, and S.M. Guo

Mechanical, thermal, and corrosion properties of Cu-10Sn alloy prepared by laser-powder-bed-fusion additive manufacturing, Congyuan Zeng, Bin Zhang, Ali Hemmasian Ettefagh, Hao Wen, Hong Yao, W.J. Meng, and Shengmin Guo

Understanding of plasticity size-effect governed mechanical response and incomplete die filling in a microscale double-punch molding configuration, Bin Zhang, Mohammad S. Dodaran, Shuai Shao, J Choi, S Park, and W J. Meng


On the failure mechanisms of Cr-coated 316 stainless steel in bending fatigue tests, Bin Zhang, Ali Haghshenas, Xiaoman Zhang, Jikui Zhao, S. Shao, M. M. Khonsari, S. Guo, and W. J. Meng


Scaling Anomaly in the Mechanical Response in Microscale Reverse Extrusion of Copper, Bin Zhang and W. J. Meng

Carbide Formation in Refractory Mo15Nb20Re15Ta30W20 Alloy under a Combined High-Pressure and High-Temperature Condition, Congyan Zhang, Uttam Bhandari, Congyuan Zeng, Huan Ding, Shengmin Guo, Jinyuan Yan, and Shizhong Yang

Low temperature growth of Cu thin films on TiN(001) templates: Structure and energetics, Xiaoman Zhang, Shuai Shao, A. S.M. Miraz, C. D. Wick, B. R. Ramachandran, and W. J. Meng

Robust, transparent, superhydrophobic coatings using novel hydrophobic/hydrophilic dual-sized silica particles, Xiaoxiao Zhao, Daniel S. Park, Junseo Choi, Sunggook Park, Steven A. Soper, and Michael C. Murphy

Engineering the interlayer spacing of molybdenum disulfide for efficient salinity gradient energy recovery in concentration flow cells, Haihui Zhu, Jianwei Lai, Christopher G. Arges, Ying Wang, and Xiuping Zhu

Submissions from 2019

Measurement of variation of momentum accommodation coefficients with molecular mass and structure, Tathagata Acharya, Jordan Falgoust, Ingmar Schoegl, and Michael James Martin

A study of hybrid composite sandwich beam, S. Alam and G. Li

Parametric study of SLM processing parameters on in-situ residual stress, E.D. Amoako, P. Mensah, S. Akwaboa, S. Ibekwe, and G. Li

Transient FEM simulation of 316L stainless steel fabricated by selective laser melting with different processing parameters, E.D. Amoako, P. Mensah, S. Akwaboa, S. Ibekwe, and G. Li

Numerical simulation of combustion in a hybrid rocket with liquefying fuels, Adam Baran, Gurunadhan Mohana Durga Prasad, and Shyam Menon

An integrated multi-supplier-retailer supply chain with JIT delivery, Pablo Biswas and Bhaba R. Sarker

Improvement of Tribological and Biocompatibility Properties of Orthopedic Materials Using Piezoelectric Direct Discharge Plasma Surface Modification, Ardalan Chaichi, Alisha Prasad, Lijesh Kootta Parambil, Shahensha Shaik, Ali Hemmasian Ettefagh, Vinod Dasa, Shengmin Guo, Michelle L. Osborn, Ram Devireddy, Michael M. Khonsari, et al.

Scalable fabrication of sub-10 nm polymer nanopores for DNA analysis, Junseo Choi, Charles C. Lee, and Sunggook Park

The thermocapillary migration on rough surfaces, Qingwen Dai, Meng Li, M. M. Khonsari, Wei Huang, and Xiaolei Wang

Small-volume, high-throughput techniques for fuel physical property measurements, Wanjun Dang and Shyam Menon

Development of Adapted Guitar to Improve Motor Function after Stroke: Feasibility Study in Young Adults, Marcelline Dechenaud, Daniel Laidig, Thomas Seel, Hunter B. Gilbert, and Nikita A. Kuznetsov

Modeling of hybrid-electric powertrain for unmanned aerial systems, Darren Dehesa and Shyam Menon

Formation Control of Multi-Agent Systems: A Graph Rigidity Approach, Marcio S. de Queiroz


Critical operating stress of persistent slip bands in Cu, M. Dodaran, M. M. Khonsari, and S. Shao


Energetic, structural and mechanical properties of terraced interfaces, M. Dodaran, J. Wang, Y. Chen, W. J. Meng, and S. Shao

Influence of laser processing parameters on the surface characteristics of 316L stainless steel manufactured by selective laser melting, G. Dursun, S. Ibekwe, G. Li, P. Mensah, G. Joshi, and D. Jerro

Preliminary results: The design, instrumentation, and performance of FSBE tooling for aluminum tubes, William J. Emblom, Scott Wagner, Ayotunde Olayinka, Courtnei Richard, Quinn Anglada, Paige Cutright, Andrew Granger, Jonathan Matthysen, and Muhammad A. Wahab

Elevation and Azimuth Rotational Actuation of an Untethered Millirobot by MRI Gradient Coils, Onder Erin, Hunter B. Gilbert, Ahmet Fatih Tabak, and Metin Sitti

Multireusable Thermoset with Anomalous Flame-Triggered Shape Memory Effect, X. Feng, J. Fan, A. Li, and G. Li

On the assessment of variable loading in adhesive wear, Hossein Fereidouni, Saleh Akbarzadeh, and M. M. Khonsari

Validation of an extensible rod model for soft continuum manipulators, Hunter B. Gilbert and Isuru S. Godage

Coordinating a multi-echelon supply chain under production disruption and price-sensitive stochastic demand, Bibhas C. Giri and Bhaba R. Sarker


The use of entropy in modeling the mechanical degradation of grease, Alan Gurt and Michael Khonsari

