Submissions from 2014
Effect of a Sport Education Program on Motivation for Physical Education and Leisure-Time Physical Activity, Tristan L. Wallhead, Alex C. Garn, and Carla Vidoni
University intramural sport administrators' perceptions of gender modifications in intramural coed flag football, Zach C. Wood and Alex C. Garn
Submissions from 2013
Spillover of fatty acids during dietary fat storage in type 2 diabetes: Relationship to body fat depots and effects of weight loss, J.P. Almandoz, E. Singh, L.A. Howell, K. Grothe, D.T. Vlazny, A. Smailovic, B.A. Irving, R.H. Nelson, and J.M. Miles
An investigation of adolescent girls' global self-concept, physical self-concept, identified regulation, and leisure-time physical activity in physical education, E.K. Beasley and A.C. Garn
Underserved Adolescent Girls’ Physical Activity Intentions and Behaviors: Relationships with the Motivational Climate and Perceived Competence in Physical Education, Alex C. Garn, Nate McCaughtry, Bo Shen, Jeffrey Martin, and Mariane Fahlman
How the development of handedness could contribute to the development of language., Emily Marcinowski
Multiple trajectories in the developmental psychobiology of human handedness., Emily Marcinowski
Testing Factorial Invariance of the Amotivation Inventory-Physical Education Across Gender for Urban Adolescents, Bo Shen, Alex Garn, Nate McCaughtry, Jeffrey Martin, and Mariane Fahlman
Game play participation of amotivated students during sport education, T. Wallhead, A.C. Garn, C. Vidoni, and C. Youngberg
Sport Education and social goals in physical education: relationships with enjoyment, relatedness, and leisure-time physical activity, Tristan L. Wallhead, Alex C. Garn, and Carla Vidoni
Submissions from 2012
What are the benefits of a commercial exergaming platform for college students? Examining physical activity, enjoyment, and future intentions., Garn AC, Baker BL, Beasley EK, and Solmon MA
Function-based discovery of significant transcriptional temporal patterns in insulin stimulated muscle cells, B. Di Camillo, B.A. Irving, J. Schimke, T. Sanavia, G. Toffolo, C. Cobelli, and K.S. Nair
Assessing the Eating Behaviors of Low-income, Urban Adolescents, Mariane Fahlman, Nate McCaughtry, Jeffrey Martin, Alex C. Garn, and Bo Shen
Assessing the eating behaviors of low-income, urban adolescents, M. Fahlman, N. McCaughtry, J. Martin, A.C. Garn, and B. Shen
What are the benefits of a commercial exergaming platform for college students? Examining physical activity, enjoyment, and future intentions, A.C. Garn, B.L. Baker, E.K. Beasley, and M.A. Solmon
Parents' role in the academic motivation of students with gifts and talents, Alex C. Garn, Michael S. Matthews, and Jennifer L. Jolly
A Basic Needs Theory investigation of adolescents' physical self-concept and global self-esteem, Alex C. Garn, Nathan McCaughtry, Jeffrey Martin, Bo Shen, and Mariane Fahlman
Age effect on myocellular remodeling: Response to exercise and nutrition in humans, B.A. Irving, M.M. Robinson, and K.S. Nair
Effect of insulin sensitizer therapy on atherothrombotic and inflammatory profiles associated with insulin resistance, R.G. McCoy, B.A. Irving, M. Soop, M. Srinivasan, L. Tatpati, L. Chow, A.J. Weymiller, R.E. Carter, and K.S. Nair
A PGC-1α isoform induced by resistance training regulates skeletal muscle hypertrophy, J.L. Ruas, J.P. White, R.R. Rao, S. Kleiner, K.T. Brannan, B.C. Harrison, N.P. Greene, J. Wu, J.L. Estall, B.A. Irving, et al.
