About This Journal | Library Diversity and Residency Studies | Journals | Louisiana State University

About This Journal

Library Diversity and Residency Studies (LDRS) is an open access, peer-reviewed journal founded and published by a team of librarians and LIS faculty members. LDRS publishes articles that are engaged in the social justice project of increasing diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in the library profession and in LIS curricula. LDRS is committed to providing a platform for the publication of work that might otherwise be marginalized from dominant discourses. We welcome work from established authors in the field, and also encourage submissions from new authors. We will prioritize submissions from marginalized voices, including submissions that represent diverse perspectives. We are committed to working with authors during the submission and review process. We publish high-quality, peer-reviewed articles in a range of formats, with a focus on DEI issues and residency programs. We expect proposals to include unique and substantial new content from the author and are open to suggestions for new article types and formats. Examples of material we would publish include:

  • articles about particular DEI programs in libraries, with an objective assessment of strengths and weaknesses, the specific impacts of these programs, and strategies by which these programs could be replicated elsewhere;
  • rigorous and original research that includes discussion of implications and an argument for action that makes a unique, significant contribution to the professional literature;
  • articles arguing for a particular approach, strategy or development in librarianship, with practical examples of how it might be achieved; transformative works with additional explanatory or interpretive content. For example, a transcription of an interview or panel discussion, with a substantial introduction explaining the importance of the subject to librarianship and a discussion; and
  • best practices to aid in the retention of librarians from marginalized populations.
LDRS is an open access publication. We believe making works that engage with DEI topics freely accessible will support a greater exchange of knowledge and provide the best possibility for change. There are no Article Processing Charges or any other charges associated with publishing in LDRS. Works are released under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 (CC BY-NC) license, which provides unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Copyright remains with the authors of articles published in LDRS, with the journal retaining a permanent right to display articles in final accepted form. For further details, refer to the LDRS author agreement (link coming soon).