Non-destructive testing and fatigue life prediction at different environmental temperatures, Ali Haghshenas and M. M. Khonsari

On the removal of extrusions and intrusions via repolishing to improve metal fatigue life, Ali Haghshenas and M. M. Khonsari

On the entropy of fatigue crack propagation, B. Hajshirmohammadi and M.M. Khonsari

Corrosion behavior of additively manufactured Ti-6Al-4V parts and the effect of post annealing, Ali Hemmasian Ettefagh, Congyuan Zeng, Shengmin Guo, and Jonathan Raush

An investigation of high-speed consolidation of carbon fiber - Epoxy composites through ultrasonic welding, David Hoskins and Genevieve Palardy

Large-scale student programs increase persistence in STEM fields in a public university setting, Laura H. Ikuma, Adrienne Steele, Summer Dann, Oluwakemi Adio, and Warren N. Waggenspack


Performance and characterization of dynamically-loaded engine bearings with provision for misalignment, J. Y. Jang and M. M. Khonsari

Liquid jet penetration and breakup in a free supersonic gas jet, H. Jones and S. Menon


Combined molecular dynamics and phase field simulation investigations of crystal-melt interfacial properties and dendritic solidification of highly undercooled titanium, Sepideh Kavousi, Brian R. Novak, Mohsen Asle Zaeem, and Dorel Moldovan

Copper-Coordinated Histidyl Bolaamphiphile Assembly as an Oxidative Catalyst: Coordination Structure and Catalytic Activity in Cyclohexane Oxidation, Changjoon Keum, Junghyun Cho, Sunggook Park, and Sang Yup Lee

A formation maneuvering controller for multiple non-holonomic robotic vehicles, Milad Khaledyan and Marcio de Queiroz

Experiments and simulations on solidification microstructure for Inconel 718 in powder bed fusion electron beam additive manufacturing, Gerald Knapp

Three-dimensional grain growth during multi-layer printing of a nickel-based alloy Inconel 718, Gerald Knapp

A hydrated NH4V3O8 nanobelt electrode for superior aqueous and quasi-solid-state zinc ion batteries, Jianwei Lai, Hui Tang, Xiuping Zhu, and Ying Wang

Interlayer-Expanded V6O13· nH2O Architecture Constructed for an Advanced Rechargeable Aqueous Zinc-Ion Battery, Jianwei Lai, Haihui Zhu, Xiuping Zhu, Harsha Koritala, and Ying Wang

4D Printing of Recyclable Lightweight Architectures Using High Recovery Stress Shape Memory Polymer, A. Li, A. Challapalli, and G. Li

An optimal procurement policy for multiple consumable accessories with different lifespan distributions, Cun Rong Li, Bhaba R. Sarker, Geng Cui, Xiao Long Chen, and Wan Li Luo

Application of thermodynamic principles in determining the degradation of tribo-components subjected to oscillating motion in boundary and mixed lubrication regimes, K. P. Lijesh and M. M. Khonsari

On the Degradation of Tribo-components in Boundary and Mixed Lubrication Regimes, K. P. Lijesh and M. M. Khonsari

On the degradation of tribo-components undergoing oscillating sliding contact, K. P. Lijesh and M. M. Khonsari

On the onset of steady state during transient adhesive wear, K. P. Lijesh and M. M. Khonsari

On the Assessment of Mechanical Degradation of Grease Using Entropy Generation Rate, K. P. Lijesh and M. M. Khonsari

A 'cross-relaxation effects' model for dynamic exchange of water in amorphous polymer with thermochemical shape memory effect, C. Liu, H. Lu, G. Li, D. Hui, and Y.-Q. Fu

Smart lost circulation materials for productive zones, A. Mansour, A. Dahi Taleghani, S. Salehi, G. Li, and C. Ezeakacha

Dark-field hyperspectral imaging of single plasmonic gold nanorods and their scattering characteristics in complex biological environments, Nishir Mehta, Sushant Sahu, Shahensha Shaik, Syed M. Hasan, Ram Devireddy, and Manas Ranjan Gartia

Non-invasive spectral analysis of osteogenic and adipogenic differentiation in adipose derived stem cells using dark-field hyperspectral imaging technique, Nishir Mehta, Shahensha Shaik, Sushant Sahu, Ram Devireddy, and Manas Ranjan Gartia

Experimentation and modeling of mechanical integrity and instability at metal/ceramic interfaces, Wen Jin Meng and Shuai Shao

Characterization of spray structures formed during water injection into a free supersonic air jet, Shyam Menon, Hansen Jones, James Leung, and Wei Zhao

Computational study of metal/ceramic interfacial adhesion and barriers to shear displacement, Abu Shama Mohammad Miraz, Shoutian Sun, Shuai Shao, Wen J. Meng, Bala Ramu Ramachandran, and Collin D. Wick

Hybrid robotic reinforcement learning for inspection/correction tasks, Hoda Nasereddin and Gerald M. Knapp

Effects of medication adherence on healthcare services use among asthma patients, A. Nittala, I. Nahmens, L. Ikuma, and D. Thomas

Acute and subacute effects of a synthetic kisspeptin analog, C6, on serum concentrations of luteinizing hormone, follicle stimulating hormone, and testosterone in prepubertal bull calves, P A. Parker, E A. Coffman, K G. Pohler, J A. Daniel, V Aucagne, M Beltramo, and B K. Whitlock

Ethanol pyrolysis kinetics using H2O time history measurements behind reflected shock waves, Laura T. Pinzón, Olivier Mathieu, Clayton R. Mulvihill, Ingmar Schoegl, and Eric L. Petersen

Ignition delay time and H2O measurements during methanol oxidation behind reflected shock waves, L.T. Pinzón, O. Mathieu, C.R. Mulvihill, I. Schoegl, and E.L. Petersen