Urban high-school girls' sense of relatedness and their engagement in physical education, B. Shen, N. McCaughtry, J.J. Martin, M. Fahlman, and A.C. Garn
Effects of type 2 diabetes and insulin on whole-body, splanchnic, and leg protein metabolism, K.R. Short, B.A. Irving, A. Basu, C.M. Johnson, K.S. Nair, and R. Basu
Submissions from 2011
Differences emerge in visceral adipose tissue accumulation after selection for innate cardiovascular fitness, D.W. Brock, B.A. Irving, B. Gower, and G.R. Hunter
Student engagement in high school physical education: Do social motivation orientations matter?, A.C. Garn, D.R. Ware, and M.A. Solmon
A qualitative analysis of individual interest in middle school physical education: perspectives of early-adolescents, Alex C. Garn, Donetta J. Cothran, and Jayne M. Jenkins
Social goals in urban physical education: Relationships with effort and disruptive behavior, C.A. Garn, N. McCaughtry, B. Shen, J.J. Martin, and M. Fahlman
Effects of insulin sensitivity, body composition, and fitness on lipoprotein particle sizes and concentrations determined by nuclear magnetic resonance, B.A. Irving, K.S. Nair, and M. Srinivasan
Nine days of intensive exercise training improves mitochondrial function but not insulin action in adult offspring of mothers with type 2 diabetes, B.A. Irving, K.R. Short, K.S. Nair, and C.S. Stump
Nine days of intensive exercise training improves mitochondrial function but not insulin action in adult offspring of mothers with type 2 diabetes (Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism (2011) 96, (E1137-E1141)), B.A. Irving, K.R. Short, K.S. Nair, and C.S. Stump
Resiliency, Control, Enjoyment and Physical Activity in African American High School Students, Jeffrey Martin, Nate McCaughtry, Bo Shen, Mariane Fahlman, Alex Garn, and Matt Ferry
Can dietary nitrates enhance the efficiency of mitochondria?, K.S. Nair, B.A. Irving, and I.R. Lanza
Unique cellular and mitochondrial defects mediate FK506-induced islet β-cell dysfunction, N. Rostambeigi, I.R. Lanza, P.P. Dzeja, M.C. Deeds, B.A. Irving, H.V. Reddi, P. Madde, S. Zhang, Y.W. Asmann, J.M. Anderson, et al.
Submissions from 2010
Classroom teachers and physical activity integration, Donetta J. Cothran, Pamela Hodges Kulinna, and Alex C. Garn
Parental Influences on the Academic Motivation of Gifted Students: A Self-Determination Theory Perspective, A.C. Garn, M.S. Matthews, and J.L. Jolly
Age, obesity, and sex effects on insulin sensitivity and skeletal muscle mitochondrial function, H. Karakelides, B.A. Irving, K.R. Short, P. O'Brien, and K. Sreekumaran Nair
Limited predictive ability of surrogate indices of insulin sensitivity/resistance in Asian-Indian men, R. Muniyappa, B.A. Irving, U.S. Unni, W.M. Briggs, K.S. Nair, M.J. Quon, and A.V. Kurpad
Walking and running economy: Inverse association with peak oxygen uptake, B.J. Sawyer, J.R. Blessinger, B.A. Irving, A. Weltman, J.T. Patrie, and G.A. Gaesser
Effects on lipoprotein particles of long-term dehydroepiandrosterone in elderly men and women and testosterone in elderly men, M. Srinivasan, B.A. Irving, R.L. Frye, P. O'Brien, S.J. Hartman, J.P. McConnell, and K.S. Nair
The effect of branched chain amino acids on skeletal muscle mitochondrial function in young and elderly adults, L.L. Tatpati, B.A. Irving, A. Tom, M.L. Bigelow, K. Klaus, K.R. Short, and K.S. Nair
Submissions from 2009
Effect of testosterone on insulin stimulated IRS1 ser phosphorylation in primary rat myotubes - A potential model for PCOS-related insulin resistance, M.C. Allemand, B.A. Irving, Y.W. Asmann, K.A. Klaus, L. Tatpati, C.C. Coddington, and S. Nair
Reliability of the VmaxST portable metabolic measurement system, J. Blessinger, B. Sawyer, C. Davis, B.A. Irving, A. Weltman, and G. Gaesser
E-Mentoring in Physical Education, Donetta Cothran, Nate McCaughtry, Roberta Faust, Alex Garn, Pamela Hodges Kulinna, and Jeffrey Martin
E-Mentoring in Physical Education: Promises and Pitfalls, Donetta Cothran, Nate McCaughtry, Roberta Faust, Alex Garn, Pamela Hodges Kulinna, and Jeffrey Martin
Approach-avoidance motivational profiles in early adolescents to the PACER fitness test, A. Garn and H. Sun
Potential application of essential amino acid supplementation to treat sarcopenia in elderly people, G.C. Henderson, B.A. Irving, and K.S. Nair
Effects of exercise training intensity on nocturnal growth hormone secretion in obese adults with the metabolic syndrome, B.A. Irving, J.Y. Weltman, J.T. Patrie, C.K. Davis, D.W. Brock, D. Swift, E.J. Barrett, G.A. Gaesser, and A. Weltman
Differential effects of insulin deprivation and systemic insulin treatment on plasma protein synthesis in type 1 diabetic people, A. Jaleel, K.A. Klaus, D.M. Morse, H. Karakelides, L.E. Ward, B.A. Irving, and K.S. Nair
Erratum: Asian Indians have enhanced skeletal muscle mitochondrial capacity to product ATP in association with severe insulin resistance (Diabetes (2008) 57 (1166-1175)), K.S. Nair, M.L. Bigelow, Y.W. Asmann, L.S. Chow, J.M. Coenen-Schimke, K.A. Klaus, Z.-K. Guo, R. Sreekumar, and B.A. Irving
Effect of dehydroepiandrosterone replacement on lipoprotein profile in hypoadrenal women, M. Srinivasan, B.A. Irving, K. Dhatariya, K.A. Klaus, S.J. Hartman, J.P. McConnell, and K.S. Nair
Submissions from 2008
Teachers' preferences on the qualities and roles of a mentor teacher, D. Cothran, N. McCaughtry, S. Smigell, A. Garn, P. Kulinna, J.J. Martin, and R. Faust
Lack of dehydroepiandrosterone effect on a combined endurance and resistance exercise program in postmenopausal women, A. Igwebuike, B.A. Irving, M.L. Bigelow, K.R. Short, J.P. McConnell, and K.S. Nair
Effect of exercise training intensity on abdominal visceral fat and body composition, B.A. Irving, C.K. Davis, D.W. Brock, J.Y. Weltman, D. Swift, E.J. Barrett, G.A. Gaesser, and A. Weltman
Asian indians have enhanced skeletal muscle mitochondrial capacity to produce ATP in association with severe insulin resistance, K.S. Nair, M.L. Bigelow, Y.W. Asmann, L.S. Chow, J.M. Coenen-Schimke, K.A. Klaus, Z.-K. Guo, R. Sreekumar, and B.A. Irving
Submissions from 2007
The metabolic syndrome, hypertriglyceridemic waist, and cardiometabolic risk factor profile in obese women., Irving BA, Davis CK, Brock DW, Weltman JY, Swift D, Barrett EJ, Gaesser GA, and Weltman A
Heart rate recovery does not predict endothelial function in obese women., Swift DL, Irving BA, Brock DW, Davis CK, Barrett EJ, Gaesser GA, and Weltman A
Aging and diabetes: Mitochondrial dysfunction, B.A. Irving and K. Sreekumaran Nair
NIH ImageJ and Slice-O-Matic computed tomography imaging software to quantify soft tissue, B.A. Irving, J.Y. Weltman, D.W. Brock, C.K. Davis, G.A. Gaesser, and A. Weltman
The metabolic syndrome, hypertriglyceridemic waist, and cardiometabolic risk factor profile in obese women, Brian A. Irving, Christopher K. Davis, David W. Brock, Judy Y. Weltman, Damon Swift, Eugene J. Barrett, Glenn A. Gaesser, and Arthur Weltman
Motor Learning and Control: Concepts and Applications, Richard A. Magill
Heart rate recovery does not predict endothelial function in obese women, Damon L. Swift, Brian A. Irving, David W. Brock, Christopher K. Davis, Eugene J. Barrett, Glenna A. Gaesser, and Arthur Weltman
Submissions from 2006
A high-carbohydrate, high-fiber meal improves endothelial function in adults with the metabolic syndrome, D.W. Brock, C.K. Davis, B.A. Irving, J. Rodriguez, E.J. Barrett, A. Weltman, A.G. Taylor, and G.A. Gaesser
The fun factor in physical education, A.C. Garn and D.J. Cothran
The Fun Factor in Physical Education, Alex C. Garn and Donetta J. Cothran
Comparison of Borg- and OMNI-RPE as markers of the blood lactate response to exercise, B.A. Irving, J. Rutkowski, D.W. Brock, C.K. Davis, E.J. Barrett, G.A. Gaesser, and A. Weltman
Submissions from 2005
Preservice Teacher Observations in Peer Coaching, Jayne M. Jenkins, Alex Garn, and Patience Jenkins
Preservice teacher observations in peer coaching, J.M. Jenkins, A. Garn, and P. Jenkins
Submissions from 2004
The effects of time following acute growth hormone administration on metabolic and power output measures during acute exercise, B.A. Irving, J.T. Patrie, S.M. Anderson, D.D. Watson-Winfield, K.I. Frick, W.S. Evans, J.D. Veldhuis, and A. Weltman